Big Brother Recap 09/22/24: Season 26 Episode 31 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 09/22/24: Season 26 Episode 31 "HoH and Nominations"Big Brother Recap 09/22/24: Season 26 Episode 31 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Thursday, September 22, 2024, season 26 episode 31 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 26 episode 31 called, “HoH and Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother we have another drama filled night the completion of the Head Of Household competition.  Once the HoH is chosen the new Head of Household will choose her nominations for the week.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, picking up where they left off on Thursday, the houseguests were building a tower out of candy. The person with the highest tower at the end gets to become the new HOH and everyone wanted to be HOH. It was important because the houseguests were whittling down.

There weren’t that many of them left. Chelsie wanted to win because she felt vulnerable after T’kor left. She was close to T’kor. They knew that they could work with each other up until the end and it wouldn’t come at the cost of their other alliances. Chelsie was ultimately forced to vote against her friend because Cam more or less told her that there wasn’t any other option.

Cam had the majority of votes for evicting T’kor with or without Chelsie. Cheslie had to give up on T’kor because she couldn’t be left out of the majority and now she’s stuck with Cam and Makensy. Somehow Makensy became their third in the alliance. It used to be only Cam and Chelsie. They were close from day one.

They were in several alliances together and what went unsaid was that Chelsie might have a thing for Cam. Cam was the only one that didn’t notice it. He was super flirty with Makensy and even Leah.

Cam flirting with the other women always ticked off Chelsie. She didn’t go after Cam or tell her that she had feelings for him. She just lashed out whenever he was flirting with anyone else.

She accused him of using that as a strategy. She said he flirts with the women so that they wouldn’t nominate him for eviction. She called it manipulative. It was only manipulative when he wasn’t doing so with her and so the rest of the house caught on to her little crush. They didn’t mock her for it or anything. Nor did they tell Cam about it.

Cam was out there wondering what was causing Chelsie’s mood swings. He thought Jankie world was making her irritable. At one point, he even thought that Chelsie wasn’t prioritizing their alliance because she saw T’kor on a fallback plan. That’s why he ousted T’kor. He wanted Chelsie to remember they were each other’s final two.

It worked because Chelsie did return to their alliance and she agreed to work with Makensy. Makensy went on to win HOH tonight. Her construction past helped her to build the tallest tower. And she was getting ready to use her newfound powers when Ainsley came back.

Ainsley was BB AI. Jankie had taken over the game to give her a break, but now Jankie was dead. Ainsley killed him and she’s back in charge. She also has a new look.

She was now red instead of blue and additionally she told the houseguests that she was make things a lot harder from here on out. They figured that nothing could top Jankie world. They barely slept or relaxed with Jankie. He made them have twerking parties at all hours of the day. He made them eat candy all the time. They were sick of pizza parties. They were glad to return to the house.

Some were sad that Jankie had to die. They had gotten used to him. They were probably going to miss him now that he’s gone and the only highlight was now they can go back to focusing on the game.

Chelsie wanted either Leah or Angela to go up on the block. Chelsie figured they were both threats. Angela won a lot of competitions. She was also good at getting other people to use Veto to save her. Chelsie wanted to put a stop to that and Angela’s biggest ally was Leah. The two worked together to put T’kor on the chopping block.

No one was really focusing on Kimo or Rubina. It was just the two of them. Rubina also knew that Kimo tried to evict her to keep T’kor and so its not like they were close.

They kinda have to stick together at this point because they didn’t have any other option. Later on, the houseguests were introduced to Zingbot. He was a robot that dishes the tea. He called Leah dumb. He called Kimo boring. He called Cam spineless. He called out Chelsie for her crush on Cam and how she has no chance with him. He also came up with a song in which he called Angela both crazy and creepy with the younger guys.

Zingbot went after everyone. He was a massive jerk. Angela was left in tears and she did her best not to unravel like she always does. She cried silently after the zing. She cried a little louder when Makensy told her that she wanted to put her on the block as a pawn. Angela didn’t trust that.

She didn’t trust Makensy. It’s a good thing too because Makensy was telling her and Kimo the same thing. She told them both that they were pawns. She claimed she was targeting the other one when the truth is she doesn’t want to rock the boat that much.

Makensy didn’t want to nominate Leah. She wanted Leah’s vote at the end. She tried to tell Chelsie that and Chelsie didn’t want to accept Makensy’s decision.

Chelsie set out to turn Makensy against Leah. She told Makensy that Leah had a final two with both Joseph and Quinn. Leah has also mentioned that she would never vote against Angela. Chelsie practically told Makensy that Leah was willing to work with everyone other than her. Leah has never approached Makensy about final two. She didn’t do that with Cam either.

Chelsie made a strong case that Leah was a threat in the game but Makensy didn’t change her plan and she nominated Kimo and Angela.


Kristine Francis:
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