9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 11/18/24: Season 5 Episode 8 “The Quiet Ones”

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, November 18, 2024, season 5 episode 8, “The Quiet Ones” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 5 episode 8 as per the FOX synopsis, “A gang killing leads Carlos to new information on his father’s murder. TK contemplates a major life decision as Owen is determined to get Austin’s first responders’ health care coverages increased.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star episode, Enzo got arrested last week. He was looking at serious time for serious crimes. It was mostly white-collar offences. He merely defrauded a few people. He didn’t really hurt them. He just plays a little dirty. Now, Enzo has to face repercussions for what he did. He had to say goodbye to his family.

Enzo was a great stepdad. He was an even better father. He was a strong influence on TK’s life when he was growing up and so TK knows what his little brother is going to miss once Enzo goes to prison. TK took Jonah on a visit to see Enzo. The adults kept everything light and fun. And when Jonah was playing the toys in the rooms, Enzo asked TK for a favor.

Enzo wanted TK to drain one specific bitcoin account. There was enough money in there to cover for an elite boarding school in Switzerland. Jonah would be set for life. He just wouldn’t be around to visit his father. His only other family lives in Austin, Texas. Enzo assured TK that the nanny will be going with Jonah.

She would be in the nearby area to check up on him. Only TK didn’t like the plan. He didn’t want his brother raised by nannies and going off to boarding school while he’s still just a kid. It seemed cold to TK.

TK wanted more for his little brother. He was considering asking for custody. He felt Jonah should grow up with family. He could go to local schools in Austin. He would be surrounded by love.

His brother could also take him to visit Enzo in prison whenever the kid misses him. TK was selling himself on the idea and he hadn’t noticed any downsides until he spoke to his husband. Carlos doesn’t think they should adopt a toddler. They were constantly at work. Carlos wasn’t in the right mind frame to adopt a child.

Carlos first wants to capture his father’s killer. Its why he’s working all hours of the day. Plus, he and TK were working out their marital issues. They were struggling with communication from before they considered adopting a toddler. Carlos wouldn’t be ready to have kids until he closes his father’s case.

He said to TK that’s his bandwith was full right now. Carlos then got called into work. The Rangers were investigating the murder of a protected witness. The witness’s name was Julio Cruz. He was supposed to be off the grid and somehow he was found by the Rolling Nines.

Julio was on the phone with the 911 operator when he got hunted down by his killers. Carlos has friends in that office and he wanted to hear Julio’s final words.

Wyatt had taken that call. Wyatt was a good kid. He helped Carlos even though he had no clue why Carlos was so set on this case. It turns out the Rangers were investigating the Rolling Nines once before. They had a witness named Nestor Grimes. Grimes disappeared. Carlos’s dad who was investigating the case also got killed two days after Grimes disappeared.

Carlos firmly believes that his dad was killed by the Rolling Nines to bury the case against them. It made the murder of Julio very personal for Carlos. He wants to find his father’s killers. He wants justice for Julio as well. He listened to the 911 call. Julio named one of his attackers as “Hey-Hey”.

It was a street name for Elias Witt. He was one of the Nines. The Rangers were working with the feds on this case. The feds said they found a tooth at Julio’s crime scene. It wasn’t Julio. Julio had armed himself with a frying pan and he got one good hit in.

The DNA was being run while Owen was trying to help Tommy. Tommy was undergoing chemotherapy. She wanted to try out a new chemotherapy that was supposed to be better for her in the long run.

Only her insurance won’t cover it. Owen tried talking to the Mayor about it. He told Owen that they couldn’t fund experiments or else everyone would run out of money. Owen still tried to make a case by making cuts to the budget. It just wasn’t enough for Tommy. The team thought maybe they should set up a GoFundMe.

While back with the feds, the DNA from the tooth showed it belonged to Hey-Hey. The officers, feds, and even the paramedic crew went to that neighborhood. They shot their way into the building.

Their assassin was dead. They arrested two others. Carlos had also noticed that sealing with bleeding. They went up into the attic. Carlos eventually found Grimes. Grimes was his dad CI and now he’s alive. He disappeared over a year ago. It didn’t make any kind of sense that he wasn’t killed outright over a year ago. And so Grimes getting checked out was a priority.

Grimes was rushed into the OR. He had to be placed in a coma while his body heals. There’s no telling if he gets better and, if he dies, Carlos loses the one person who could give him answers.

Now was the worst time to think about adoption only Campbell has four kids. He managed to juggle being a dad with a job. There could be hope for Carlos yet. Carlos’ father-in-law meanwhile stirred up some good trouble. Owen took his team to an open hearing with the Mayor. They reminded the mayor that he spent millions of dollars just to print a book that could have been an email.

The Mayor also gave away several tanks to school districts. When the 126 refused to stop dropping truth bombs, the Mayor called in the police. He thought the police would arrest the firefighters.

They instead stood by them. They demanded Tommy get the treatment she needed. The Mayor was finally cracking when Tommy shut it down. Tommy doesn’t want special treatment. She didn’t become a paramedic to jump the que.

Grimes later work up. He told Carlos that there were five snitches or Cis involved in various cases. They were all Ranger cases and it was a Ranger that ratted them out. Grimes was dying, but he made sure to warn Carlos about Campbell. Campbell could have killed his father.


Kristine Francis:
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