7 Little Johnstons Recap 06/25/24: Season 14 Episode 16 “Birthday Maneuvers”

7 Little Johnstons Recap 06/25/24: Season 14 Episode 16 "Birthday Maneuvers"

Tonight on TLC America’s largest known little family, 7 Little Johnstons returns with an all-new Tuesday, June 25, 2024, episode and we have your 7 Little Johnstons recap below. On tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Season 14 Episode 16 “Birthday Maneuvers,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“With Liz’s c-section date just around the corner, the family does a trial run in case she goes into labor beforehand. The youngest Johnston turns 18, and Alex has an epic birthday party. Liz and Brice put finishing touches on the nursery as they prepare to become parents.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our 7 Little Johnstons recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons episode, Trent and Amber had an emergency family meeting. They held the meeting because they wanted to start planning for when the baby comes. Liz’s c-section was scheduled in two weeks. Brice and Jonah were put in charge of warming the cars. Anna was put in charge of wrangling the dog.

Emma was put in charge of turning off all the lights. Alex was supposed to help his dad with moving all the luggage Liz was going to bring with her. Well, that plan went to hell on their first test run. Jonah overslept. Brice forgot his keys first time. He forgot his wallet the second time. He was constantly running back and forth. And even Anna had to go back because she didn’t put on shoes.

The second test run went much better. They all remembered what they were supposed to do. If Liz’s waters broke ahead of schedule, they knew what to do.

They were also glad that the baby didn’t come before Alex’s birthday. He was turning eighteen. He wanted to celebrate with a Top Gun party. The house was decorated in red, white, and blue. They were known as call signs. Emma went as Dumpling. Anna went as Passion. She said passion weird one time and now she’s reclaimed the word for herself. It was even on her website.

They played Celebrity Name game. They had to guest the famous person that was written on paper and taped to their heads. They couldn’t come out with the name. They had to give clues. Anna was very obvious with her clue when she said he slapped someone at the Oscar’s. The guy quickly guessed he was Will Smith.

Only it was still a fun game. The whole family also got to talk about Alex. They all said great things about him. They showed off family videos of him. Like when he got a mohawk. And when made things official with Allie.

Alex also got to celebrate his birthday with a shopping trip. He went out to the store. He bought lottery tickets. He bought energy drinks. He was enjoying turning eighteen.

He was partying with his friends while Liz was back at the house trying to do last minute errands to get ready for the baby. They set up a nursery. They incorporated some of Brice’s things in the nursery. Just so Leighton could be closer to her dad. They put up a stuffed moose head so that she would want to go hunting with her dad one day.

Liz has been encouraging Bryce to try being a bad cop for once. She was stuck in that role because he refused to be anything other than good cop. He did that with their dogs and Liz didn’t want that to happen with the baby. As for Alex, he spent what little time he has with his girlfriend.

They went to a trampoline park. They’ve been to one before and that’s how they met. Alex then came up with the idea of doing it again on their dates to show he cares. He cares about their history. He cares about Allie.

Alex was missing out on the renovation back at the house. Trent was a very handy guy. He did most of their renovations and he needed help this time because he’s been suffering from vertigo.

He couldn’t go up a ladder without a spotter. His spotter this time was Emma. Emma was used to being pranked and so she didn’t fall for the latest prank by her dad. Emma was still pushing for a pink room. As long as she gets that, she doesn’t mind the pranks. She really wanted that hot pink wall in her room.

Alex meanwhile came up with something else for Allie. Allie was leaving. She was going back home and so Alex wanted to send her off with fireworks. He felt that was the best Top Gun send off.

Alex was also terrified of fireworks. He doesn’t react well to the noise. He usually shuts himself in the house whenever they go off. So, he was ignoring his own well-being to be a great boyfriend. The fireworks were great fun. There was another thing that Alex can buy as an eighteen year old. And he considered his birthday a huge success because he got to spend it with Allie.