Chicago Med Recap 02/07/24: Season 9 Episode 4 “These Are Not the Droids You are Looking For”

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, February 7, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 9 episode 4 called, “This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us”, as per the NBC synopsis, “Goodwin is worried after an accident lands two people close to her in the E.D. Archer returns to Med and treats a man worried about a family curse. Maggie and Zola help a patient on a cross-country road trip.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Dr. Hannah Asher delivered twins that were four weeks early at the start of tonight. Only they weren’t actually twins. They proved to be triplets and none of the earlier sonograms picked up on it.

The third baby was a surprise for many. Asher acted with grace under pressure. It was their parents that were truly stumped. They prepared for twins. They have two cribs. They have two car seats. They had to buy a third for everything now. Something that Asher could laugh about it in the moment. She was still laughing when Dr. Archer came back from leave.

Archer recently received a donated kidney from his son, Sean. It was a big thing. Sean’s mother tried to stop the surgery. Archer wanted her to stop it and yet the surgery went ahead. Archer got the kidney.

He was recuperating for a couple of weeks. He’s back now and he’s heard about all the drama with the new doctor. He was introduced to the new resident when she waited outside of his office for him. Dr. Zola Ahmad knew that she could be a bit of a renegade and so she tried to get to Archer before the gossip did. And she was a little too late for that.

Archer already knew all about her antics over the past couple of weeks. He didn’t seem set against her and so that there might be hope for their working relationship. Though Archer was still going to keep a close eye on her.

He heard all about her previous residencies at other hospitals. He knew Ahmad was a good doctor. She just gets in her way more often than not. Archer told her to keep an eye on the patients and by doing so she’ll be judged fairly. He was approaching her with cautious optimism. He was doing the same with Sean.

Sean got a new job. He was hired to be the new addiction recovery coach at the hospital. It meant he’d see his dad a lot more and it gave him the opportunity to help people through the worst of their addiction.

It was a great job. It left room for Sean to grow. The only downside was that this was happening while Sean was supposed to be recovering from the kidney donation. Archer wanted his son to take it easy. He didn’t want him to rush into things. He unfortunately couldn’t stop Sean from taking on the stressful job and so he tried to look on the bright side about it.

Archer realized he could keep a closer eye on his son now. He probably would have become a bother if a patient hadn’t showed him he couldn’t prepare for everything. His patient was Jordan. Jordan came in with what he thought was a heart attack. Jordan was in great health. He ate right. He exercises.

When he thought he was having a heart attack, he thought this was the end. He thought the “curse” got him. Jordan’s father and grandfather both died at the same age he currently is. They died from heart attacks. And that’s why Jordan believes a curse was out on the men in his family.

Jordan didn’t have a heart attack. He passed out by a blimp in his heart rhythm. Archer had thought it was nothing and he was explaining to Jordan that it was nothing when Jordan’s heart rate went up. His heart experienced another blimp. Archer suspected there might be some kind of family history to the curse business.

He accepted Ripley’s help to look into it. Ripley also looked in on the new patient Asher brought to the hospital. Asher met another guy and he instantly sent her a picture of his penis before asking her out on actual date.

Asher saw a lesion on his genitals that could be syphilis. Syphilis was on the rise due to the penicillin shortage. Asher got help from Ahamd to talk her date into coming to the hospital.

Wyatt showed up believing he was going to play doctor with Asher. He ended up getting treated for syphilis by Ripley. Ripley kinda has a thing for Asher. He’s seen her troubling dating history and he doesn’t believe she’s cursed and right now he was the silver lining in tropical storm. It won’t be long before he works up the courage to ask out Asher.

Then there was Sharon Goodwin. Her grandson came to the hospital in an ambulance. He was playing with Sharon’s ex who also happens to be the little boy’s grandfather when an accident happened.

His grandfather fell on him. Bert later explained that his feet had gotten tangled up. He fell on Isaiah. It was only for a minute maybe less than that. He also took it seriously. Bert called 911 right away. It’s a good thing that he took the situation seriously because the little boy might have hit his head. These things could look simple and turn out to be nasty.

Sharon called her daughter. Her daughter was more concerned about her son than she was about how he got injured. Sharon took charge. She had the doctors on her grandson’s case checking in with her. She even made sure Bert got checked out as well. He too fell. Isaiah was given a clean bill of health. His grandfather on the other hand had torn his ACL.

He was also very confused. He kept confusing Isaiah with his son Michael. He got his right and left foot confused. He sometimes forgets things. And his daughter thought it was getting worse.

Sharon downplayed his symptoms. She wasn’t willing to go there on what it could possibly be. Her confidence gave her daughter confidence and so they ignored the warning signs.

But Jordan didn’t ignore the warning signs. He got help right away. He found out he has a rare heart condition that meant his heart could go into arrest at any time. It got worse with stress and he’s been stressing since turning that age. His grandfather and father probably had the condition as well. Cardiology would have been in the dark ages for his grandfather’s time. And easily missed with his father.

By worrying he was about to be struck down by the curse, he almost caused it. Archer took that lesson to heart. He put his faith in his son and he tried to do the same with Ahmad however Ahmad still proved to be a renegade.

She had this patient with crappy health insurance. The health insurance didn’t want to pay for any tests. Ahmad had secretly traded favors to get tests done. She even received help from Maggie in going around the system. They both got in trouble with Archer. Archer would have been angrier if the patient hadn’t required surgery.

Floyd had a bristle in his stomach. It came off after he ate barbeque in Kentucky. Floyd almost died and his life was saved by Ahmad. She did such a good job that Archer rewarded her. He wasn’t going to report her. He just wanted her to do some additional classes so that she could legally work around the system.

And Sharon was forced to confront that Bert did have a problem when he later forgot where he was. His daughter spotted him on the baby cam in her son’s room and it was clear he forgot where he was. And tried to open a closet to leave.


Kristine Francis:
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