Big Brother Recap 07/18/24: Season 26 Episode 2 “Premiere Part 2”

Big Brother Recap 07/17/24: Season 26 Episode 2 "Premiere Part 2"Big Brother Recap 07/17/24: Season 26 Episode 2 "Premiere Part 2"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 18, 2024, season 26 episode 2 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 2 called, “Premiere Part 2,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Part two of the two-night BIG BROTHER premiere special event. The remaining eight Houseguests move into the BBAI themed house and, for the first time ever, have the power to vote in a 17th houseguest.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, the houseguests met BBAI. She was the artificial intelligence stirring up a bunch of trouble. The first eight met her first. Half of them even ticked her off. They all competed in challenges to win an upgrade or be forcibly downgraded. Makensy won the upgrade. Chelsie was downgraded.

They weren’t told about the results right away. They simply had to wait for the new eight to join them before learning where they landed in the competition and the second group of guests were no joke. There was Quinn. Quinn was a nurse. He has long flowy hair. And he jogs twenty miles because it interests him.

There was also Brooklyn. She was a Business Administrator. She was also a pageant coach. She won several pageants herself and she now trains women to win their own pageants.

She was half Native American and the other half was mixed with Irish, English, and black. She doesn’t lose. Her husband and family of small kids have all watched the show. They told her to come back once she won. There was no other option in that house. The houseguests were all beautiful too by the way. There was just no match for Matt.

Matt was an urban cowboy whenever he wasn’t being an accountant exec. He was half Filipino. He was also drop dead handsome. He was going to break a few hearts in that house.

He already looked into the statistics of relationships working out from Big Brother compared to the Bachelor. Big Brother apparently comes out ahead. Which the next houseguest will be pleased by. Lisa was a celebrity chef. She coined the term as vibe curator because she does more than just food. She brings the whole event together.

Hence the name. Lisa was great. The same goes for Leah. Leah owns an underwear company. She always wanted to go into business for herself and she’s done that.

She was also a chubby chaser. She was looking for a chubby guy to flirt with. There didn’t seem much of them this season. The closest she got was Kenney. Only Kenney was already married. He was also hiding the fact that he was an undercover cop. He was afraid that would put a target on his back and so he completely forgot about his American flag tattoo.

Cedric spotted that tattoo on day one. He was a former Marine. He served his country. He knew instantly that Kenney was either former military or was a cop. He held off on telling anyone else until he figured out the puzzle himself. And then there was T’Kor. She owns a crochet business.

She’s been featured on television. She’s met Michelle Obama. Her accent was a mixture because she grew up in London for the first eight years and then her family moved to Chicago. Making T’Kor far more adaptable than others there.

The second group of houseguests enter the house tonight. They just didn’t meet the first group right away. They instead had to meet “Ainsley”. They voted on whether or not to allow her into the house. Some voted yes. Others voted no. The overall decision was not to allow Ainsley in the house.

What they didn’t know was that Ainsley wasn’t real. She was BBAI. Also, the ones that voted no had to play Facial Recognition. The ones that voted yes got to play AI Chip Install. They had to install four chips into BB AI. It was to help her learn. The fastest will be upgraded.

The slowest with Facial Recognition will be downgraded. Up first was Quinn. Quinn played AI Chip Install. He wasn’t expecting the room to be constantly shifting and so his sense of humor came in handy. Brooklyn played Facial Recognition. Her makeup came in handy for the first two parts.

She struggled with the third though she was in good company. Poor Matt struggled with the same game. He was even worse off than T’Kor who played the same game while struggling with the second piece. Her makeup came in handy for her too.

Most people that got stuck with Facial Recognition made it as far as the second piece. All except for Cedric. Then times get called and that’s it. The last eight met the first eight.

There were hugs all around. They were also all informed that Chelsie and Cedric were downgraded. The downgrade meant they weren’t eligible to play for Head of House. Nor could they vote in the first election to evict. They can on the other hand be evicted and so they were the safest option to evict at this point. And now really was the time to play the social game.

Or else its their name on the chopping block.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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