9-1-1 Recap 10/10/24: Season 8 Episode 3 “Final Approach”

9-1-1 Recap 10/10/24: Season 8 Episode 3 "Final Approach"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 airs with an all-new Thursday, October 10, 2024, season 8 episode 3,“Final Approach” and we have your 9-1-1 recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 season 8 episode 3 as per the FOX synopsis,“Athena’s only chance of surviving and saving everyone on the flight is to attempt to land the plane before it crashes and call on the 118 for help.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, Athena was trying to fly a plane. The actual pilot got sucked out of a hole in the ceiling. The co-pilot had a heart attack at the worse possible time. Athena was the only one that everyone felt for sure could land the plane. Technically, there was a preteen boy that knew more about planes than she did. He played a lot of video games.

He just couldn’t be trusted to land the plane on his own. What with him being a kid and all. He instead worked with Athena. He became her co-pilot. They were also in very real danger. They lost the rudder. They couldn’t turn the plane without it and that meant they couldn’t land at LAX.

Down on the ground, Bobby was freaking out. Buck tracked him down earlier. He told Bobby that Athena was in trouble and together they stole a fire truck from the set of a tv show.

They were driving to LAX when a tv star jumped into the backseat. The celebrity was Brad Torrence. He and Bobby knew each other. Bobby was working as an advisor for a tv show. His boss wouldn’t let him return to the 118 because he had named a new captain to replace Bobby and so glitzy job was supposed to keep Bobby happy until he eventually retires again.

Back in the present, Bobby called Maddie. He asked her to connect him to anyone on the flight. Maddie had to call several numbers before someone picked up and gave the phone to Athena.

Athena told her husband all about losing the rudder. She couldn’t turn the plane. Everyone was worried about mass casualties on the ground if the plane flew over LAX. Bobby asked Athena what she needed and she told him she needed a landing field. He couldn’t give her a field, but he knew where she could land.

Bobby suggested the 110 freeway. It was the busiest highway in the country. It also offered over a mile of space. Bobby used his stolen firetruck to shut down the southbound.

He had Buck close off the northbound. Buck was able to do it by using flares to stop traffic. Athena missed LAX like they suspected she would. Only she was able to land on the 110. Thanks in large part to Jem. Jem got scared at the last minute. He admitted that he always dies in the game at this part and he was worried about killing everyone.

Jem froze. Athena talked him out of his frozen state. He returned to himself just in time to land the plane. They landed safely and Jem and Athena hugged at the end. Firefighters all around the city rushed to their aide.

They were getting the passengers off when a fire broke out on the plane. The firefighters had to clear the area. They treated the ones that were sick. Brad even helped out. Brad only plays a firefighter on a tv show and so he passed out when he saw an actual injury. Other than that, he was great help.

Athena stayed on the plane until everyone was off. She even told Dennis Jenkins to go. She told him to pass on a message to her husband that she needed his help in getting the co-pilot off.

The co-pilot needed nonstop CPR. Athena wasn’t going to leave the plane without him. They also didn’t have the inflatable slide anymore. It detached off. Bobby had to use the ladder from the fire truck to get on the plane. Chimney and Hen showed up. They treated the co-pilot until everyone got to safety. The injured along with Brad were later transferred to the hospital.

Athena also reconnected with Dennis Jenkins on the ground. She still has to deliver him to feds. She also no longer trusts the feds. She has a reason for that. Athena called her boss.

She asked if that fake AUSA that tried to pull her over was found and her captain told her that car was found emptied and abandoned. Someone saved that fake federal agent. They also warned that hit man that Dennis Jenkins knew where Maxwell Fulton’s black book was. Athena was suspecting it was an inside job.

The feds went to the freeway asking around for either Athena or Dennis Jenkins. Athena had Bobby send them on a while goose chase. She then asked Dennis where the black book was.

The one that everyone wanted because it named powerful that were involved in a human trafficking sex ring. Funnily enough, the book was at the airport. Fulton left it in a car parked in the airport parking lot. The car itself was a classic Porsche. They found the black book. There were names with QR codes. The codes led to several videos. All of which were crimes.

Athena was about to take the book to some friends she has in Vice when AUSA Spencer showed up. The guy didn’t buy Bobby’s story about them going to the hospital. He followed Bobby.

He waited until they got the book and that’s when he pulled out his gun. The guy was in the black book. He was a rapist. He didn’t want to get arrested. He reached out to Dennis and had even promised to give him a get out of jail card if he found the black book. It was all a means to destroy the evidence. The dirty fed tried to shoot Bobby to get the book when Dennis took the bullet for him.

Bobby and Athena were able to disarm Spencer. They put him under arrest. They got Dennis treated. He was going to make it. He’ll survive long enough to testify at trial.

He’ll provide a connection between Fulton and the black book. Plus, Athena forgave Dennis. She called his family for him. They went to the hospital and they got to be with Dennis while he was on the mend. Dennis was soon going to be out of prison. And he gets to go home with his family soon.

Captain Gerard later returned to the 118. He was just as awful as before with pretty much everyone. His brush with death did not change him and the only person he was kinder to was Buck. Gerard wanted to be Buck’s mentor.