America’s Got Talent Recap 07/02/24: Season 19 Episode 5 “Auditions 5”

America’s Got Talent Recap 07/02/24: Season 19 Episode 5 "Auditions 5"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, July 2, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 5 “Auditions 5″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“The auditions continue as a variety of acts and contestants of all ages audition for the chance to win $1 million. There’s more Golden Buzzers than ever before, each sending a lucky act directly to the live shows to compete for America’s vote.”

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In tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode, season 19 was supposed to be an improvement over last season. It’s what the judges thought.

It was even what the audience thought until they met the Owlman. The Owlman went first tonight. He performed the song “Who Let the Dogs Out”. It had who who who in it. It was also the only verse he performed. The judges pressed the reject button early on and they did that with the Tigerwoman as well. The third guy was a guy that performed in a towel to an unoriginal song. He sucked so bad that everyone thought the night was jinxed. They couldn’t find a good act out of the first three and so that made them nervous about what came next.

The next act was two guys. They were called TT Brothers. They weren’t really brothers. They formed a business together. They wore white t-shirts with the letter “t” on them. They said that was their favorite letter. They were also from Japan. They had a translator there and knew enough English to explain themselves. Only their act was so horrible that it was a little funny. The audience didn’t know what to think about the brothers at first. They weren’t sure if this was a fever dream or if they were being punked. And the one thing they could all admit was that the brothers were funny.

It was an unusual type of humor that won them four yesses. Next up was Oscar Stembridge. He was sixteen. He was half- Swedish and half-English. He lives in Sweden. He grew up around music because his parents were performers. He was now carrying the torch. He wrote an original song about choosing love over hate. It was a beautiful song. The audience fell in love with him. The judges liked him. The one judge that had criticized him was Heidi. She thought the higher register was a little screetchy. Her words. She still gave him a yes though because she wanted to see more of him.

The other judges agreed with that sentiment because they gave him four yesses tonight. Sebastian and Sonia went next. They met through Instagram. He saw her posts and began liking them. He reached out to her dms. She responded. They got together. They now have an act together. She was from Spain. He was from Colombia. It was sometimes awkward to work together while being together. They were dancers as well as a bit of a daredevil thanks to their aerial act. Their act really went into the air. It was very daring and dangerous and amazing at the same time.

They hit Sofia rejection light while they were up in the air. They were that high. There was a moment when Sonia went up in the air and she dropped straight into Sebastian’s arms. Their act was sexy. It was fun. It easily won four yesses. Their act was hard to top and so the next one had to be extra special. Bboy Nana was nine years old. He was also a great hip hop dancer. He was so cute that no one had the heart to say no to him. Then there was Douglas whose talent was beatboxing. He too was on the young side. And he made it into the next round thanks to the cuteness.

There was also Brody. Brody lost his two front teeth. He was super adorable and he’s been on the show before. He loves to dance. He just didn’t make it to performing onstage the last time. This time, he got to show off his love of dance. It was jazzy according to him. He went out there and had fun. He used the whole stage. He was jazzy, gymnastic, and he was a little comedian. He won four yesses because of all of his hard work. He also mentioned that if he won a million dollars that he’d help kids that couldn’t afford dance class to take the class anyways.

Next up was Attraction Juniors. They were shadow theater group. They were from Hungary. The leader of the group has parents that won AGT ten years ago from the adult shadow performers and he wanted to maintain the legacy by winning it this season. The kids put in a lot work. It looked amazing. Sofia has never seen a shadow performance before and she didn’t know what to expect. She now has the idea. She also loved the performance. Attraction Juniors got four yesses. The leader was also told that he stepped out of his father’s shadow tonight.

There was a comedienne up next. Her name is Erica Rhodes. She’s from Boston. She now lives in LA. Her first stand up happened during a date with a comedian. They went to an open mic night. He convinced her to go onstage and it was bad. She bombed. Even the date told her that it went worse than he expected. He still tried to kiss her though the moment was lost and he just didn’t realize it. Erica said she was looking for a psychopath that wouldn’t kill her for her future boyfriend. And she regained the courage to go on another stage to perform comedy.

Eric was really funny. She had everyone laughing. She got a standing ovation from Howie of all people. He was hard on comics and so him loving her act spoke well of her. Up next was a singing group known as Menudo. Wasn’t there a group named that in the nineties. Yes, there was. The new Menudo was the next generation. They even had their own Ricky Martin with little Nicholas. He was adorable. The new generation got the name because their boss bought the name from the previous group.

Also, the new group still sings in Spanish. They were great performers. They were a great boy band. They even knew a few dance moves. Their first song wasn’t the best and so they had to change things up. The second song was much better. The judges preferred the second song. Still, Howie gave them a no. Heidi gave them yes. Sofia gave them a yes. Simon voted with the majority and he gave them a yes. He was looking forward to them improving their game. And then a guy with a jump rope came on and the show went back to being unserious.

The poor guy didn’t even jump rope. He threw the rope on the ground. He then jumped on it. He looked possessed and the judges all pressed their reject button. Next up was Chris Wilson. He was a magician from Canada. He just wasn’t a real magician. He was being pretty lame by pretending to be a magician. He instead came off as a snarky drunk. He was a very lewd snarky drunk. There was a reason why he stopped performing at church and now everyone knows it’s because he was asked not to come back.

Then along came Young Min. He was a true magician. He was from Korea. He didn’t specify South or North. He also seemed very zen. He spoke calmly. He was surrounded by sand that he used in his act. He performed to the song “I Don’t Wanna Fall In Love”. He actually performed real magic. He was able to manifest certain things. Howie has never seen anything like this act before. He loved it. He gave it a standing ovation. Simon on the other side said that he wasn’t entertained enough. He missed most of the magic it seems.

Young Min still got four yesses. Simon was simply being mean to him at first because that’s his brand. Last up was Pranysqa Mishra. She was nine years old. She was from Florida. She was such a little thing and the voice that came out of her was seasoned. She was a phenomenal singer. She loved Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin. Her voice was right up there with them. She performed “Mountain High”. And it was so good that Heidi pressed the Golden Buzzer for her.

The little girl was fast-tracked to the live shows and she couldn’t wait to tell her grandmother about it.