Blue Bloods Recap 11/22/24: Season 14 Episode 16 “The Gray Areas”

Blue Bloods Recap 11/22/24: Season 14 Episode 16 "The Gray Areas"Blue Bloods Recap 11/22/24: Season 14 Episode 16 "The Gray Areas"

Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, November 22, 2024, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below.

On tonight’s Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 16 “The Gray Areas,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Danny and Baez investigate the death of a rising MMA fighter.

Also, Eddie and Jamie race to find Badillo, whose job is on the line after he’s caught smoking weed; Frank is blindsided when Mayor Chase (Dylan Walsh) asks the Governor to send in the National Guard to help patrol the subway system.

Erin is determined to prove the innocence of a mock trial competition winner who is arrested for drug possession.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Blue Bloods episode, trouble often seems to find Sergeant Russo. He was back in this hospital again. This time it was Russo who foolishly thought he could handle a bunch of kids by himself.

He and his partner went down into the subway to stop a mugging. He told his partner to focus on the victim. He had his partner get the poor man out of there.

Russo stayed behind with the assailants. He thought he could handle the violent group of teens by himself and he proved to be wrong about that one. They brutally beat him up. He’s lucky he didn’t die down in the subway. And to make matters worse, the Mayor was politicizing his assault.

Mayor Chase doesn’t feel like Frank was doing a good job with subway crime. It’s been on a rise since the pandemic. He doesn’t feel like it will ever be solved or slow down.

Chase was also getting a lot of pressure to solve the situation. He thought he could use Russo’s assault to get the governor to sign off on sending the National Guard to NYC.

He technically should have gone to Frank first. He should be working with the local cops and not tell the world they were ineffectual. It insulted Frank. He also didn’t bother to tell Frank that he was having a press conference with Russo.

Frank found out about it by watching tv. His people were split on how he should respond. Sid thought like Frank. They saw the press conference as an insult.

Abby and Garrett welcomed assistance from the National Guard. They knew that cops were getting injured far more now than last year. It led to several taking early retirement. There weren’t enough cops to monitor the subway and street level. The National Guard could really be of assistance. Frank and Sid would see that if they weren’t taking the matter so personally.

With a shortage, it also didn’t make sense why they would push out good officers. Eddie’s partner Luis was smoking a joint outside of a police charity event. Edie and Jamie saw him.

They warned him that it wasn’t time or the place. He eventually put out his cigarette before heading home early. He was seen smoking pot and it would normally be a slap on the wrist. Pot was legal in the state. Luis was unfortunately reported to IAB. They were hoping to make an example out of the next officer to be caught using weed. And Luis’s poor luck lined right up with their witch hunt.

Luis was taking a few days off when Eddie heard about the IAB investigation. She spoke to her captain. She found out that IAB were seeking to drug test Luis in order to terminate him.

Her boss told Eddie to find Luis. Get him to go to rehab. He couldn’t be fired if he was receiving medical attention. Eddie also suspected something happened with Luis. Luis seemed off lately. Him smoking the weed so openly also suggested that he was highly stressed about something. Eddie wanted to find him before IAB.

Eddie took Jamie with her while she looked for her friend. They went to Adriana’s place. She was Luis’s mom. Luis told Eddie that he was going to stay by his mother’s place while he was off.

What he really meant was that he was just stopping by for a few hours. Luis actually went camping and he grabbed his stuff from his mom’s place. Eddie and Jamie later found Luis with Kyle. Kyle was the son of Luis’s late partner. Luis lost a partner on the job. He now volunteers for a program to help kids who have lost parents on the job.

Luis takes Kyle camping every year on the anniversary of his late partner’s death. Eddie and Jamie tried to get him to cut the trip early. They told him to book himself into rehab to save his job. Luis refused to do that. He wasn’t cutting the trip short. He said Kyle looks forward to it all year. He doesn’t care if he gets fired.

He wasn’t going to let Kyle down to save his job. Eddie and Jamie had to leave him be. They also knew now that the weed was helping Luis with his grief. And they don’t get to judge him for that.

Jamie later came forward. He claimed he was the one that reported Luis. He was now going back on that claim and said he lied about Luis’s drug use. He was willing to face suspension as long as Luis got to keep his job. He was a great cop like that. Luis was also a great cop. People just needed to stop rushing to judgement.

Erin did that. She met a law student who showed promise until he got arrested. He got arrested for allegedly selling drugs. Nor that he was actually doing that. Erin judged him when she found out he had a sealed record.

Chris was a stupid kid, but he was a much smarter man. He wasn’t selling drugs. He turned his life around after that incident as a teen. He was at the top of his law school. The girl that was coming in second got jealous and she planted the drugs on him. Erin found that out when she finally listened to Chris. She investigated his case in spite of her preconceptions.

She found out that Chris really did turn his life around and he was going to make a great lawyer one day. Danny meanwhile investigated the murder of a MMA fighter.

It almost led to a fight between him and a different fighter. Danny would have lost if he really went through with it. So, it’s a good thing he didn’t. He found out that most of the MMA fights were fixed.

His victim died when he refused to go along with the plan. Danny and Baez arrested their killer. They also helped Nate Silva become his own man. Nate was now fighting on his terms and not anyone else’s.

But Frank did everything possible to get the Mayor to back down. The two of them reluctantly came to a truce and it will lost until their next big fight.


Kristine Francis:
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