Big Brother Recap 09/19/24: Season 26 Episode 30 “Live Eviction & HoH”

Big Brother Recap 09/19/24: Season 26 Episode 30 "Live Eviction & HoH"Big Brother Recap 09/19/24: Season 26 Episode 30 "Live Eviction & HoH"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Thursday, September 19, 2024, season 26 episode 30 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 30 called, “Live Eviction & HoH,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have another exciting night with a live eviction and we will have the second member of the jury.  As announced in last night’s episode we have a Head Of Household competition.  The competition will not end tonight but we will see the beginning.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, Leah was HOH this week. She chose to target the biggest threat in the house. She went after the alliance that T’kor had with Rubina and Kimo. They were a little too close. Leah wanted to them to turn against each other. She came up with a plan and she even discussed it with Angela.

They had Angela use her recently earned Veto to take Kimo off the block. T’kor was named as his replacement. It was now T’kor against Rubina.

One of them had to go home. Rubina has been floating in the middle. T’kor was very social and both Leah and Angela agree that she was a bigger threat. And they just needed three votes to eliminate T’kor.

It was a group of five voting. The majority will decide the outcome. The alliance they targeted would also be fractured forever because it technically doesn’t matter who goes home. If T’kor turns against Rubina, she comes out looking like the bad guy. The same goes for Rubina if she tries to win votes for herself.

These two women were used to prioritizing their friendship and now that all has to stop. They were forced to turn on each other. T’kor had a better chance of staying because again she was a social player. She was friends with Chelsie. Chelsie was in a final two pact with Cam. Cam would vote with Cheslie.

Chelsie, Cam, and Kimo were all T’kor needed to survive another week. Rubina had Makensy and Angela. Though Angela didn’t know that Rubina has been badmouthing her behind her back.

Both Rubina and T’kor did that. They said they couldn’t stand Angela’s voice. T’kor went into panic moment when Angela won Veto because she was afraid of her with power.

They were tired of pretending to like Angela. They wanted her gone. Angela didn’t know about it. She simply wanted T’kor gone because she thought T’kor had a better chance of winning.

When they weren’t deciding where the vote would go, they had to play by Jankie’s rules. Jankie made them do a conga line. He made them have a twerking party. He made them eat ice cream and pizza at all hours of the day. None of them have had a restful sleep all week. They really hate Jankie.

Jankie was just an AI and the houseguest were talking about beating him up. The only thing to take their minds off of Jankie was the love triangle in the house. Chelsie seems to have a thing for Cam. She lost her temper with him tonight because he moved his cot to be near Makensy.

Leah could tell Chelsie was just jealous. Chelsie thought differently. She later accused Cam of cozying up to the women and flirting with them to stay in the game. Cam told her he wasn’t doing that. He still saw Chelsie as his final two. He only moved his cot because it seemed like it was going to rain. Chelsie blowing up at him and moving her cot as far away as possible was simply her acting out. The two of them talked after that. Chelsie wouldn’t listen to a word he had to say. He tried to convince her that the plan hadn’t changed and nothing got through to Chelsie.

Cam then came up with an idea. He figured that Chelsie wouldn’t trust him as long as she had T’kor has a backup, but maybe getting rid of T’kor would make Chelsie see that working with Cam was the best bet. Cam with his own brand of logic thought that would force Chelsie to trust him again. He was wavering on what to do right up until the vote. The houseguests went on to evict T’kor. T’kor lost at a vote of four to one. Meaning that Chelsie also turned against her. Chelsie probably saw the way the wind was blowing and she didn’t want to be left out of the majority.

The only one that voted for Rubina was Kimo. The same Kimo that lost his biggest ally tonight. Kimo couldn’t really turn to Rubina after voting against her. He left himself open to working with Angela and that’s why she used her Veto to take him off the block. Only there’s no telling if that brand new alliance will work out. Kimo was working with T’kor from day one. He wanted to save her. She tried to save him during the Veto competition. And even after she was evicted, T’kor still wished the best for both Kimo and Rubina.

There was one more competition left. They had to play for another HOH. Leah was the outgoing HOH and so she couldn’t compete. She just had to watch the others battle it out. They played a new game called “Eye Candy”. They had to stack up candy pieces on top of each other. Whoever has the tallest tower became HOH.

And sadly tonight’s episode ended before the new HOH was revealed.


Kristine Francis:
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