Big Brother Recap 08/11/24: Season 26 Episode 12 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 08/11/24: Season 26 Episode 12 "HoH and Nominations"Big Brother Recap 08/11/24: Season 26 Episode 12 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, August 11, 2024, season 26 episode 12 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 12 called, “HoH and Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have the next Head of Household competition and the new HoH will reveal his/her nominations bringing us into Week 4 on Big Brother 26.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Kenney was out. He got evicted last week. His heart was no longer in the game. It was probably for the best that he got evicted. He was back with his family now and he was away from all the drama. It had been Cedric that essentially sent Kenney home. Cedric was HOH. He had to nominate three people. Only Cedric did the one thing he didn’t want to do. He got blood on his hands. He had agreed to a plan with Tucker. The plan was Tucker’s idea. He talked Cedric into it only for Cedric to wimp out at the last minute. They were supposed to force Quinn to flush out his secret power. Cedric instead forced Makensy to play her America’s veto. And now she’s an enemy.

Quinn also felt a little too comfortable with all of his alliances. He was in more than one. Everyone knew he was keeping secrets. Quinn told Kimo about his secret power and Kimo told Tucker. Tucker was the one that spread that secret far and wide. He was in an alliance with Quinn. He just no longer trusts him now that he knew Quinn had a secret power and told no one. Well, no one other than Angela as well as Kimo. Quinn was bad at keeping secrets. It was this that annoyed his friends.

Quinn’s own friends tried to get him to admit he had the power. He refused to confess. He tried to lead them down the wrong paths or suspect that someone else had the power. He played in everyone’s faces. He figured he could do that because he was well insulated. The only person he wasn’t in an alliance with was Angela. Angela sorta blew up their alliance on day one and that’s why she’s left out. She hadn’t joined any other alliance since then. Which was why Quinn kept trying to get her out.

Tucker ruined Quinn’s plan last week. Quinn now knows Tucker is coming for him. Tucker announced that to the whole house and so the two were on the outs. Cedric was also against Tucker. With both Quinn and Cedric against him, the alliance they were in now wants to oust Tucker. Tucker made an enemy of the Pentagon. The Pentagon was a five person alliance. Cam was in it and he had actually warned Tucker that he was the target. Tucker managed to save himself last week by winning BB AI Eviction. He’s now won that back to back. And he’s considered the strongest player.

One would think Quinn would be a bigger target only he swore he’d never use his power. He claimed he just wants to play a normal game like everyone else and he left out the part he’s a known liar. He would of course use that power if he has to. He didn’t want to be seen going back on his word though. He wanted to win HOH and luckily that didn’t happen. They all played Bad AI. Quinn and Chelsie were quickly out. Brooklyn later was out. Cedric couldn’t play for HOH again. Meaning the best bet for the Pentagon alliance was if Cam won HOH.

The Pentagon were happy when Tucker was eliminated from HOH. It came down to Angela and Cam. Cam instantly noticed a pattern with the answers. It was never the same letter twice. Angela on the other hand had a hyper focused skill. Its probably her mom powers. Angela won HOH. It was the second time for her. Tucker knows Angela wasn’t going to nominate him. The Pentagon alliance was worried she’d come after Quinn. Quinn even thought so. He tried to play nice with Angela after she won HOH and this time Angela knew she couldn’t trust him.

Brooklyn also thought she’d be nominated. Angela chose her back to back in the HOH competition. Brooklyn came to believe that Angela wanted to target her and she confronted her. She went to Angela asking why she got chosen twice. Angela tried to tell her it wasn’t personal. Brooklyn didn’t see it that way. She now wants Quinn’s to use his secret power to take over HOH. Angela also wants to force Quinn to play his secret power. She was going to nominate him as well as Cedric. She was close with Cedric on day one and he betrayed her by nominating her.

Angela knows she was a target last week. She was saved by Tucker. The only one she can trust is Tucker. Tucker risked his own game to save her. She wasn’t going to forget that. The two of them later spoke game. They were on the same page in forcing Quinn to use his power. Its not like it’s a secret anymore. Neither Angela nor Tucker understood the fullness of Quinn’s power. They didn’t know that Quinn could make it look like Angela was nominating people all the while it was actually Quinn.

Quinn tried to schmooze Angela again. The second time was a dud as well. She didn’t fall for it. He saw that and so that’s when he decided to play the secret HOH card. He wanted to get out Tucker. He was willing to nominate Rubina and Makensy as well. Quinn spoke with the whole house. He showed who was running the game. He even wore a suit to sell it. He won over his alliances. And then nominated three people for eviction by using AI version of Angela. It had looked like Angela was making moves.

The fake Angela nominated Tucker, Makensy, and Cedric. Cedric was to be the secret pawn. The Pentagon alliance will never turn against him. The real target this week was Tucker. Tucker doesn’t have anything against Makensy. They could team up for veto later on. And Cedric better win either veto or BB AI Arena.


Kristine Francis:
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