Big Brother Recap 07/28/24: Season 26 Episode 6 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 07/28/24: Season 26 Episode 6 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 28, 2024, season 26 episode 6 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 6 called, “”HoH and Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we are going to have another Head Of Household competition.  Following the crowing of the new HoH, he/she will nominate people for eviction.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, Matt got evicted! He was gone. His supposed allies were all keeping quiet about how they voted. Meanwhile Matt’s chief enemy was free to play the game.

Angela was still crazy. She couldn’t find anyone that wanted to work with her. She also had a massive target on her back. The same people that happily betrayed Matt would go on to defend him with Angela. They too were crazy. They just went about it differently. They kept their heads down. They didn’t announce their enemies for everyone to hear.

They mourned Matt leaving. Makensy was in tears afterwards. Kenney looked like he wanted to cry too. Lisa was very comforting. She went around hugging everyone. Tucker saw her.

It gave him another reason to want her gone. He knew in his heart that she voted against Matt. Matt was an ally of his. He also wanted Lisa gone because he considered her fake. Tucker was one of the big reasons why Lisa was ever nominated for eviction in the first place. She ended up winning veto. She used that on herself to get out of trouble. And Tucker was still coming after her.

Makensy was now coming for Angela. She wanted to win HOH so badly because she wanted to nominate Angela. Did you know that crazy Angela hugged her after Matt’s eviction? Yeah, she did that.

She even told Makensy that it wasn’t personal. It was all a part of the game. Makensy pretended to understand when really she was plotting revenge. Makensy was also angry at the Barbershop alliance. They all promised to vote with Matt against whoever was competing against him. Most of them went back on that promise.

Makensy realized that they had to betray Matt if he lost by eight to two. She knew for a fact that Leah tried to keep Matt. She, Leah, and Matt bonded that first week. They built a strong friendship.

Leah agreed to help Makensy get revenge for Matt. They were aiming for Angela. They weren’t going to turn against their current alliance because they needed the numbers. Only the Barbershop days are numbered as well. The houseguests later went into the HOH competition. Angela couldn’t play and so she became the host of the game.

They played Animal Obsession. They watched a bunch of animal videos. They had to remember everything about it because they were going to be asked questions about those videos. They played. It came down to Leah, Chelsie, and T’kor. Whoever won has to nominate three people for eviction. The women played for a while and the winner proved to be Chelsie. Chelsie went from no power to becoming HOH. She felt amazing afterwards. She also didn’t let the power go to her head. She wasn’t nominating people for not hugging her.

Chelsie wasn’t demanding that everyone bow down to her. She had quiet conversations with T’Kor and Cam. They told her that Kenney was an easy choice. He’s not making connections with anyone in the house. The last person he befriended was Matt. Plus, everyone could see how depressed he was after Matt left. Kenney was an easy choice to leave because he’s not fighting to stay. Cam also suggested Lisa. He thought Lisa might be in an alliance with Leah and Makensy. Chelsie can break that up by nominating one of them.

Chelsie can also nominate Angela. There was no fighting for Angela. Angela herself was keeping quiet. She was hoping that if she didn’t remind people she was there she could hide under the radar for a while. Anyways, Tucker approached Chelsie with someone to nominate. It was of course Lisa. Lisa annoyed him from day one. Tucker hates her food. He thinks she wastes food with all of her crazy concoctions. He also accused her of giving people the runs. Tucker considered himself the superior chef in the house. And that’s the real reason he wants her gone.

Chelsie bonded with Kimo. She bonded with Cedric and Cam. The difference was that the last two were a part of her core alliance. They recruited Quinn and Brooklyn. Both Quinn and Brooklyn have been in other alliances. They betrayed those alliances. Quinn also has a secret power that he only told Angela about. Angela didn’t betray that confidence. She did on the other hand tell Chelsie she wouldn’t mind if Chelsie nominated her. Angela said she would remain loyal to Chelsie because she likes Chelsie. She can also act a shield.

Chelsie kinda has to nominate Angela at this point. She would look foolish if she didn’t nominate her. Most of the house was fine with Angela going. Makensy even told Chelsie about her secret power as a means of getting her to take out Angela. Makensy has America’s Veto. She could use that power to save herself at any time over the next three weeks. Quinn’s secret power was that he could be the secret HOH whenever he wants to for the next three weeks. Only Quinn waited too long to mention his secret power. He now can’t say because it would have people second guess him.

Chelsie ended up nominating Kenney, Angela, and Lisa. They were easy choices to make. And it kept her hands bloodless.