America’s Got Talent Recap 08/20/24: Season 19 Episode 11 “Quarterfinals 2”

America’s Got Talent Recap 08/20/24: Season 19 Episode 11 "Quarterfinals 2"America’s Got Talent Recap 08/20/24: Season 19 Episode 11 "Quarterfinals 2"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, August 20, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 11 “Quarterfinals 2″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“Eleven acts take the stage live and for the first time, a Live Show Golden Buzzer will send one act directly to the Finals. America can vote for their two favorite acts to advance to the Semi-finals by using the “AGT” App or going to”

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It was the second night of the Semifinals! Terry crews was back to host. The judges were given another Golden Buzzer to send whichever act they love the most straight to the Finals. However, tonight was a night full of talent. There were three previous Golden Buzzers back tonight. They just needed to maintain their professionalism and they’d be in the clear. Up first was Legión. They were perhaps the most Las Vegas act of the season. They were dancers. They light their feet on fire and they play drums. They combined the traditional Argentina dancing with an element of fire. And they were amazing last time.

Well, tonight showed they’re still amazing. No matter what anyone says. Legión even brought more fire their second time around. They lit their hats on fire and they threw fire daggers. Legión was truly an act that can go up onstage in Las Vegas. They would have sellout shows. They can easily build a fanbase and unfortunately two judges wouldn’t be a part of it. Howie didn’t like tonight’s performance. He didn’t feel it was an elevation from their audition. Simon agreed with him. It was only Sofia, Heidi, and the audience that loved the performance. And that doesn’t make sense because there was nothing else Legión could have done to impress.

It’s a good thing that America gets to vote now. Next up was Young-Min. He was a magician from South Korea. His last performance was great at this ethereal magic and he looked sparkling covered in glitter. Tonight was different. He wanted to win over Simon. He took tonight a little more seriously. He also pulled off a great exit when he literally disappeared from the stage at the end of his performance. He didn’t even stick around to hear what the judges had to say. Terry had to go look for him to bring him back to the stage.

When Young-Min did come back, the judges told him how much they loved his performance. Howie also used the buzz word “demure” to describe the act and the others called it beautiful. Next up was Alex Sampson. He was the Canadian from a small town. He was singer that only performed his original music. His audition song was officially on the charts. It was downloaded millions of times. Alex could have let it go to his head and he didn’t. He instead knew he had to recreate the moment if he hopes for a lasting career in the music industry.

Alex knew he had to make it special again with his new original song. He performed a song about winning a woman over and in spite of her being in a relationship with a jerk. He managed to create an unique sound for himself. He has his field. He has the looks. He has the voice to back it all up. Simon enjoyed his performance and he thought Alex would go far in the music industry. Next up was Bboy Samuka. He was a dancer from Brazil. He was also an amputee. He has only one leg and he still manages to be a great break dancer.

Bboy should have been at the Olympics. Everyone was thinking so. Heidi even mentioned it first thing when she talked to him and it came as a surprise that Bboy was at the Olympics. He went with Terry. They got to watch it up close. He wasn’t in the Olympics this time, but he can always try at the next one. No one had a bad word to say about his performance. They loved it. They especially loved his message that dancing could be for everyone. Bboy will go far no matter what happens after the vote.

Next up was Brooke Bailey. She was a singer from Granada Hills, Los Angeles. She actually went back to the studio to watch Group One perform last week and she saw a really talented singer go home. This other singer was flawless. Brooke realized she had to up her game to be on the same page as this other performer. She quit her job. She’s solely focusing on music. She said music were plans A and B. She chose the song “Dancing On My Own” for her performance tonight. Her look was flawless.

Brooke looked like a Disney princess she was so beautiful. She managed to hit all those high notes. She did everything possible to show off her voice in the best light and still there was just one judge that stood for her. It was Heidi. Heidi loved her performance. Sofia called it impeccable. Howie told Brooke that she didn’t hit her mark tonight. He said it wasn’t as good as last week’s performances. Simon however said that he was bored for most of the song. He did enjoy her high notes because he said that’s when he knew Brooke really wanted this. It just didn’t wow him is all.

Sky Elements was up next. They were a drone show from Texas. They were also Simon’s Golden Buzzer. They did such great work with about a thousand drones and so they had to perform outside. The whole studio went outside to watch the performance. The thing about drones were that they went above and beyond mere fireworks. They put on actual shows. No dogs were harmed by their use. They showed off Howie’s face. They put on a literal magical show with those drones. The wow factor was there and frankly America will love them.

The same could be said for AIRFOOTWORKS. They were an air dance group from Japan that went up next. Their performance was a mix of dancing and acrobatics. It was stunning to watch. They clearly put in a lot of time and effort to get the dances just right. They also got a standing ovation from the audience as well as from Howie. Howie has been the toughest judge all night. He was about to extol their virtues when Simon surprised all of them. He pressed the Golden Buzzer. Was it even his turn? Nope. He pressed it and AIRFOOTWORKS was going to the Finals.

It was still against the rules though. Terry had to ask the producers if it was okay. They were fine with it because it was Howie’s turn and Howie loved this act. He didn’t mind that they got the Golden Buzzer. He was already heading toward the Golden Buzzer when Simon pressed Howie’s hand onto the buzzer. Meaning AIRFOOTWORKS got the Goden Buzzer from two people. It was a first for AGT. Next up was Biko’s Manna. They were a singing group from South Africa. They performed reggae the last time.

They decided to switch things up tonight. They performed “I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone”. They put their own spin on the song and it sounded like an original song. They had so much fun with it. The audience couldn’t help loving them. The judges also didn’t say anything bad because this singing group was made of kids. They were siblings. They were adorable and still sounded great. No harsh words for them. Up next was Schumacher. They were Sofia’s Golden Buzzer. They were this odd novelty act from Japan.

To this day, no one understands why Sofia gave them the Golden Buzzer. They were so weird. The act itself was so stupid that everyone couldn’t help laughing and luckily it was with the two men that made Schumacher. They would dress up as animals. Their giraffe in which one guy’s face was in the other’s butt was the one that clinched it for the audience. Tonight, they covered mythical animals. It was just as stupid, just as funny as last time. Simon crapped on it because he said it didn’t get better. It was more of the same.

Sofia told them that she would have given them another Golden Buzzer if she could. Sadly, she was out of them tonight. Next up was Ashlee Montague. She was from New York City. She was a ballerina except she added a new level of injury to it. It made her an extreme ballerina. She tiptoed over bottles at her audition and she upped her game tonight by adding fire tonight. She could have seriously hurt herself. It displayed great kill that she didn’t. Howie was disappointed by the act. Simon disagreed with him. He actually enjoyed the show. So take that Howie.

And last one up was NiNi. She was an instrumentalist from Taiwan. She turned a traditional guitar into a rock guitar and boy does she rock it out. Nini introduced AGT to her instruments. Most of the audience have never seen them before, but they’ll remember now after NiNi. She was a Rock Goddess. Hopefully, America will vote for her!


Kristine Francis:
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