America’s Got Talent Recap 09/11/24: Season 19 Episode 17 “Semifinals”

America’s Got Talent Recap 09/11/24: Season 19 Episode 17 "Semifinals"America’s Got Talent Recap 09/11/24: Season 19 Episode 17 "Semifinals"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, September 11, 2024, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 19 episode 17 “Semifinals″, as per the NBC synopsis,

“Twelve acts take the stage live at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium for a chance to compete in the finale. America can vote for their six favorite acts to advance to the finals by using the “AGT” app or going to

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In tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode, live tonight was the Semifinals! The contestants fought it out for a place in the finals. Up first was Pranysqa Mishra. She was a little girl with this great voice.

She was an amazing singer. She was competing against several other singers tonight and so she sought her place in the Finals with her rendition of “High Hopes”.

She turned it into a ballad. She slowed it down. She added additional high notes. She made the song into her own. It wasn’t like her typical numbers where she was belting out. She showed a softer to her voice tonight and the audience loved it. They loved her.

Heidi was also a huge fan. She gave Pranysqa a standing ovation at the end of her performance. She really enjoyed it and the other judges enjoyed it as well. Howie was nice to her.

Which alone proved she did amazing. He was a tough judge to impress. Sofia was encouraging. Simon called her gutsy and congratulated her on a stellar performance. Pransyqa had a great night.

Next up was Kelsey Jane. She was an aerialist. She did that part-time while her day job was being a dentist. She makes good money being a dentist. Simon was genuinely curious why she wanted to give that up.

Kelsey was a great aerialist. She was super skilled. She made her movements look soft and graceful. Only show business was a fickle thing. Simon truly didn’t understand why she would chase after that when she had her dentistry.

It took his fellow judges plus Kelsey herself to convince him she was following her dream. She was good at dentistry. It just wasn’t her dream. She wanted to be an aerialist and she got to be one tonight. Her performances were always great. Tonight did not disappoint.

Kelsey was stunning. Simon still didn’t fully get it, but everyone else did. Next up was Alex Sampson. He was also a singer and he developed his own sound. He was great at the love songs.

He was building a fanbase. He was even getting advice from Simon behind the scenes. Alex performed another original song tonight. Everyone loved it. It also didn’t hurt that Alex was a cute young man. Young or old, women were going to flock to him and they were going to be voting too. And so it’s a good he was truly talented.

Next up was a magician. Young-Min wasn’t a typical magician. He added a level of beauty and amazement to it that other magicians have lacked. He was known for such calm sense of magic. He delivered on that magic tonight. Simon just didn’t like it. He thought it was more of the same. He didn’t think Young-Min maintained a strong performance and Simon got booed for saying that. The audience loved Young-Min. They wanted to see more of him. The audience acted as the fifth judge tonight and it was up to them to decide who stays and who goes.

Ashes & Arrows were up next. They were a musical band. They were three of them. They were good friends and they’ve been performing together for a while now. They stayed performing even as life got in the way. They got married. They were having kids. They could really use a million dollar prize right about now only performing was the dream. The trio ended up performing an original song tonight. It was a Country/Folk song. It was perhaps their best performance to date. Simon for one loved it and his fellow judges had only great things to say.

The band was followed by the only dog act of the night, Roni Sagi & Rhythm. Rhythm was the dog. He was aptly named because he was a dancing dog and he had fun tonight. He wasn’t doing anything big. He was more dancing in tune with his owner, Roni. They had routines. Both dog and owner were always on point with each other. It was still a dog act. It was just different than any other dog act they’ve seen before. Rhythm was original. He made everyone smile. His owner trained him well and she apparently has more dogs at home in case anyone’s wondering or looking for a trainer.

Next up was one of Howie’s Golden Buzzers. It was Reid Wilson. He was another singer. He was a teenager and he recently lost a great friend that was also on the show this season. Though Journeyy wasn’t competing anymore, he still gave Reid an amazing idea. Reid had no idea what to perform. He was freaking out. He called Journeyy. Journeyy gave him the idea to do Whitney Houston. Reid chose “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” and he turned it into a ballad. It was really beautiful. It was a great performance overall. And all four judges were in agreement that he knocked it out of the park.

Howie did good when he gave Reid the Golden Buzzer. His second Golden Buzzer went after Reid. Brent Street was a dance group. They were from Down Under. They had cute accents and incredible skills. They found a way to keep reinventing themselves with each performance. They delivered another stellar routine tonight. Howie was super proud of them. The other judges were impressed. Brent Street has a strong chance of making it to the Finals. If they make it that far, thank Howie because Howie’s choices have been on point this whole season.

Richard Goodall went next. He was this amazing singer. He was older than the other singers. He didn’t decide to pursue his dream until later on in life and he actually works as a janitor at a high school. The kids at school were huge fans of his. They welcomed him back with rally after his last performance. It gave Richard the confidence he needed to go after a big song. He performed “Eye Of the Tiger” tonight. He rocked it out. He was having such fun that the audience was so happy to watch him. The judges love Richard. They even said “we love you” to him.

Richard’s rock performance was a tough act to follow and yet Learnmore Jonasi wasn’t scared. The comedian was very funny. He brought a sense of joy back wherever he goes. He had everyone laughing within minutes. Howie called his act seamless because it had a nice flow to it. Heidi said he was on fire from the first joke. Sofia was overheard laughing along with the audience to Learnmore jokes. Learnmore even got Simon cracking up. He called the act funny and original. He also said that Learnmore has to be in the Finals because he truly deserves it.

Next up was Sky Elements. They were an aerial drone show. They put on such great shows. What they do with those drones was amazing and it easily beats fireworks. They usually do these big productions and tonight they chose to instead tell a story with the drones. It was a stunning story by the way. The whole of the city got to enjoy it. It made everyone a little emotional tonight. It was just plain beautiful. But was it ready for Las Vegas? It doesn’t seem like it can headline a show what with needing the whole sky as a canvas to its art.

Last one up was Solange Kardinaly. She was a quick change artist. She could change into these beautiful clothes within seconds and she also added certain levels of magic to it as well. She was entertaining. Not just any entertaining but Las Vegas kind of entertaining. She would do amazing with her own show. Her fans would come out to watch that and so all she has to do was survive tomorrow night. And then it was onto the Finals.


Kristine Francis:
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