9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 11/04/24: Season 5 Episode 6 “Naked Truth”

9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 11/04/24: Season 5 Episode 6 "Naked Truth"9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 11/04/24: Season 5 Episode 6 "Naked Truth"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, November 4, 2024, season 5 episode 6, “Naked Truth” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 5 episode 6 as per the FOX synopsis, “The 126 race to save a man crushed under a vending machine. While struggling to handle his aggressive foster horse, Owen finally faces the truth of his brother’s death.

As Mateo and Nancy scramble to delete a nude photo of her accidentally sent to the 126, Tommy is concerned that Nancy may be facing a possible health scare.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star episode, Owen took his new horse to a special ranch. The ranch was operated by Marlene. She was Wyatt’s mother and technically Judd’s ex. They weren’t in a relationship or anything, but she was the mother of his firstborn. She was always going to remain a part of Judd’s life.

Judd knows her well enough now. He brought the troublesome horse to her because Owen couldn’t even give the horse away. There wasn’t a single soul that wanted it. The horse was high maintenance on top of being completely dangerous. Owen ignored all of that because he needed a distraction after his brother died and the horse provided him one.

The poor horse lost its owner. Thunder’s true owner and one friend died of a heart attack. Now Thunder was afraid to love again. He was afraid of Owen.

Owen didn’t know how to build trust with Thunder, but he wanted to learn. His eagerness will have to be enough for now. Owen was back at the firehouse when Nancy sent the wrong picture to the rest of the house. It happened because Mateo and Paul were competing to see who made the best dish at the house. They had to send their sexiest photo. Nancy accidentally sent a photo of her breasts.

The photo happened on Owen’s kitchen island. Which made the infraction even worse. They had to run around the firehouse deleting the photo from everyone’s phone. They tried to gain access to Owen’s phone when he figured out it was sex stuff. He happily let them delete the photo.

The one person they didn’t get to in time was Tommy and she asked to speak to Nancy alone. Nancy was worried about an HR investigation. Tommy quickly put her at ease. She also said she wanted to speak alone because there was something spotted in the photo.

Tommy saw a lump in Nancy’s breast. She recommended a mammogram. Nancy checked herself in the bathroom and she found the lump. It scared the life out of her. Most of the women in her family have died because of breast cancer. They got it in their fifties. She was thirty-five. She thought she had time.

She now how to see a doctor about the lump and Tommy gave her the time off to see as many specialists as she needed. Nancy sought comfort from Mateo only he wasn’t good at that. He was upset she never told him her mom died from cancer.

Mateo was also upset she didn’t take any preventive measures. He was addicted to saying all the wrong things. Nancy couldn’t handle him right now. She asked for time alone. Mateo stayed at work. He was with the rest of the house when they saw Owen sleepwalking. Owen tossed trash on the floor.

He also tried to smother Mateo and that was the most concerning. They woke him up just so he wouldn’t accidentally kill Mateo. It was a freak thing, but Mateo came to feel like he deserved what happened because of all the ways he disappointed Nancy when she needed him.

Marjan tried to give him some advice. He wasn’t ready to hear it. He ignored her to find someone willing to agree with him and meanwhile it was Tommy that went with Nancy to her appointment. Tommy scheduled her own mammogram at the same clinic on the same day as Nancy’s.

She knew if she just showed up that Nancy would try to be brave and say she could do it on her own. So, Tommy made sure to take away her excuses. Mateo could have done that as well if he thought about it. He didn’t. Tommy did.

Tommy heard from Nancy about her mom. Nancy was a late in life baby. Her mother used to call her “oopsie”. She was seven when her mom started to feel sick and her mom died two months later. It was the longest two months in Nancy’s whole life. She had to watch her mother suffer. She was scared of going through the same.

Back at the firehouse, Owen reported what happened to HR. TK also asked his dad about what he heard. He heard his dad say “he promised” when he tried to suffocate Mateo. TK wanted to know what that meant. He knows that his dad sleepwalks during moments of great stress. The last time he did it was when TK relapsed for the second time in New York.

TK asked his father why he was sleepwalking this time. Owen couldn’t tell him. Owen couldn’t tell his son that he assisted his brother in committing suicide. Euthanasia was illegal in the United States. Owen didn’t want to put his son in a position where he had to lie for him. Or keep secrets from his husband the Texas Ranger.

Owen instead went to the ranch and he told Thunder his biggest secret. The ranch was empty that day. Marlene was running errands. Her second in command had to make a delivery. It was just Owen and Thunder there. And Thunder was in a foul mood from before Owen showed up.

Thunder calmed down the longer Owen was talking. Then things got weird. Owen began imagining that Thunder could talk. He sounded just like his late brother, Robert. Owen even thought the dog could talk. Something was wrong. He didn’t realize until he passed out. Marlene later found Owen on the floor.

She thought the horse had kicked him and Owen instead realized there was a gas leak in the barn. Marlene’s barn had caught on fire because of the gas leak. Owen went running in to save lives and horses. And Marlene went to the other side to shut off the gas.

Owen had cleared the whole building except for Thunder. The horse was still scared and Owen fighting for him helped him to become brave. Owen eventually rode Thunder out of there. There were no causalities of the fire. Owen found the one person he can be honest to. And he had his whole team come out to the ranch to rebuild the barn.

Nancy later went to Mateo’s. She wanted him to hold her hand until she got her results. She heard back from the doctor and she was cancer free. Her lump was benign. Nancy shared her story with Tommy. Tommy then had to share her news. Something popped up on her own mammogram. It’s cancerous.


Kristine Francis:
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