America’s Got Talent Recap 07/09/24: Season 19 Episode 6 “Auditions 6”

America’s Got Talent Recap 07/09/24: Season 19 Episode 6 "Auditions 6"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, July 9, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 6 “Auditions 6″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“The auditions continue as a variety of acts and contestants of all ages audition for the chance to win $1 million. There’s more Golden Buzzers than ever before, each sending a lucky act directly to the live shows to compete for America’s vote.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back later for our America’s Got Talent recap from 8 PM – 10 PM ET! Refresh often so you get the most current info! While you wait for the episode head over and check out all our AGT spoilers, news, recaps & more!

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In tonight’s America’s Got Talent, a few jokesters kicked off the night with full steel combat. They put on a live duel in metal armor and with metal weapons. It was so lame that the audience began to boo them. Everyone felt it was a slower version of Medieval times. The only difference was that they didn’t get a meal with the crap show. The guys were followed by Super Silver Jr. Junior was in his thirties. He was from Brazil. He grew up in a family of trapeze artists and he wanted to continue their great work. He was handsome. He was daring. He had everyone’s attention from the start.

Watching him however was terrifying. He wasn’t harnessed up in the air. He was pulling off scary things in aerobatics. He put on a great show and everyone loved it. This included Simon. Simon enjoyed Junior’s level of showmanship. He along with the others rewarded Junior with the first four yesses of the night. Next up was Alex Sampson. He was from a small town. It was so small that they didn’t have a stop light. They just lived with stop signs. Their only store was closed on Sunday. They were also Canadians because the small town was inside of Ontario.

Alex was full of nerves tonight. He doesn’t do much shows. He couldn’t pursue that in his town. Only he still came up with an original song. He performed it tonight and the audience seemed to like it. The judges must have liked it as well because they didn’t interrupt him or tell him to perform a different song. They’ve been known to do that with other artists. They didn’t do that with Alex and Alex got to shine. The judges all gave him the second round of four yesses. They couldn’t wait to see where Alex takes them on his journey.

Next up was Espiritu. They were from LA. They were a dance group. The age range was from twenty-five to nine. They put together their dance group to show their parents that they can pursue dance professionally. They put on such a fun show that quickly won hearts all around America. It was lively. It was fun. It was such a large group and somehow there was never a leg out of line. They were completely in sync. They didn’t impress Howie. Howie was expecting more and so he gave them a no. And the others gave them a yes.

There were a few more unserious performances. There was a sound healer. There was a guy that basically was a clown and he literally won a mask of Howie’s face. They were all nuisances. The sound healer though got one yes from Simon because he relaxed him. Simon also gave the dancing cow a yes as well. He was in such a great mood after the sound healer that he was giving everyone a yes. Not even Missy Galore could ruin his new zen. She was a horrible singer by the way. And then came Ada.

Ada was from Finland. She was twenty-three. She claimed she wanted to show off a skill that’s never been done before on AGT. She was apparently a great horsewoman. She won a bunch of competitions with her trusted horse. She now wants to bring the skill stateside. She just didn’t bring the real horse. She used a horse stick in her performance tonight. So unserious! She could have at least won points if she brought the real horse and not a hobby horse. She also ran out of steam before the end and so she ruined Simon’s zen. He went back to giving no’s.

Next up was Reid Wilson. He was from Alabama. He was fourteen. He was the middle child and so he’s always wanted to stand out. He finally figured he could do that with his music. He’s self-taught. He started out yelling at the top of his voice. He then began watching videos. He taught himself to sing. He could now perform “You Don’t Own Me”. Which he performed tonight. He changed up a few of the lyrics to be more age appropriate and it was so good. He was such an adorable boy with a great voice. And Howie gave him the Golden Buzzer.

Next up was Praveen Prajapati. He was from India. He was young. He was also handsome. His dancing/daredevil act was another scary one because he could have genuinely hurt himself. He balanced several glass cups on his head with a jug of water. He kept adding to the cups. He was dancing the whole time with cups of water balancing on his head. They never dropped. Everyone was truly worried for him. He just kept adding more glasses of water. And he successfully completed his act with no dripping or crashing.

There’s no telling what Praveen will do next. Simon wasn’t sure about the performance. He felt it didn’t excite him enough and he gave Praveen a no. See what you did Ada when you ruined his zen. Simon may have returned to his negative self only the other judges were still impartial. They gave Praveen a yes. He went onto the next round with three yesses because they were excited by his performance. Next up was B. Thompson. He was a saxophonist. He’s been playing the saxophone for sixteen years and he was only twenty-seven.

He was self-taught. He never had any formal training. He just picked up the instrument as a kid. He taught himself how to play it and he’s been performing ever since. He doesn’t have a traditional saxophone. His was slimmer than the traditional one. But he still rocked it out with his performance. He performed “What’s Love Got To Do With It” on that saxophone. The first thing Sofia said was that it was so sexy. Howie was also moved by the performance. Simon was on the fence. Heidi wasn’t as excited by it like the others were.

They still gave him four yesses to move forward in the competition because B was likeable. Likeability will win the day. Next up was Tyler. He was a lumberjack. His dream was to have a movie made about his life. He was a daredevil. He used a whip. He would fire an arrow that was truly on fire. He’d caught that with his hands. Simon thought his act was half was good and the other sucked. Simon gave Tyler another try. He failed and so Simon said no. Heidi and Sofia both said yes. Howie wanted to give Tyler one more try before he made a decision. The last try was just as bad and so Howie gave him a no.

Next up was Helen. Helen was from Ethiopia originally. She now lives in California. Her talent was that she could juggle things with her feet. She was a former gymnast. She was trained to juggle with feet. She went to a special place that taught that and it was her dream to have a Las Vegas residency. This way she could make money with her art and still drop her daughter off for school. And she was good at what she does. She managed to juggle everything. It didn’t matter if it was a hula hoop or a literal table. She could do it all and her outfit was amazing.

Helen did so well that she won over the judges. They gave her four yesses. No matter what happens this season, everyone was hoping that Helen will get that show in Las Vegas. Then came the last act of the night. It was Taro and Subasa. They were from Japan. They were a father and son act. They were a comedy duo. They were really funny. They usually perform in front of children and they added a level of daredevil to the act. Simon was against it almost from the start. He pressed his reject button. The act continued on and Simon eventually changed his mind about the act. And so he had his x taken away.

Simon would go on to give the duo a yes along with the others. The night ended on four yesses. Plus, the rules were forever changing and it turns out a reject can be taken back. So who knows what will happen next?!