Big Brother Recap 08/29/24: Season 26 Episode 21 “Live Eviction”

Big Brother Recap 08/29/24: Season 26 Episode 21 "Live Eviction"Big Brother Recap 08/29/24: Season 26 Episode 21 "Live Eviction"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, August 29, 2024, season 26 episode 21 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 21 called, “Live Eviction,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have the another live eviction and that will bring us into Week 7 of Big Brother 26.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, T’kor was HOH this week. She won last Sunday’s HOH challenge. She also had to nominate three people for eviction once she won. She played it safe. She put up a pawn. She put up someone without alliances. She also targeted the Pentagon. The last one was an alliance comprised of five members and its now be whittled down to three.

With the three on the outs with each other. Cam and Chelsie stayed close. They just don’t strategize with Quinn anymore. It was them protecting Quinn that got them in trouble in the first place. He’s the one that blabbed. He told T’kor and Kimo about the Pentagon. He was in a final three alliance with them and he thought it was safe.

Quinn ended up being wrong about that. He put the Pentagon on the block. The rest of the house started chipping away at them and the three that are left are no longer in communication.

Quinn was trying to win his way back into T’kor and Kimo’s hearts. Cam won Veto. He took himself off the block. Chelsie should have been the next target and it went to Angela instead. Angela turned on Tucker. Tucker began telling her that everyone thinks she was the Instigator. She wasn’t. He was. He withheld that fact and Angela became suspicious of him.

Its why Angela ultimately turned on him. In spite of that, Tucker still didn’t want her to go. He tried to get T’kor to nominate Leah. Leah’s only friend in the house was Makensy.

Makensy was already on the block. They were easy targets. T’Kor chose to ignore that to teach Angela a lesson. Angela needed to stop acting crazy. She was always going off. There’s no telling what could trigger it, but her turning on someone in the Sixth Avenue alliance showed that they weren’t as strong as they thought they were.

Angela was still trying to give her side of the story tonight. She refused to calm down or listen to reason. She just wanted to talk. Tucker was done playing their game and he walked off. He didn’t want to talk to Angela. He didn’t want to talk to T’kor. The Sixth Avenue alliance was hanging on by a thread.

The funny thing was that it was Quinn that told Tucker that Angela was trying to maneuver against him. Quinn couldn’t be trusted. Both Angela and Tucker knew that. They ignored that to listen to him and tell them their plans and now the Sixth Avenue alliance laid in shatters.

The only person Tucker was willing to talk to was Rubina. Rubina tried to get him to calm down. He didn’t want to because he needed to get that rant out. He said he wasn’t sure anything in the house was real.

Which was pretty insulting to the woman he’s been sleeping with. Rubina was initially on his side when she went to talk to him. She’s not anymore. She’s thinking maybe they are a showmance. Tucker also didn’t tell her after the fact that it was him playing Instigator this week. Meaning it was him that actually made her cry by putting her at the start of the rumors.

Tucker did that because he was tired of hiding their relationship. He didn’t think that Rubina would hate being name dropped. She did and now he was hiding this secret from her while he was asking her to be final two.

He didn’t mention final two earlier. He’s only mentioning it now because he’s on the block. He, Angela, and Makensy were all on the block. None of them were safe. None of them were protected by a strong alliance. Everyone that wasn’t in the Sixth Avenue alliance came together. They began to plot.

Chelsie talked to Cam. She then talked to Leah. Both of the women talked to Makensy. Chelsie later approached Quinn and a game plan was formed. They wanted to take out Tucker. Tucker was a strong player.

He consistently wins at things. He also likes to believe he’s in charge. It’s why he was mad at T’kor. He wanted her to take out someone that wasn’t in their alliance. She ignored his advice. He was so mad about it that it made him slow enough at the BB AI Arena to lose. He actually lost out to Makensy.

Makensy was safe for now. It was down to Angela or Tucker to go home tonight. They were back on friendly terms and they still had to work against the other to keep themselves safe. No one tonight believed Angela had a chance in hell to win “Big Brother 26”.

Taking her out would be easy. It could be done at any time and so not necessarily tonight. The leftovers began approaching people with the idea of targeting Tucker. And then it all came down to a vote.

The majority voted to evict Tucker tonight. He was a threat and the house saw that. Tucker wasn’t even mad about tonight. He saw it coming. And he won’t be walking empty handed because he won twenty grand and he met Rubina.


Kristine Francis:
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