Big Brother Recap 09/08/24: Season 26 Episode 25 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 09/08/24: Season 26 Episode 25 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, September 8, 2024, season 26 episode 25 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 25 called, “HoH and Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have the another Head of Household competition and following the competition the new HoH will reveal his nominations. That will bring us into Week 8 of Big Brother 26.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, alliances fall apart nearly every week on this season of “Big Brother”. Joseph thought he was in a strong alliance until he got evicted last Thursday. It was a blindside. He didn’t have enemies. He was friendly to everyone. He just wasn’t popular with everyone and so he wasn’t a social threat. Nor was he a physical threat.

Joseph was merely a nice guy that got taken down much too soon. He got taken down because he somehow crossed Chelsie. Chelsie wasn’t feeling him because she thought he was too confident in the game. And she might have also wanted him gone to tick off Cam.

Cam and Chelsie were super close. They were allies from before the Pentagon alliance was even formed. They stayed close after it fell apart and nowadays Chelsie wasn’t liking how close Cam became to Makensy. Cam was also friends with Joseph. He wanted to keep Joseph around for that reason.

Chelsie might have ignored that working relationship because she wanted to stand out. Or she might have done it for revenge if the way the producers were highlighting old footage was an indicator. Chelsie herself claimed she evicted Joseph because of Kimo’s speech.

Kimo made a passionate speech before eviction. It swayed certain people to his side. He got to stay by one vote and that one vote was Makensy.

She was so moved by Kimo’s speech that she ignored everything else. She even ignored that Joseph was close to her closest allies. Leah was heartbroken that Joseph went home.

Cam felt his game was vulnerable after Joseph left. Angela found herself eating crow because she wanted to make nice with Kimo. She thought the vote was going to evict Kimo and she didn’t want to find herself up against the majority.

Well, she was wrong about it being the majority. She then went to Kimo with tears in her eyes. She apologized for voting against him. She told him she thought he was a great guy and that she has a great deal of respect him and he pretended to be forgiving because what else could he do?

The good news about this week was that the BB AI Arena was now gone. The Head of House goes back to nominating only two people for eviction. They either had to win veto or face a vote. And so things were finally returning to normal.

As normal as it can get on “Big Brother”.

It was down to nine people in the house. Everyone wanted HOH this week. Quinn was HOH last week. He couldn’t play in the competition to win it again tonight and he probably counts himself lucky because the coemption was wild. They were annoyed all week with people pressing the newly installed doorbell.

They got to see video images from that doorbell. They then had to remember it for the HOH competition tonight. It was all about memory. Chelsie wanted to win because she claimed she’s now focusing on what was best for her game over what was best for her alliance.

Cam wanted it because he said he was betrayed by the closest ally in the house. That person being Chelsie. The competition went in Chelsie’s favor and she was named the new HOH.

It was the second time for her. She wanted to insulate herself by not rocking the boat too much. She played nice with everyone in the house. She got their opinion on who she should nominate. Kimo was the target last week. He didn’t want to be the target this week as well and so he tried to make nice with Chelsie. They all tried to make nice with Chelsie.

Chelsie just couldn’t help noticing that Cam was being really friendly with other women. She saw him being friendly with Leah. Then with Makensy. She thought he was using flirting as a strategy.

Which shouldn’t annoy her if they were merely friends. The fact she was annoyed just showed that she does have feelings for him. Cam was also wary of her now. Angela approached him to champion her to Chelsie and he refused to do it. He didn’t want to be around Chelsie. Their friendship was falling apart.

Angela tried to talk to Chelsie on her own. Chelsie basically told her she didn’t want to rock the boat. She told Angela she was going to nominate her for the ninth time because it was easy.

She didn’t want to target strong players. She was also annoyed that Angela was upset by her decision. Chelsie explained that targeting a strong player could lead to them coming after her the next week. She wanted to target Angela because Angela blows whatever alliance she’s in. She also wanted to nominate Kimo. Chelsie approached T’kor with the Kimo idea..

T’kor was Kimo’s closest ally. Chelsie wanted T’kor to put Kimo at ease about nominating him again because Kimo wouldn’t be the target. He would be the pawn. Chelsie swears they had the numbers not to evict him, but again who knows with “Big Brother”?

Chelsie ended up nominating Angela and Kimo tonight. Now these two have to play the game or get evicted.