Big Brother Recap 07/31/24: Season 26 Episode 7 “PoV and Ceremony”

Big Brother Recap 07/31/24: Season 26 Episode 7 "PoV and Ceremony"Big Brother Recap 07/31/24: Season 26 Episode 7 "PoV and Ceremony"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 31, 2024, season 26 episode 7 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 7 called, “”PoV and Ceremony,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we are going to have another PoV competition. With Angela putting her nominations on the block they will all be hoping to win.  Once the competition is complete we will see the PoV ceremony.

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonights Big Brother episode Chelsie was the new Head of House. She won HOH last Sunday. She was given special powers. One of them was to nominate three people for eviction. She nominated Kenney, Lisa, and Angela. Angela was the only one that hasn’t been nominated before. Both Kenney and Lisa were easy targets.

Kenney hasn’t really connected with anyone in the house. He hasn’t tried to join an alliance or anything like that. Lisa on the other hand was nominated because she was a chef whose food sucked. She had edible glitter. She came up with wild concoctions. There were some that felt she gave people diarrhea with one of those things. And then there was Angela.

Angela was a part of an alliance until she blew it up with loose lips. Angela also upset a lot of people when she went after Matt so publicly. Sure, they were all happy to remove a popular threat.

They just didn’t want it to get out that they had blood on their hands and so evicting Angela was another easy target. The three nominees couldn’t count on anyone. They had to either save themselves while playing for Veto or save themselves when it comes to the Eviction Arena. The last one was still new to the game.

It was all part of BB AI’s upgrading the house. The nominees now have two opportunities in getting off the chopping block. Kenney wasn’t worried about winning those. He felt pretty good when he heard the other nominees. He knew that both Angela and Lisa were rubbing people the wrong way.

He figured he could out-survive them by keeping his head down. Lisa didn’t know how to get allies. Angela didn’t know how to keep them. Angela was supposed to be the final two with Quinn and she’s turning on him too. Quinn basically signed up for several alliances.

Quinn was in an alliance with Chelsie, Cam, Cedric, and Brooklyn. Only he didn’t trust that alliance. Quinn and even Brooklyn knew that they were just add-ons. The real alliance was between Cam. Cedric, and Cheslie.

Those three created a bond. They’ll be slow to act against the other. They only had other people in the group to get the numbers they needed to survive. Quinn later discussed it with Brooklyn. They realized how unstable the alliance was. And that’s when Quinn went looking for friends.

Quinn developed an alliance with Kimo and T’kor. T’kor then went behind Quinn back to enter a informal alliance with Cam, Cedric, and Chelsie. They were all black.

It was pretty unspoken agreement that they wanted a black person to win this season. Angela saw the group talking. She warned Quinn about it. Quinn then decided to betray Angela by telling T’Kor what Angela has been saying.

Angela was known for blowing alliances. Quinn didn’t want her around. He only told T’Kor because he was trying to oust Angela.

Remember that Angela was the one person that knew Quinn’s secret power. If he got rid of her, no one would know about his power. He could use it at any time to save himself.

Thus it didn’t matter if he forewarned others about Angela. Angela leaving would save his game. He would also keep his hands clean. Quinn did betray Angela and so she was right to be distrustful. She and the others later played in the Veto competition.

Kenney easily won that one. He built his tower faster than the others. He won veto and he used it to take himself off the block. Chelsie then had to name someone else to take Kenney’s place, but before she did that she heard from Cedric that Angela saw their group as a threat. Angela didn’t say threat.

She said that’s the group. Angela wanted to work with that group and Quinn misconstrued her words as a means of getting rid of her. T’kor took his words to mean that Angela was targeting black people.

T’kor spoke to Angela. Angela tried to clear things up. She said that Quinn took her words out of context. She never called the group a threat. She merely said that’s the group and she showed Quinn who was making alliances. Quinn then tattletaled because he was working with everyone in that group.

He was in two separate alliances with that group. Angela was so hurt by what Quinn did that she broke out in tears. T’kor didn’t want her to be around her because she was so unstable. Angela then told Cedric what she meant and he knew she wasn’t racist. She just talks too much.

Angela also knew too much. She had to go. Tucker even told Chelsie he was willing to be the pawn as the third nominee if meant they could get rid of either Lisa or Angela.

It didn’t matter that Angela cleared the air with T’kor. There was still a target on her back. The only thing working in Angela’s favor was the fact that Tucker also realized Makensy’s secret. He knew that Makensy has a secret power and he was trying to talk Chelsie into flushing it out by naming Makensy as the third nominee.

But Chelsie ultimately chose to play it safe by naming Tucker as the third nominee.


Kristine Francis:
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