9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 09/30/24: Season 5 Episode 2 “Trainwrecks”

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, September 30, 2024, season 5 episode 2, “Both Sides, Now” and we have your 9-1-1 recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1: Lone Star season 5 episode 2 as per the FOX synopsis, “The 126 race into action when a major train derailment causes multiple injuries.

Meanwhile Tommy makes a bold move in her relationship with Trevor; Wyatt asks Owen to give Judd his job back as Marjan and Paul continue to compete for the open position.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1: Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1: Lone Star episode, the young make mistakes. It’s a part of growing up. They make mistakes and they learn a valuable lesson from there, but Damon’s mistake was kinda big. His car crapped out on him. He really needed to get to the hospital. His older brother Remy had a scheduled transplant that day.

Damon wanted to be there when his brother woke up and so that’s when he came up with this bright idea. He saw a nearby train. He decided to hop on it because he believed it would be faster than getting an uber. It would also be cheaper. Damon was a college bound kid. He didn’t have money left over for luxuries. He also didn’t know getting on that train would be the worst decision of his life.

Damon was riding the train when there was a derailment. The train came off the tracks. There was a huge explosion. He was surrounded by flammable liquid getting transported.

There’s no telling what happened to Damon during the derailment. There were so many victims. The train was also carrying toxic material. There was one woman that got badly burnt. She managed to crawl to a nearby school where she scared the life out of a little boy. The derailment was more than the 126 could handle. There were plenty of firefighters from all over the city that responded to the accident.

Prior to the derailment, it seemed like a normal day. Wyatt stopped by the firehouse. He wanted Owen to know that his dad wants his old job back and Owen was honest with the kid. He said he couldn’t give Judd back his job. Judd retired. He was gone for over a year. He was already drawing from his pension.

He couldn’t just walk back in like nothing happened. Owen would have had to pull major strings to get Judd back on AFD. It also wouldn’t be fair for the people that were competing to fill Judd’s old spot.

Both Marjan and Paul wanted to be the lieutenant. They’ve been one upping each other for months. Owen’s deadline for naming someone had come up. He ran through scenarios with Matteo.

He wanted to pass over whoever would be the easiest to let down. Which was a little cold-blooded. Matteo said as much. He didn’t have a problem with it or anything. Matteo simply said it was very Thanos of him. Matteo gave Owen the idea to use the lieutenant’s test to pick his new lieutenant. And unfortunately both Marjan and Paul got the same exact score.

It was a first in AFD history. Their tie was the highest test score in Austin history. It also placed the ball back in Owen’s court and he hated that. He didn’t want to pick between two great people. Owen’s day went bad long before the derailment. The same goes for Tommy. Tommy wanted to marry Trevor.

They’ve been together for a while. They love each other. They love each other’s kids. It was all great when Tommy asked Trevor to marry her and he said yes. The downside was that it came with conditions. Trevor has to get his ex-wife’s approval before he can get remarried.

It was one of their conditions for their divorce. They divorced amicably. Trevor was allowed to move to Austin with their daughter, Melody. He now co-parents with his ex long-distance. Neither of them mind that. His ex’s name is Cassandra. Cassandra just had the one rule. She has to meet as well as approve of a woman before giving her permission for Trevor to marry her.

Tommy herself wasn’t divorced. She was widowed. She thought Cassandra’s conditions was odd if not acceptable until it came to her kids. Cassandra didn’t just want to judge Tommy. She also wanted to interrogate Tommy’s children.

It was a step too far for Tommy. It was one thing if it was only her that had to meet this woman. She wasn’t going to leave her children open for an inquisition. It went against her maternal instincts.

If Tommy had to choose between her daughters and Trevor, she would pick her kids. She would always pick her kids. She wasn’t going to drag them to meet a perfect stranger and now she has to ask herself if the relationship with Trevor can still work if they don’t get married? Its not like she can take back a proposal. She asked him. He said yes. It should’ve ended there and it didn’t.

Also, Judd came to see that he wanted his old job back. He was going to let his pride stop him from going to Owen. He was also set about pursuing trucking when his new boss told him he would be perfect for long distances. Judd didn’t want to take that job at first. His wife was a world away on missionary work.

He was raising their daughter Charlie by himself until his wife gets back. He didn’t want to leave his daughter for long stretches of time. He even called Wyatt to talk through his plan about contacting Owen and so that’s when Wyatt said that the old job was gone. There was no getting it back because Wyatt already tried to do that.

Judd had no other choice. He had to make his peace with no longer being a firefighter. He decided to take the trucking job when the derailment happened.

It happened because the engineer onboard choked on a sandwich. He didn’t even get hurt during the crash. He was still choking on the sandwich and the paramedics saved his life. When he back to being coherent, they got the manifest for the freighter train from him. They also cleared the area of civilians. Or at least they tried to do that.

Owen told a news reporter to leave the scene. She was with a cameraman. They were little too close to the fire. Owen told them it was too dangerous for them to be that close. He sent them away. The reporter pretended to listen. Only she waited until he was gone before heading straight back to the inferno.

She didn’t want to miss the biggest disaster of the year – her words. She also wanted great shots of the firefighters rescuing people. Matteo had to crawl through a small space to save a man that was trapped in his car.

Matteo had to perform surgery in the field to save the man’s life. He did so. He got Franklin out of there and he even returned the unicorn that Franklin’s daughter gave to him for good luck.

The reporter caught that moment on camera. The news camera was also there when everything went wrong. The water supply got cut off and so the propane tank exploded.

There were a lot of people near the scene when it exploded and there’s no telling if they survived.

And no one knew about Damon.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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