Blue Bloods Recap 11/08/24: Season 14 Episode 14 “New York Minute”

Blue Bloods Recap 11/08/24: Season 14 Episode 14 "New York Minute"Blue Bloods Recap 11/08/24: Season 14 Episode 14 "New York Minute"

Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, November 8, 2024, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below.

On tonight’s Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 “New York Minute,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Danny and Baez scrutinize an art gallery suspected of selling counterfeit pieces after a detective investigating the establishment is murdered.

Also, Eddie is conflicted when she discovers her former partner turned social worker, Rachel Witten (Lauren Patten), crossed the line to get a mentally ill client much needed help.

Frank is upset when an award Danny was to be honored with is rescinded by Grace Edwards (Lori Loughlin), the widow of an NYPD officer killed in the line of duty.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Blue Bloods episode, Eddie ran into her old partner. She and Rachel Wettin rode together for a few years. It was a good partnership until the latter chose to change careers. Rachel realizes she wasn’t made to be a cop.

She chose to become a social worker instead. She’s been helping people with serious issues and one of them got violent with her. This troubled young man took her hostage.

Eddie was in the neighborhood with her new partner. They responded to the call. They arrived on the scene to find a mentally unwell person holding Rachel in a headlock. The cops had to talk fast before this man killed Rachel.

Eddie was able to talk him down. She convinced him he wasn’t in trouble. She even let him believe that the voices he was hearing were lying to him and so he let Rachel go.

Only to then get arrested by the police. The weird thing was Rachel wasn’t fighting the arrest. She agreed with the police that Jimmy was dangerous. Her odd behavior was what clued Eddie in. Eddie realized that Jimmy wouldn’t have gotten an upper hand on a former cop turned social worker unless she wanted it to be that way.

See Jimmy wasn’t just schizophrenic. He was also a drug addict. He does every drug imaginable as long as it wasn’t his medication and he was just kicked out of a group home.

He went back to his parents’ place however everyone knew he’d lash out at them. Rachel didn’t want his family to get hurt. She pushed Jimmy into getting violent with her. She knew that by doing so that he’d get help at a hospital. His parents couldn’t afford to get him treatment and this way the city pays for him to get better.

Eddie didn’t appreciate footing the city with a hospital bill. Or that Rachel pushed a disabled man into assault. She wanted to report Rachel and she was considering her next move.

She talked to her husband about a hypothetical situation. He told her to go through the official channels to get help for someone mentally ill. Eddie knew that wouldn’t work because the system was overloaded with people like Jimmy. There was no shortcut for him. Eddie was still thinking about it when her brother-in-law caught a rough case.

Danny and his partner were investigating the murder of a fellow detective. Detective Nuria Pena was found murdered on the street and naturally everyone wondered if a case she was investigating led to the murder. Danny and Baez dug through her case files. She was looking at a billionaire for fraud.

The cops tried to speak to the man. His wife didn’t know where he was. His kids had no clue what he was doing. The cops later found their suspect dead of an apparent suicide. Dave Krist killed himself with the same gun that killed Nuria.

Danny thought that was it. He closed the case. Then he heard that Dave died before Nuria. The Medical Examiner said Dave was dead long before the detective was killed. Danny was doing his best to unravel a high profile case when he got denied an honor. There was a charity called the Irish Society that honored Irish Servicemen and women with a medal of honor.

They’ve been doing so for centuries. Danny was set to receive this honor when the board rescinded it. They took it away because Danny was known for his temper. He lost it on perps several times. Many felt he only had a job after everything he did or accused of doing because his father was the police commissioner.

Frank tried to get the honor back for Danny. Danny had no clue he lost because they rescinded the honor before he was made aware. But Frank’s people knew about the honor. They also knew who was spearheading the decision to take away from Danny. It was Grace Edwards. She also comes from a cop family.

She took the honor away from Danny because she felt he was everything they were fighting to get rid of within the police department. She heard the horror stories and never bothered to learn the truth. So Frank made a appointment to see her. He wanted to fight for his son.

Frank tried talking to Grace. She refused to hear his side of things. She thought Danny’s reputation would undermine the honor and they didn’t want a black eye from it. Danny was out. He didn’t know while everyone else in the family was told. Frank told his dad. His dad told Jamie and Erin. They were all upset.

They thought that honor was cursed. Jo got that honor a day before he was murdered. Gramps thought that was bad luck. There were other ways to honor Danny. They knew Danny was an amazing cop. That’s the only thing that should have mattered. Eddie herself has walked a fine line on the job. The easy path isn’t always the right path.

Eddie didn’t plan on reporting Rachel. She was forced to do so because Jimmy made a complaint. The young man went back on his medications. He claimed that Rachel pushed him to violence.

She was going to get in trouble for it and Jimmy got released from the psych hospital. He was home for less than a day when he tried to kill his sister. He put his little over the railing and he planned on dropping her from the third floor. Rachel had to be called to the scene. She helped Jimmy calm down. It was enough to save her career, but Rachel wasn’t sure where she belongs.

She didn’t make it as a cop. She couldn’t save everyone as a social worker. It’s like the system was beating her down no matter what she does. She was a little lost now. Eddie tried to help her friend when she heard about the curse of the Irish Society honor. Danny realized that his whole family was keeping something from him.

He told him to just say it. They told him that Irish Society planned on honoring him when they began worrying about his reputation. Danny didn’t care about that. He wasn’t one for rewards. It was the fact that his whole family keeping this secret from him that upset him.

Danny also went on to close his case. Dave was another victim. He never committed suicide. He actually found out that his wife was selling fake paintings for money and keeping the real thing for herself. Dave was going to hand over evidence to Nuria to bring his wife down. Then the wife finds out about it. She shot her husband.

She then shot the detective. The cops can now tie her to everything. As for the honor, the Irish Society changed their minds. They were going to give the honor Danny and, once he was informed, he told them that he’s going to turn down the order.

He didn’t want to take the honor away from Joe.

And Rachel planned on quitting. She didn’t want to be a social worker in a broken system anymore. It actually took a pep talk Eddie and Jamie for Rachel to realize that Jimmy was getting care. He was at a mental hospital until he could be deemed fit to face trial for trying to kill his sister. So, he’s safe now. He’s not a danger to everyone. He also couldn’t go off his meds.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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