Big Brother Recap 09/18/24: Season 26 Episode 29 “Double PoV and Ceremony”

Big Brother Recap 09/18/24: Season 26 Episode 29 "Double PoV and Ceremony"Big Brother Recap 09/18/24: Season 26 Episode 29 "Double PoV and Ceremony"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, September 18, 2024, season 26 episode 29 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 29 called, “Double PoV and Ceremony,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we a exciting night we will see a double Power of Veto and the ceremony. That will bring us into Week 9 of Big Brother 26.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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On tonight’s Big Brother episode, a new Artificial Intelligence was introduced this week. His name was kinda long. He shortened it to “Jankie”. Jankie even came up with his own world and it was supposed to be nonstop fun. It wasn’t until the houseguests went to his world that they found out they were going to be locked in.

They were stuck at a carnival for days on end. It drove them up the wall. Some of them couldn’t be bothered to play for HOH because they were so tired. It came down to Cam and Leah. Leah won by outlasting Cam. She was now HOH. She easily came up with a plan to break the strongest alliance in the house.

The alliance between the trio was the strongest. Kimo, T’kor, and Rubina have stayed loyal to each other for weeks now. They each had a strong social game. Leah didn’t want one of them winning their season. She considered T’kor to be the biggest threat, but she couldn’t come at T’kor head on.

She focused on T’kor’s alliance to weaken her. She put Rubina and Kimo up on the block. Kimo has been on the block several times now. Angela has voted to evict him twice already and she was honest with his friends that she didn’t want to do it again. She didn’t want to be against the majority.

Angela had this conversation with Rubina and T’kor. Both women badmouth her the second they were alone. They said they couldn’t stand her voice. They didn’t understand why she wasn’t on the block. Which wasn’t necessary. They could maintain their alliance without mocking Angela.

Sure, Angela was crazy only everyone already knew that at this point. She wasn’t a threat to anyone. She didn’t really have allies. She was simply going with the majority and so the ladies should have been playing nice with Angela. They should have tried to convince her to save one of them.

Angela also wasn’t the most annoying person this week. That was Jankie. Jankie interrupted the Veto selection to force everyone into singing with him. Once he was done with that, the players for Veto were announced.

Angela and Chelsie were selected to play for Veto with T’kor. T’kor doesn’t know who she’d save if she won Veto and she struggled with that. Angela on the other hand felt she should give Veto to Kimo if she won. She truly felt bad for voting for him. She thought that giving him Veto would help heal the rift.

As for the Veto competition itself, it became a candy puzzle. T’kor was next to Angela. Angela talked to herself throughout the whole competition and

She then broke up her puzzle so that the others wouldn’t realize how she did it. The others were scrambling for the second Veto when T’kor complained how she gets nervous any time that Angela has power. She apparently doesn’t trust Angela and funnily enough Angela wants to replace Kimo with T’kor.

Angela wants T’kor to go on the block. She was like Leah. They realize that T’kor was the biggest threat. Leah went on to win the Jankie Veto. Jankie Veto was different to the real Veto. Leah had to win another game in order to use the Jankie Veto. She wasn’t worried about that. She was just glad that the trio didn’t win Veto.

Leah didn’t know about Angela’s plan to save Kimo. Angela hinted to Kimo that she would save him. He wasn’t sure if he could trust her or not. They’ve never worked together before.

They almost worked together once. Then Angela blew up that alliance. Angela couldn’t really be trusted and Kimo wasn’t going to prioritize her over T’kor. T’kor was his closest ally.

He’s never betrayed her. He doesn’t want her to go up in his place. T’kor and Kimo were each other’s final two. Kimo was hoping to use Angela to keep him and T’kor safe, but because he doesn’t fully trust Angela, he also approached Leah with the opportunity of working together. Kimo told her that there was another trio alliance in the house that was a bigger threat.

It was Chelsie, Cam, and Makensy. They won the most competitions. Makensy has been driven insane lately by Jankie the AI. She was also crying lately because she’s missing her father’s fiftieth birthday and that just reminded her how much she misses her family. She was no threat right now. Not like Chelsie was.

Leah talked to Angela. They both considered resetting the nominees. They talked about putting up T’kor and Chelsie. Chelsie helped get rid of Quinn and Joseph. Chelsie also wouldn’t turn against T’kor because they’re friends. And so pitting them against each other ensured that one threat can at least get evicted.

Angela and Leah eventually decided to skip Chelsie this week. They instead put T’kor up after Angela used her Veto to save Kimo and now it was T’kor against Rubina. They were really close to each other. This whole thing just broke their hearts.


Kristine Francis:
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