America’s Got Talent Recap 08/28/24: Season 19 Episode 14 “Quarterfinals 3 Results”

America’s Got Talent Recap 08/28/24: Season 19 Episode 14 "Quarterfinals 3 Results"America’s Got Talent Recap 08/28/24: Season 19 Episode 14 "Quarterfinals 3 Results"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, August 28, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 14 “Quarterfinals 3 Results″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“America’s votes will reveal which two acts from the previous night’s show will move on to the Semi-finals. Also advancing is one act that got sent straight to Finals last night with the new Live Show Golden Buzzer.”

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In tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode, Eleven acts performed on Tuesday night. They were all great in their own way. It was unfortunate however that not all of them will be going to the next round.

There will just be three acts that will be going through to the Semifinals. With one exception. The exception being that one of them was going straight to the Finals. Heidi used her Golden Buzzer to send Dee Dee Simon straight to the Finals. She was safe tonight. She was also safe in the Semifinals. Dee was so happy about getting that Golden Buzzer that she was still ecstatic tonight.

The audience had begged Heidi to push the Golden Buzzer all night. She refused to do it. She said she was waiting to feel it in her gut and her gut told her Dee Dee. She knew instantly that no one would ever top Dee Dee. Simon even said Dee Dee could win the whole thing. She was that great of a singer. She remains memorable now and hopefully she will get to pursue her dream no matter what happens. But tonight was elimination night. Terry had to announce who survived to see the Semifinals.

Kelsey Jane was paired off against the Reklaws. Kelsey won that round. The aerialist was truly stunning to watch and the Reklaws’s song wasn’t that memorable for the judges. With Kelsey taking the first place in the top five tonight, it was onto the next one. Menudo was up against Maya Neelakantan. Maya had the better night. She maintained her rock goddess status. Which couldn’t be said of Menudo. The judges thought Menudo’s performance was better off on a children’s program than in Las Vegas headlining their own show. America must have agreed with them because Maya was the second person to go into the top five.

The next pairing was a lot harder. It was Journeyy and Sabrina. These two acts were both strong. Journeyy was an adorable nine year old that moved the crowd to tears with his rendition of a Bob Marley song. He has a beautiful voice. On the other side, Sabrina managed to be a mixture of some of the best acts that AGT has ever seen. They were great dancers. There weren’t many of those in the Semifinals. This was one of the toughest part of the night because the crowd didn’t want to send either home and so it was especially sad when Sabrina was eliminated tonight.

Jelly Boy the Clown was up against Learnmore Jonasi. Both of them had strong performances. Learnmore was a one of a kind comedian. He made everyone laugh and he brought back a sense of joy. Jelly Boy took things in a different route. He was a non-traditional clown. He was frightening in more way than just being a clown. He swallowed swords. He played with fire. He basically tortured himself onstage. The audience has never seen anything like it and still Jelly Boy didn’t win his round with Learnmore. Learnmore took the win on this one. His inner beauty impressed everyone.

The final pairing was between Reid Wilson and Sam Huang. Sam had a rough night. His close up magic was a little off because of a medical condition. It didn’t wow the judges like it did previously. This couldn’t be said for Reid. Reid was another great singer and his performance was flawless. He made an Ariana Grande song sound like his own. He has this old soul of a voice. It was a rarity that the audience fought to keep. Reid won his round with Sam. Reid joined the others in the top five. And then it had to be whittle down to three.

Loren Allred performed tonight. She performed with Lauren Daigle. Both of them have been massively successful in their careers. They were also a great sign that competitions do put people on the map. They gave the top five some advice tonight. Then it was time for the results. Terry came back with the top five. He later announced that the first person safe tonight was Reid. Reid Wilson made the Semifinals. His mom also said that he was finally getting that dog. He didn’t have to wait for the prize money.

The second performer that was safe tonight was Kelsey Jane. She convinced Simon that this was dream and that it was okay to walk away from her dentistry practice while she tries to win AGT. He may not get it out, but she does. The next and final person safe tonight was Learnmore Jonassi. He was Terry’s Golden Buzzer. Terry saw an incredible talent that deserved all the accolades. And so Terry was going to be bragging for a while about Learn more becoming a Semifinalist.


Kristine Francis:
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