America’s Got Talent Finale Recap 09/24/24: Season 19 Episode 22 “Final Results”

America’s Got Talent Finale Recap 09/24/24: Season 19 Episode 22 "Final Results"America’s Got Talent Finale Recap 09/24/24: Season 19 Episode 22 "Final Results"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, September 24, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 21 “Final Results″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“Host Terry Crews reveals who America has chosen as the Season 19 winner in the two-hour finale featuring special guest performers.”

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In tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode, it was night two of the Finale! The results were in. The winner was decided, but first AGT put on a great show for their season finale. They first turned to Sky Elements to put on a unique drone show. The drones really are the coolest thing anyone has ever seen on AGT. They were amazing to watch and the night just got better from there. There was a former choir that came back to perform. It was a children’s choir. They danced, they sang, and they even threw in some rap in the routine. Terry was loving their routine so much that he joined them onstage. And he was dancing with them.

Terry was a great host. He brought such great energy. He was definitely a keeper and the same goes for many of the acts tonight. Sky Elements were bigger than any Las Vegas stage. Dee Dee Simon’s voice alone can take someone back to church. The aerialist couple brought a certain appeal to the stage. Solange was the most adorable magician they’ve ever seen. Learnmore was a riot. They were all so great and they made the last night on AGT extra special. When the show wasn’t looking back on all the things that happened this season, they were welcoming celebrity guests.

Simone Biles was the first guest tonight. She was back off a great Olympic season. She was considered the greatest of all time in her field. She spoke with the performers about last minute nerves. She knew where they were coming from. She was in their place at one time and she reminded them that tonight was everything they fought for. Even if it doesn’t work out this season, it doesn’t mean this in the end for them. Take AIRFOOTWORKS. They’ve been consistently great this whole season and tonight they performed to a live DJ you might have heard of – Steve Aoki! It technically doesn’t matter if they get the votes because they were bound to have their own show.

Tonight really was about fun. They all had fun tonight. Hakuna Matata Acrobats performed next. They were a Golden Buzzer this season. They pulled off daring acrobatics in time with the music. The same music that Rhythm and Roni Sagi would go on to perform to. It was a huge collab. Brent Street eventually joined them onstage as well. All of three acts performing together put on a masterclass of a show. The weakest link was probably the dog, but hey he’s adorable and its not like anyone was going to diss on a dog act.

Michael Bublé was the third celebrity guest of the night after Steve Aoki. He performed a cover of Frank Sinatra’s “L.O.V.E”. He was cool and collected. Like always. Terry later asked him how he was so calm. Michael just said he was following his passion. As long as the love of it was there, no one can be bored for following their dream. Michael was also joining “The Voice” this season. He’ll be all over NBC this fall and that was great news for his fans. Then along came the fourth celebrity guest of the night.

It was Andrea Day. She performed first to Sebastián & Sonia showcasing their aerialist skills. She then performed “Come Together” with the Detroit Youth Choir and Dee Dee Simon. Andrea’s voice can do anything. It was great that they paired her with Dee Dee because it showed that Dee Dee can hold her own. She was so ready for her own show. Richard Goodall went on after her. He performed with members of Journey and Neal Schon. Richard has a wonderful raspy voice. Sometimes he lets his nerves get to him. It wasn’t a smooth ride with his performances.

But Richard has a lot of heart. Richard was so good that he got Neal to perform with him. Neal loves his voice and the members of Journey were always changing. Neal was the only original guy of the group. He might need another singer one day. There were plenty of opportunities like that to go around. Learnmore heard from Gabriel Iglesias. The comedian loved Learnmore’s performance. He somehow managed to get Learnmore’s phone number. And he personally invited him to a stage in Las Vegas.

Learnmore got to open for Gabriel. Gabriel also came down to AGT. He got to see Learnmore’s turf. He wished him the best of luck tonight and, no matter what, Learnmore was still the guy that made Simon laugh. Up next was Solange. She was joined by more celebrities. They were the stars of Magic Mike Live in Las Vegas. The guys had their fun with the ladies tonight. They sadly kept things PG only that allowed Solange to shine. She was a great magician. She was one of the few quick change artists to ever make this far. Her hopes were high tonight.

Simone returned with the rest of the Gold Over American Tour. It was both women and men gymnasts. They put on a great show. They were still competing after all in the hopes of making it to the next Olympics. However, Simone was still the GOAT. They all put on a stellar performance yet Simone was the one they’ll be rooting for at the next games. The show also another special moment. They invited the finalists to a room with a giant screen.

They showed them photos of themselves as kids. They also had video messages from family members, coaches, and friends. It was very sweet. Some of the performers even broke out in tears. It was the one last bright moment before the top five was announced. The results were next and it’s sad that not all of them could make it. The first act going into the top five was Sky Elements. They beat out Brent Street. The second act going into the top five was Learnmore. He beat out Sebastián and Sonia.

The next round was a little tougher. It was Richard against Dee Dee. They were both talented. Except when it comes down to talent, she should have won and instead it went to him. America lost out on that one. They also made another mistake when it came down to Solange or Hakuna Matata Acrobats. The audience voted to keep Solange in spite of Hakuna Matata Acrobats having a larger reach than she did. She was good. They were great. It shouldn’t have been a contest. AIRFOOTWORKS later went up against Roni Sagi & Rhythm. And again America was playing around because they chose the dog act over an air dance group.

Learnmore and Sky Elements were the only right decisions with the top five. Somehow America managed to ruin that as well. Learnmore came in fifth. Solange came in fourth. Sky Elements came in third. It came down to Richard against Roni and Rhythm.

And America managed not to totally embarrass themselves by naming Richard Goodall as the winner of AGT!


Kristine Francis:
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