America’s Got Talent Recap 08/13/24: Season 19 Episode 9 “Quarterfinals 1”

America’s Got Talent Recap 08/13/24: Season 19 Episode 9 "Quarterfinals 1"America’s Got Talent Recap 08/13/24: Season 19 Episode 9 "Quarterfinals 1"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, August 13, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 9 “Quarterfinals 1″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“Eleven acts take the stage live and for the first time, a Live Show Golden Buzzer will send one act directly to the Finals. America can vote for their two favorite acts to advance to the Semi-finals by using the “AGT” App or going to”

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It was Night One of the Quarterfinals! NBC was back after the Olympics. The crowd was still shouting “USA” only the performers tonight were from all over the world. There was also an additional change this season. The judges got another Golden Buzzer tonight. They could send any of the acts in the Quarterfinals straight to the live shows with their third Golden Buzzer. Sofia had control of the buzzer tonight. She was saving it for someone special and there was great deal of talent tonight. Up first was the father/son rapping duo from Australia. They were Flewnt and Inkabee.

Inkabee was the son. Both he and his father had aboriginal heritage that they wanted to highlight. They made kid friendly rap and they had fun with it even as their performance carried a message about the everyday violence against their people. The two put on an amazing performance. The crowd loved it. They loved that the father and son were having fun together. It was just Simon who felt their duo will have to split up soon. He wanted Inkabee to explore being an independent artist. The kid was still young and he couldn’t even support himself. And already Simon was discussing a solo career?

Flenwnt didn’t mind that Simon saw talent in his son. He wanted to prepare Inkabee for a life on his own. It just wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. They both said “eventually”. Next up was Attraction Juniors. They are a Shadow Dance Group from Hungary. They were started by the son of the original group Attraction. The adult group won their season and now the kids were aiming to do the same. Their performance tonight was light. It was fun. It had the audience interested from the start and the sole person to speak against it was Howie.

Howie said he wasn’t sure if tonight’s performance was a step up from the Auditions. The group was fighting to stay on and so they constantly have to bring something new to the field. Or risk being written off by judges like Howie. Next up was Live Warfield. She was Simon’s Golden Buzzer. He loved her voice. Her stage presence. She decided to perform an original song tonight that was written for her by Prince. She used to be Prince’s backup singer. She was now ready to stand in the light and she knew how to put on a damn good show.

Liv commanded that stage. The girl from Illinois was the focus from the first note to every avenue her voice took you on during her journey. Her performance tonight was perfection. Simon was even blown away. He told Liv she earnt that Golden Buzzer. Howie backed him up. He, Heidi, and Sofia all loved Liv’s performance. They were huge fans of Prince and he knew what he was doing when he gave her that song. It showed off how beautiful she was inside and out. Following her act was a tough one but Hypers Kids Africa still put on a great show. The dance group was from Uganda.

They were comprised of kids. The kids live together. They go to school together. Them choosing to perform together was just the next logical step. The kids were great. They were great dancers. Great comedians. They brought such a sense of joy to the crowd. It was never a doubt in anyone’s mind that America was going to love them too. America had a chance to vote for their favorite acts and there were so many of them tonight. Next up was Ashes and Arrows. They were a band from North Carolina.

They were called a pub band the last time by Howie. They tried to give more of a concert feel tonight. They wanted to win Howie over and they brought along latex gloves so that they could shake his hand. Howie was a huge germaphobe. Only the band really wanted to impress him. They performed an original song tonight. They brought the energy. They synced up their harmonies. They were so good tonight that Howie actually gave them a standing ovation. They finally won him over and the next stop was to win over America.

Next up was Los Osos High School. They were from California. The high school dance group was finally given their own space to practice. They no longer had to share a room with the wrestling team and they came back tonight with a vengeance. They wanted to prove to Howie that they were great dancers. He rejected them during the auditions. They got through thanks to the other three judges. Howie kept saying he expected one big move and he never saw it. And so they threw together a bunch of big moves in the hopes of impressing him tonight.

Nothing worked with Howie. He still wasn’t impressed by the dance group. He thought they were a good halftime show and that they weren’t ready for AGT. The kids were a little disappointed by that. They didn’t lash out or anything. They simply said they’ll keep working harder to put on a great show. Next up was Hakuna Matata Acrobatic. They were an acrobatic group from Tanzania. They pulled off scary feats. It’s a miracle no one was harmed tonight. They continue to balance their way into everyone’s heart.

They really upped their game from their last performance. Sofia said it was one of the most ambitious acts she’s seen on AGT. She was so proud of them that she gave them the Golden Buzzer and they were going straight to the live shows. With the Golden Buzzer out of the way, the remaining acts had to be flawless. Phillip Lewis was up next. He’s a baton twirler. He’s self-taught. He learned by watching YouTube videos. He also practiced with everything he could whenever he could. He didn’t reveal until recently to his mom that he had broken her window twelve years ago because he was practicing baton and it flew out of his hand.

Well, tonight he set those batons on fire. The Georgia performer managed to juggle three of them at once. He brought such a positive reinforcement that the judges didn’t even mind that he dropped his batons at one point. They were still rooting for him. Next up was Roni Sagi & Rhythm. They were from Israel. They were a dancer and dog act. A dog act won last season and so one never knows who will win this time around. Roni was good. She grew up around dogs. Her parents were always rescuing pets all throughout her childhood. It fostered a love for animals in Roni and now she was performing with her dog, Rhythm.

Rhythm was a great dancer. He was probably better than Roni. They made for an interesting team and Roni needed Rhythm’s positive influence right now. Her father was recently in an accident. She had to hear about it from her sister. Roni could have fallen apart and she didn’t. She actively chose to bring joy to others with her performance. Everyone loves a dog act. They were also stunned that Rhythm was such a great dancer. They questioned if he was really a dog. And Howie said he would have given them the Golden Buzzer if it had been his turn.

Next up was Arshiya. She was from India. She was a contortionist. She started out performing as a Bollywood dancer and then she leaned into contortion and it brought out her other side. She was the scariest contortionist ever to grace the stage of AGT. She wore demon makeup. She put on a whole exorcism act. It frightened people so much that they came back for more. Her audition had over a hundred million views online. She was so horrifying that Simon said she should be hired for the next exorcism movie.

And last up of the night was Richard Goodall. He was a singer from Indiana. He was also Heidi’s Golden Buzzer. His fiancée was having surgery during his first audition and so he dedicated his performance tonight to her. He performed “How Am I Supposed To Live Without You”. It was so heartfelt that it moved everyone. He got a standing ovation at the end of his performance. Maybe he’ll finally start believing in himself now because literally everyone else believes in him too.


Kristine Francis:
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