Big Brother Recap 08/18/24: Season 26 Episode 16 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 08/18/24: Season 26 Episode 16 "HoH and Nominations"Big Brother Recap 08/18/24: Season 26 Episode 16 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, August 18, 2024, season 26 episode 16 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 16 called, “HoH and Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have the next Head of Household competition and this week it is an endurance comp.  Once the new HoH is crowned he/she will announce their nominations bring us into Week 5 of Big Brother 26.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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The Pentagon alliance has suffered its first loss. They lost Cedric. He was only supposed to go up as a pawn and instead he was evicted last week because the same alliance had underestimated the other houseguests. Well, Quinn underestimated them. Quinn told his other alliance about the Pentagon. They weren’t sure if they could trust him after that and so they ousted Cedric. They wanted to weaken that alliance. They succeeded. Quinn also used his secret power to be HOH for a week. He no longer has this power. He couldn’t use it again. He couldn’t even hide behind the Pentagon anymore because they don’t have the numbers anymore.

With Cedric gone, the rest of the Pentagon knew they had to watch their backs. The Pentagon still had Chelsie, Cam, Brooklyn, and Quinn. They were down to four. They knew the rest of the house was coming for them and so they made a plan. They wanted to win HOH again. They wanted to oust people. Brooklyn was feeling the most insecure. She basically told people the game plan right before the vote. They didn’t listen to her. She felt they didn’t trust her. They made her out to be a liar to Cedric and that she can’t forgive.

Quinn was also worried. He put his trust in the other alliance he was in. They didn’t vote with him. They didn’t tell him about their own plan. Quinn wasn’t sure if he still had another alliance or if he just had to rely on the Pentagon. Brooklyn may want revenge, but Quinn just wants to know if he’s safe. HOH was at play again tonight. The houseguests later had to hold onto a wall long enough to win HOH. It was a test of endurance. Tucker wanted to beat Quinn. Brooklyn wanted to beat Tucker. Chelsie wanted to go after everyone involved in the blindside.

T’kor, Kimo, and Joseph led the blindside. They told the Pentagon they would vote with them. They ended up betraying them to keep Rubina. The Pentagon wasn’t going to forget that. Chelsie was the first one in the alliance out. Angela was out. Kimo was out. Leah was out. Joseph basically gave up. Then T’Kor got out. Everyone on the wall got watered down. They got sprayed with a cooling fan. They got sprayed with quite a few things actually. Most of it was gunk. It was down to Cam, Quinn, and Tucker. And then Cam got out.

Quinn was going to target Tucker if he won HOH. Tucker was going to target Quinn if he won HOH. Both of them knew what they were fighting for and Quinn just couldn’t hold on. Tucker won HOH. His alliance was safe because of him. The Pentagon on the other side of it was scared. Quinn was so depressed afterwards that he broke out into tears. He beat himself up for losing to Tucker. He was in no shape for game play and the rest of his alliance was running scared. They knew Tucker was coming after them. They just didn’t know how to stop it.

There are two options for getting off the chopping block. One was winning Veto. The other was winning the BB AI Arena this season. There were four of them and so that would still put two of them at risk even if they won all the advantages they could. Quinn was at such a loss that he did the unthinkable. He reached out to Tucker. Tucker said he doesn’t want to get Quinn out at this point. He has to put him up because that’s what he told people he was going to do and really he wanted to take out an actual threat.

Quinn wasn’t a threat without a secret power. He wasn’t well-insulated. He just had the one alliance. They didn’t even have the numbers and so Tucker wasn’t focused on getting him out. He was merely a pawn. Tucker wanted to go after stronger players. He was thinking Cam would be a better fit. Maybe Brooklyn. Tucker told Quinn he was safe. He told the rest of the Pentagon that he was targeting Quinn to see what they said. He wanted to see if they’d defend Quinn or if they would trade Tucker some useful information.

Brooklyn was honest with Tucker. She told him that she voted to save Cedric last week. Chelsie lied about that. Cam lied about that. They both pretended they voted with the majority in ousting Cedric.
Tucker knew them for the liars they are and he still needed to think about who to nominate. He nominated Quinn. He nominated Cam for lying to him. He also weirdly nominated Brooklyn even though she’s the only one that never lied to him. Chelsie was easily going to be the replacement for whoever won Veto soon.

And that wrapped Tucker’s first night as HOH.


Kristine Francis:
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