Chicago Fire Recap 10/09/24: Season 13 Episode 3 “All Kinds Of Crazy”

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, October 9, 2024, season 13 episode 3 called, “All Kinds Of Crazy” and we have your Chicago Fire recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Fire season 13 episode 3 as per the NBC synopsis, “Severide and Van Meter investigate a fire at a family-owned restaurant. Pascal questions Kidd’s leadership.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 13 episode 3 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap, check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Fire episode, Severide told Damon that they couldn’t keep working at the same firehouse. One of them had to go. He and Kidd discussed it. They both realize they couldn’t work with family.

They were too many entanglements. They had to transfer Damon somewhere else. Kidd said she would talk to Chief Pascal about it the next day.

She was still getting used to the new chief and her gut was telling her he’s not a great guy. He wasn’t a fan of the Girls on Fire program. The new chief also noticed that Kidd’s team kept changing. She has a high turnover rate. He brought that up with her. He told her it was just her truck that had a problem.

Everyone else have been together for years. Kidd now has to tell him about Damon. She was worried he was going to bring up her turnover rate again and she didn’t really have an answer for him.

She couldn’t tell him that Damon broke rank. He did, but he’s still Severide’s kid brother. He was Kidd’s brother-in-law. The new chief doesn’t like Kidd working with Severide as it is and so bringing up another family relationship was bound to lead to an awkward conversation. And so it was great that the whole house got called to a fire before Kidd could talk to the chief.

It bought Damon some time. It also prevented Violet from having to talk to Carver. She got drunk the night before and she texted him that she missed him. They had a situationship. He wanted more. She was afraid of getting involved with someone with a risky job and she ended things. She regretted it right after she did so.

She loves Carver. She was hoping to talk to him once he came back from leave. He later returned to Chicago with a girlfriend from Texas and so Violet was left with nothing. She still has feelings for Carver. She just couldn’t tell him in person because he already moved on.

The scene they were all called to was a tough one. Ritter got injured on the job. He had to be transported to the hospital. Herrmann went with him. The chief okayed it. The fire was also suspicious.

The fire occurred at a restaurant. Except the restaurant was closed. There was an apartment above it and there was no one staying there. Or at least there shouldn’t have been. The nice couple that own the building had recently evicted their tenant. He didn’t pay rent. He threw ragers all the time. The nice couple had to go to court to evict him.

Somehow the guy found his way back in. His name is Cody. He had to be rescued from the fire. It was suspected that Cody started the fire. Whether it was intentional or not was up to the arson investigators.

Kidd in the meantime went to the chief about transferring Damon. He asked her why. She explained how there were several issues and so he wanted to know why he was just hearing about them now. Kidd didn’t make herself look good by covering for Damon earlier. She could have told Pascal the truth. She could have said Damon was her brother-in-law only she was worried how it would look.

The new chief was a stickler for the rules. He didn’t even like that Kidd and Severide working together. He thought them being married would raise issues. He initially wanted one of them to transfer.

Severide was putting that off for as long as possible. They also found themselves stuck with Damon. Pascal wasn’t going to transfer him until he could physically see that Damon was a problem. He wasn’t going to accept hearsay from Kidd. He later called Damon into his office. He asked him for his side of the story.

Damon pretended that sometimes Kidd wasn’t always clear with her orders. He said he was still new on the job. He made a mistake and he was hoping to get better. All of which was a lie. Kidd was very clear.

Damon ignored her because he wanted to play hero. The fact no one died was thanks to Severide’s team and not due to Damon’s actions. Severide also got involved in the arson investigation. He spoke with Cody. Cody said he returned to pick up his stuff. He said that the Chens raised rent on him that was more than double the original agreement.

Cody also said he was glad to get out of there because the nice Chinese couple kept fighting. They were fighting at all hours of the day. Cody said he saw someone driving away when he went back for his stuff.

He didn’t get a good look at them because he just wanted to get out of there. Fast-forward a few hours, Severide was visiting the Chens’ home. He asked them some questions. They had to use their daughter as an interpreter because the parents didn’t know much English. The couple said they’ve been fighting about what to do with the restaurant.

They have a popular restaurant. They always have long lines out the door. The wife (Helen) wants to sell the place and retire. The husband (David) wanted to work until he died.

The daughter (Grace) was just there part-time. She also works at a boutique. When the family was asked about the fire, Helen said she was worried about the rice cooker.

She has this old rice cooker that’s been on the fitz lately. She held onto it for sentimental value. She was now scared it caused the fire and once she said that out loud – her husband got angry with her before storming off.

Severide returned to the scene. He found the rice cooker. It exploded. It didn’t just caught fire. It exploded into pieces and OFI has no idea how that was possible.

Back at the firehouse, Chief Pascal spoke with Mouch. He asked Mouch to do his lieutenant’s test. He said a spot might open up soon. Mouch went to Kidd.

He told her about that conversation and she confessed she was scared she was on the chopping block. Pascal has never liked her. Kidd thought she was about to get transferred if not fired. And so Mouch went to bat for her.

Mouch went to Pascal’s home. He showed up with Kidd’s file. He proved that Kidd has been a great firefighter from day one and that the problem didn’t lie with her.

Severide meanwhile found evidence that someone poured paint thinner into that rice cooker. They turned it into a bomb. OFI also learned that David tried to take out a second line of credit on the house.

The restaurant wasn’t in trouble or anything. He just needed some extra money for some unknown reason. And that was enough to suspect him of arson.

Chief Pascal later returned Damon to the floater pool. He came to see that Kidd wasn’t the problem. Only Violet didn’t have to worry about her text. Carver never saw it.

His new girlfriend deleted it. She also warned Violet to stay away from her man. And as for the fire, it was actually Grace who set it because she didn’t want her parents to fight anymore.

All of this within a span of days and Damon was ticked off at Severide now


Kristine Francis:
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