9-1-1 Recap 03/28/24: Season 7 Episode 3 “Capsized”

9-1-1 Recap 03/28/24: Season 7 Episode 3 "Capsized"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 airs with an all-new Thursday, March 28, 2024, season 7 episode 3, “Capsized” and we have your 9-1-1 recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 season 7 episode 3 as per the FOX synopsis, “With each moment becoming critical as the ship is flipped upside down, Athena and Bobby take charge, seeking methods for rescue while navigating efforts to guide survivors to safety. Meanwhile, Hen defies protocols in her search for Bobby and Athena.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s 9-1-1 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, the cruise ship capsized. It flipped over. There were several people trapped now on the cruise. This included members of a family from Los Angeles. There was a dad, mom, older brother, middle sister, baby brother as well as grandma. The youngest boy was constantly stuck on his video game.

He wore noise cancelling headphones to better listen to the video game. He almost got left back in LA. He didn’t know when the gunmen arrived. His family had to pull him away. He was also in the bathroom during the rush to the lifeboats and so it’s good thing his mother remembered him. She ran off to go find her son. And they were still on the ship when it capsized.

Bobby and Athena were stuck on the ship too. Along with Norman and his cheating wife. Norman had been strapped to a roulette table when the ship capsized and so he was stuck on the ceiling now. Bobby had to MacGyver his way into rescuing Norman. They eventually got him lowered slowly back onto the ground.

They desperately need a rescue team to save them. The only one that was worried was Hen. Hen was following their cruise ship. She noticed that it went off course. She tried to take it to Mexican officials. She even tried to take it to LA Fire Department.

No one was taking her concerns seriously. Hen knew she was right and so she decided to look for them on her own. The ship truly did need help. They were bound to sink eventually.

It’s why those remaining on the ship did their best to escape through the whole that the bomb left. The bomb happened at the lower level of the ship. Meaning it was now their way to climb out on top. There was a hurricane. That’s how they capsized in the first place and they could still die because a fire built up in the lower levels.

It knocked back one guy who tried to open the door. Wes died from his wounds. They didn’t know if the gunmen had left more bombs and so they found themselves doubling back. This was when they came across preteen Corey and his mom. Those two had gotten injured. They couldn’t walk on their own.

Bobby had to give them assistance to help them move and so that slowed down their progress somewhat. Only help was coming. Hen realized she didn’t have to do everything alone. She got help from her team and they borrowed an LAFD helicopter for a search and rescue.

They’ll probably all get in trouble for it, but it was worth it. Bobby was more than just their captain. He was also their friend. They weren’t going to abandon him or his wife. They called in a few favors. They got a helicopter and they took it down to the coast of Mexico. It was a little tense on the flight.

Chimney still hadn’t apologized for not backing up Hen on their call earlier. Buck thought he should apologized. Hen overheard them. She said she wasn’t mad. She said Chimney did nothing wrong. Chimney said she did nothing wrong. They were agreeing with each other while arguing about it.

It was very weird.

The joint rescue on the other hand happened in different parts. They had found the mother first. They freed her. Her arm had gotten trapped in a pressurized door. Bobby then went to her cabin room to find Corey. Athena took the rest of the survivors up top.

Bobby risked everything by finding the little boy. The kid has got to stop cutting himself from all reality because sir why are you wearing headphones to the bathroom? There was a literal bomb that everyone felt. There were literal gunmen. Maybe these things should be more important than a video game.

There were several warnings on the sound system. Corey ignored all of them. He also didn’t want to go with Bobby at first because he said he wasn’t supposed to go with strangers. The kid was really focusing on the wrong thing. Bobby ultimately convinced him to go with him by introducing himself.

Everyone on the ship was saved though thanks to Athena using a flare gun to send a signal to the chopper they saw flying ahead. It pointed the chopper to their direction. The team rescued everyone. They even got to Bobby and Corey.

They all got a nice ride on a safe helicopter back stateside. They reunited with those that were on the lifeboats. Athena stopped worrying about finding something to talk about with Bobby and she just loved having him back. Norman also got the necessary medical attention he needed.

He just wasn’t going to be with his wife. Lola wanted to repair their relationship only she was going to be sentenced for her crimes. They can talk about a reunion in ten to twenty years form now. Or whenever she gets out.

Lola’s lover Julian had died on the ship. Thus the whole thing fell on Lola. Norman waited for her during her last prison stint. Who knows if he’ll wait for her current one?

And no one got fired because their boss took credit for the rescue of American citizens.