7 Little Johnstons Recap 05/28/24: Season 14 Episode 12 “The Measure of a Life”

7 Little Johnstons Recap 05/28/24: Season 14 Episode 12 "The Measure of a Life"7 Little Johnstons Recap 05/28/24: Season 14 Episode 12 "The Measure of a Life"

Tonight on TLC America’s largest known little family, 7 Little Johnstons returns with an all-new Tuesday, May 28, 2024, episode and we have your 7 Little Johnstons recap below. On tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Season 14 Episode 12 “The Measure of a Life,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“The family hosts over 100 people at their house for Poppy’s 90th birthday, where Liz and Brice share their exciting news. Then, Liz and Brice go for an ultrasound to find out if the baby will be a little person or average sized.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our 7 Little Johnstons recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons episode, the biggest littlest family was back. The family was busy with all the celebrations. This was Alex and Emma’s senior year. Amber did a small thing for their first day of school.

She wanted them to know she was excited for them. She knows that Liz has been getting a lot of attention with her pregnancy, but she didn’t want the other kids to feel left out. Amber decorated the house.

She made a card. She ordered a special t-shirt to wear. They also attached the balloons back to the kids’ car. Both Alex and Emma were truly academically gifted. Their first day back was really just one class and that will be over in an hour.

Trent couldn’t enjoy skinny dipping just yet. He has to wait on that until they were true empty nesters Which won’t be long. Amber and Trent were wondering what to do with that hour when Liz called them. Liz’s dog was sick. He might have eaten mushrooms or a brown toad. They didn’t know.

They just knew that Miller their dog was acting strangely. He seemed to be in pain and so they took him to the vet. Miller couldn’t be treated right away. He had to be slowly treated in case whatever in his system reacted negatively to the medication to treat him.

Miller wasn’t just any dog. He was Liz’s first child. She loved the dog like a first child. She was also heavily pregnant and so her worrying over Miller wasn’t helping her condition. Liz called Brice. He left work to be with her. They were at Miller’s side in case they had to make a decision about him.

No one wanted to watch a dog suffer if they didn’t have to. They might be advised to put him down. Liz and Brice were spending what little time they had left with Miller while her family tried to soldier on.

They were throwing a ninetieth birthday party for Poppy. Poppy doesn’t even know he was going to be a great-granddaddy and so they were going to use the party to break the news.

Amber’s other children came to the house. They helped decorate it for the birthday party. Trent had to leave for a minute because Jonah’s credit card wasn’t working. He has money in his account. His credit card was just saying it’s been closed because of fraud and so Trent couldn’t get gas. And he didn’t have enough to drive home.

Jonah kinda ignored the part when his car flashed him to fill up on gas. Meaning he ran out when there wasn’t enough to even return to his parents’ place. Trent coming to rescue him was classic Jonah.

He luckily returned to the house to help decorate the place. Liz couldn’t make it because they did have to put Miller down. Liz and Brice buried their dog a day before the birthday party. It was hard to be cheerful only they didn’t want to take away from Poppy’s birthday. It was hard for someone with that kind of dwarfism to live long enough to turn ninety. And it deserved celebration.

Poor Poppy. He was practically deaf. He needed a wheelchair. He relied on his wife for help and it took her forever to realize Liz’s gift was telling them they were about to be great grandparents.

They had it on a coffee mug. Nana read it. She simply couldn’t comprehend it. She might be at that age where she already thought she was a great-grandparent. Liz had to explain that her baby would be the first great-grandchild. She tried to explain to Poppy as well and he took the mug that said great-parents and he asked who’s pouring the coffee?

Funny grandparents aside, there was a huge turnout for Poppy’s birthday. All of his neighbors came to the party. His family from all around the country came for the party.

It was a great event for the family and even Trent was moved to tears by the overwhelming support for his parents. The whole thing also helped Liz pick out a name for her baby. She’s been talking about it with Brice. They wanted to honor their families with a family name. They came up with Leighton Drew. It resonates with Amber because Leighton was her family name.

Now that they have a name picked out, they just have to find out the size of the baby. Liz doesn’t know if she’s having a little person or an average size baby. Amber was rooting for little person. She was rooting so hard that Brice asked Liz if she’ll be disappointed if the baby was average.

Amber said she wouldn’t be disappointed. She just wouldn’t know how to raise one. None of her children are average size. She wouldn’t know how to childproof an average size baby. Amber and Trent help set up Leighton nursery. They did the best they could. They tried to include stuff for both average and little person size.

They made jokes about who would be the first to curse around the baby. Money was on the future grandparents.

And in the end, Liz found out she was having an average size baby.


Kristine Francis:
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