Big Brother Recap 08/01/24: Season 26 Episode 8 “Live Eviction”

Big Brother Recap 08/01/24: Season 26 Episode 8 "Live Eviction"Big Brother Recap 08/01/24: Season 26 Episode 8 "Live Eviction"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, August 1, 2024, season 26 episode 8 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 8 called, “Live Eviction,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we are going to have another Live Eviction.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, Kenney took himself off the chopping block. He won veto. He was now safe. The current HOH had to nominate someone else to replace him and Chelsie chose to play it safe. She nominated Tucker. She knew no one would vote for him. She just wanted a safe choice to stand up against Lisa as well as Angela.

It’s the two women that everyone wanted to stay on the block. Lisa was a little too much and Angela was crazy. No one would miss either of them. Chelsie had the opportunity to force Makensy into playing her America’s veto and she chose not to do so. She said she didn’t want to rock the boat so early in the game.

Nevermind that Makensy had only one true ally in the whole house. It was still one more than either Lisa or Angela had. Makensy was safe for now. Tucker was even safe for now.

He was going into the BB AI Arena with both Angela and Lisa. He really wanted to get out Lisa. He hated Lisa’s food. He also wouldn’t mind getting rid of Angela too. Her outbursts have become legendary at this point. She was simply too unstable to play with. She was the true target this week. The whole house was set on getting rid of her and they were just waiting for the results of the Arena to see if they can.

Tucker was initially the sole person on the Lisa- hating train. He later came to suspect that Lisa has a secret power. She doesn’t. It was Makensy and Quinn that were given secret powers in the game.

Quinn has managed to keep that hidden from almost everyone. There was only one person who knew about it. Unfortunately, it was Angela. She could blow up his game like he did hers. Angela knew she was the target this week because she sees how quick the area clears when she enters the room. Her second chance at survival was the Arena.

Angela also started calling Lisa’s name to sink her. Not that it worked. Lisa just has to deal with Tucker and Angela has pretty much set the whole house against her. Angela tried to get Tucker on her side. It didn’t work. All she did was tick off Lisa. Lisa called Angela a bully. Angela called Lisa a twit. Lisa ran off to cry about it.

She managed to upset Chelsie who felt Lisa was overreacting. Chelsie now wants the both of them gone. She couldn’t stand either of them. Both Angela and Lisa were a little too crazy for her.

Then came time for the newly nicknamed Eviction Arena. The BB AI Arena has a new game called Security Breach. The three nominees had to play it. Tucker was really good at putting together the puzzle and he easily won against the other two. He got taken off the chopping block. It came down to a vote of either Lisa or Angela.

The two women couldn’t stand each other. Angela also had Quinn’s secret in her back pocket. She almost let the cat out of the bag with Tucker. And Tucker was just too set on Lisa to pick up the clues.

Tonight was Eviction Night. Tucker was revealed as safe. Both Lisa and Angela made their case. It was all too much. Angela hugged people for dear life and that wasn’t going to change the outcome either. The house later evicted Lisa. She lost by eleven to one. Tucker’s master plan to get rid of her worked. He convinced everyone.

They completely blindsided Lisa. Everyone had her believing that Angela was the target. Angela even thought she herself was the target and that’s why she kept picking on Lisa. Well, it was all a con.

The plan was to get rid of Lisa. Lisa was evicted tonight. Her normal bubbly self couldn’t stand those people at the end because she knew she had been lied to. Angela was so happy she got to stay. She thanked everyone from the bottom of her heart. She was crying yet again tonight. She’ll probably go next week, but she survived tonight because Lisa was just a little bit more annoying than Angela was. And so Angela shouldn’t celebrate too hard this week.

There was no Lisa next week. Lisa had her eviction interview tonight. She talked about how blindsided she was. She had no idea why people evicted her. She had been willing to work with them and she really believed up until the end that they were going to evict Angela. Angela was that despised in the house.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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