Chicago Fire Recap 10/02/24: Season 13 Episode 2 “Ride the Blade”

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, October 2, 2024, season 13 episode 2 called, “Ride the Blade” and we have your Chicago Fire recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Fire season 13 episode 2 as per the NBC synopsis, “After Damon disobeys Kidd’s orders on a call, he turns to Severide to protect him. Herrmann searches for the perfect scent to spice things up with Cindy.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 13 episode 2 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap, check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Fire episode, the new chief has a complicated love life. Chief Pascal seemed to be married. He was a straight white guy. His love life shouldn’t have been weird at all and yet it was for some reason. Hs wife kept changing the locks on him. She wasn’t even on the lease when she did that. She didn’t have a legal standing with the property.

She also didn’t forewarn him and so he would show up at home like nothing happened. Until he tried the locks. He then would bellow from outside to his wife to open the door. They do a little song and dance on will they/won’t they. And somehow Pascal would a find a way to charm his way in.

It was super weird. They would often sleep together after these fights. It’s as if they treated yelling at each other as foreplay. Besides a complicated love life, the new chief seemed like a good boss. He was fair. He wanted the firehouse to be more than co-workers. He also wouldn’t ignore the little things.

He knew it was against the rules that both Kidd and Severide worked at the same station. They were married. They both led their own truck. They shouldn’t be working alongside each other. There were rules in place for that.

Pascal also would have said something if he found out Damon was Severide’s half-brother. It was one thing to treat the house like family. It was another for them to be technically related to each other. Pascal already told Severide that either he or his wife goes. He probably would say the same about Damon.

This goes double for Damon after he ignored a direct order. He was riding with Kidd when they got called to an accident. Kidd ordered him to stand down. He ignored her to go play hero. He got lucky that no one was harmed.

Damon later claimed he didn’t hear Kidd’s orders. Severide knew that was a lie. He was standing right next to Damon when Kidd said what she said and Severide heard her just fine.

He knew that Damon intentionally broke rank. He tried to talk to him about it. Damon claimed that Kidd has it out for him. He said she’s been riding him since day one.

He didn’t want to lose his career over this one mistake and so Severide has to consider all angles. He could back up his wife. It would go on Damon’s file. It might cost him a promotion down the line.

Or Severide could back up his brother. It would cause tension with his wife. It also might still end with Kidd bouncing Damon from her team if she felt she was always going to receive interference from Severide.

Neither of the brothers expected that Kidd would come up with her own plan. Kidd thought Damon was a great firefighter. She just thought he had too much energy. He was like a puppy in her eyes. He clearly worshiped Severide and so she asked Severide to let Damon run drills with squad. She was hoping to use up some of that extra energy.

Severide agreed with her plan. He didn’t tell her about Damon’s complaints. He also kept passing on his opportunity to tell her about Pascal’s orders.

Their marriage was gaining more secrets with each day. Herrmann at least didn’t have that problem. His wife stopped by the firehouse for his opinion.

They needed a new rug in the family room. She took a whiff of Herrmann and she said his new cologne was sexy. There was just one problem with the cologne. Herrmann wasn’t wearing any. He had tackled someone on a call and their smell got on him.

Herrmann now has to track down that former patient to find out what cologne was it. He’s been married for thirty years and a love potion number nine doesn’t come around everyday.

Herrmann was tracking down the cologne when Damon came to believe that Severide took his side. He loved training with squad. He loved being around his older brother.

He was just glad that Kidd didn’t bounce him. He didn’t know that Kidd couldn’t get rid of him even if she wanted to now. The new chief asked her why she has the highest turnover than the Chicago Cubs. And she had to tell him those days are over.

Kidd didn’t want it to appear as if she couldn’t keep her rig together. She wanted to build a great team. She thought Damon could be a part of that team and they talked.

Damon realized he has a long way to go before he ever qualifies for squad with Severide. He was now willing to put in the work. He told Kidd he was dedicated to the team.

He was willing to work with her. She was willing to work with him. They didn’t get in trouble with Pascal. Pascal likes listening on their calls. He demanded to know where the rigs are at every moment.

Pascal got upset when he couldn’t find Herrmann. Mouch tried covering for his friend, but Herrmann did take the rig to the hospital so that he could find out what cologne a patient was wearing.

It turns out it wasn’t cologne. It was a special cream for psoriasis. Meanwhile Severide had a talk with Cruz. Cruz told him that he couldn’t keep protecting his little brother from everything. It was bound to have consequences. He would know because he had the same issue with his own younger brother.

Severide then went to his wife. He told her that Damon heard her. She now has to figure out the proper punishment for him. Severide also had toe tell Damon what he did.

He later met up with his brother. He told him he came clean to his wife. He even added that they couldn’t work at the same firehouse anymore. One of them has to go. Or it could risk both of their careers.

Herrmann also returned to the firehouse where Mouch called him out. Mouch reminded Herrmann that he has to study for the captain’s test. He couldn’t flake on the next one like he did the last. Herrmann swore he do better next time. He had managed to track down the lotion that the patient was wearing. And it led to a romantic night with Cindy.

Violet also tried to move on and she just couldn’t because she still has feelings for Carver.

But Chief Pascal beat up a guy that was calling his wife and so maybe that’s why she changed the locks on him.


Kristine Francis:
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