Big Brother Recap 08/25/24: Season 26 Episode 19 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 08/25/24: Season 26 Episode 19 "HoH and Nominations"Big Brother Recap 08/25/24: Season 26 Episode 19 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, August 25, 2024, season 26 episode 19 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 16 called, “HoH and Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have the next Head of Household competition and this week it is an endurance comp.  Once the new HoH is crowned he/she will announce their nominations bring us into Week 6 of Big Brother 26.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, the Pentagon alliance was down to three. There weren’t even each other’s final three. Cam and Chelsie made a side deal with Cedric to be the final three. They discussed that first before realizing they needed the numbers to truly manipulate the game. They were just using Quinn and Brooklyn for cover.

Now Cedric’s gone. Brooklyn is gone. Their game has been topsy turvy for weeks now. All of their problems seemed to have started when this group of five picked each other over the game.

Cedric had the opportunity to evict Quinn with no problem. He chose not to do that. He instead made the crucial mistake of betraying Tucker.

Tucker eventually evicted Cedric from the house because of this betrayal. Tucker also told everyone that he was going after Quinn next. Quinn went after him when he used his secret power.

He failed to take down Tucker and Tucker had the opportunity to take out Quinn when he did the oddest thing. He had a private conversation with Quinn in which he told him that he’s not the target. Tucker still wanted to target the Pentagon alliance, but he didn’t consider Quinn a threat without his secret power.

Quinn used his secret power for nothing. It actually hurt him more than it helped. He survived last week thanks to Tucker. Tucker wanted to destroy the Pentagon alliance and, to do that, he has to target the masterminds. Tucker knew that wasn’t Quinn. Which was why he used his Veto to save him last week.

He felt it was either Brooklyn or Chelsie pulling the strings and he was right. They were the most talkative of the alliance. Brooklyn for one kept trying to tell people how to vote. Chelsie was keeping a list of grievances. They were both going to be a problem.

Tucker just couldn’t evict both of them at the same time. Chelsie saved herself at the BB AI Arena. It came down to Brooklyn or Cam and they evicted Brooklyn. Cam wasn’t in trouble.

He probably would have gotten evicted if he went against Chelsie. Chelsie has other alliances in the house. She has friends. Tucker told Cam as much. Cam now realizes that he can’t depend on either Chelsie or Quinn. He was still nice to Chelsie. She was his closet ally at this point. They could have trusted Quinn too if Tucker hadn’t confused them by giving Quinn Veto.

In their eyes, it appeared as if Quinn worked with Tucker to evict his own people. They couldn’t tell who were friends and who were foes at this stage. They only knew they had each other.

They knew one of them had to win the next HOH or else their alliance will get targeted again. Tucker couldn’t compete because he was HOH last week. They were better off now that Tucker couldn’t compete. They had to go into the AI Lab to play guess that sound. Angela second guessed herself and was eliminated on the first round.

Quinn also got eliminated that round. The houseguests were slowly eliminated until T’Kor was named the new HOH. She was in the Sixth Avenue alliance. Her core alliance however was with Kimo. Kimo was the one person she wouldn’t betray. They were supposed to be in an alliance with Quinn only they kept blindsiding him.

They didn’t like that he was in the Pentagon alliance. They pushed him out and formed an entirely new alliance. Kimo was so happy for T’Kor that he had a crying session with Rubina in the bathroom.

Cam had a different mindset. He talked to Chelsie. He thought T’Kor should try to go after Tucker. Tucker was a powerful player in the house. He kept winning Veto. He was great at competitions. He was dangerous. Cam wanted to focus again on his social game in the hopes of being able to convince T’kor to evict Tucker.

He didn’t know that T’Kor was already in an alliance with Tucker. They had the known alliance as Sixth Avenue. There was also a secret alliance within that alliance between her, Tucker, Kimo, and Rubina.

Rubina and Tucker were super close to each other. They apparently slept together during the live feed over the weekend. She wasn’t going to evict him. Or at least she wasn’t until the secret power.

Tucker got a secret power this week. He was given control of the AI to plant misinformation. He made the AI take the form of anyone in the house and he could make the fake version say whatever he wants. He wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about this power. He only knew that America voted for him to have the power and that he could use it at any time.

Tucker used it right away. He had a fake version of Quinn basically call out Tucker and Rubina for their showmance. He also had fake Quinn say “Pentagon for Life”. No one believes it was really Quinn that said that. They knew it was someone’s secret power and that America must have given it to someone.

They didn’t know America gave the power to Tucker. Tucker brought up his relationship with Rubina because he didn’t want to hide their relationship anymore. They were holding hands under the covers to hide it from the cameras. Tucker simply wanted their relationship out in the open.

Tucker didn’t think this one through because he actually made Rubina cry. Rubina hated being called out. She was worried that everyone was talking about her. She felt very insecure and look who kissed her out in the open to make her feel better.

Yeah, Tucker! He ended up benefiting from making his girlfriend cry. He then had a conversation with T’Kor. T’Kor wanted to use Tucker as a pawn. He told her he wouldn’t be upset if she did. T’Kor deserves an easy HOH week. She could go after Makensy for trying to target her alliance.

She could go after Leah because Leah couldn’t think of a name. She could go after Angela. Angela went crazy again and she started thinking she was going to be put up on the block.

She cried about it to T’Kor, Kimo, and Rubina. The same people that are in an alliance with her and so she basically told them she didn’t trust them. It was one thing to think it. It was a whole other thing to outright state it. And then came time for the nomination ceremony.

T’kor nominated Makensy, Cam, and Tucker for eviction.

Now let’s see who survives the week.


Kristine Francis:
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