Chicago Med Recap 05/15/24: Season 9 Episode 12 “Get by with a Little Help From My Friends”

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, May 15, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 9 episode 12 called, “Get by with a Little Help From My Friends,” as per the NBC synopsis, “An infection threatens Crockett’s risky liver transplant.

Maggie and Charles help a struggling burn unit nurse. Goodwin is forced to make a tough decision about Bert’s future.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Bert accidentally set fire to his kitchen. He was suffering from dementia. He wasn’t allowed to cook. Sometimes he forgets that. He also forgets whatever is on the stove. He forgot he had an electric tea kettle on the stove. It burnt up and filled his home with smoke.

Bert had to be taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. Bert really shouldn’t be living alone. His ex-wife checks in on him. It clearly wasn’t enough because Sharon didn’t arrive until after the fire and it was almost too late by then. And so they needed to either put Bert in a facility or hire a day nurse for him.

Bert was taken to Sharon’s hospital. They looked him over. He was physically fine. It was the stubbornness they couldn’t fix. Bert still doesn’t want to admit he has a problem.

He’s resisting change and who knows how long that will last. Sharon was doing her best, but the stress was getting to her. Sharon tried not to show it. She remained strong. She didn’t worry her kids about Bert. She told them she had everything handled. She also helped rally the board around Dr. Marcel. Marcel had to get approval for a liver transplant for his patient.

His patient was a child. His name is Colin. Colin needed a new liver. He’s been passed over before because of one thing or another. He was about to get a new liver now when he developed an infection in his toe.

He stubbed it in the dresser. It didn’t heal right. It became infected. Marcel ordered him some antibiotics in the hope of bringing Colin’s fever down. If the fever doesn’t come down soon, it risks his eligibility for the current liver. He might get stuck waiting again and the fear was that he might pass before the next liver became available.

Only the current liver has been kept on ice for nearly twenty hours. Sharon later wanted to release it so that another patient gets it. She didn’t want a liver to go to waste.

Marcel came up with a way of prolonging the liver because he didn’t want Colin to miss out on it. Sharon was trying not to worry. She talked to Dr. Charles. He put her at ease. He was good at that. Charles got called to another situation that was troubling. Maggie called him because she suspected a nurse they both knew was being harmed.

Maggie thought it was Nurse Jackie Nelson’s husband that was harming her. Jackie had unexplained cuts to her arm. She constantly changed her story about how they came to be. Maggie talked about it with Charles because she was concerned. He told her that it’s rare to be cut during a domestic violence call.

He has however seen plenty of women with intense jobs self-harming. Jackie worked in the burn unit. She sees people screaming out in pain. Her husband also wasn’t working. He couldn’t find a job and so that left Jackie as the breadwinner. She often picks up extra shifts.

She could be cutting herself as a means of releasing the tension. She was surrounded by pain and suffering. She probably felt she deserved to feel some of that as well.

Dr. Charles spoke to Jackie. He felt she was self-harming. He discussed with Maggie what they could do to help change that, but Maggie ran into Jackie because Jackie had to come down to treat a burn victim. The victim was badly injured. He was mostly burnt everywhere. There’s a chance he might not make it. The patient’s wife came in and she screamed when she saw the state of him.

Jackie couldn’t be in the room after that. She ran off to the bathroom. Maggie went after her. She found Jackie as she passed out and that’s when Maggie saw all the cuts on Jackie’s arm. She’s been hurting herself for a while now. Maggie reported it to Charles. She also tried to talk Jackie out of returning to work.

Jackie wanted to act like nothing happened. She tried to return to back to her shift. Charles was forced to put her on a seventy-two psych hold. He thought she was a danger to herself. She was forcibly dragged to the psych ward by the orderlies. Maybe she’ll see her situation as dire now.

Dr. Archer also yelled at the student doctors. He had the poor girl crying in the break room. She refused to come back out at first and so Sharon sent Archer in to apologize.

He was there to teach the new kids. He shouldn’t be making them question going to med school. Archer apologized. He showed the kid how he wants things to be done. Sharon later had a near miss. She almost passed out. She was diabetic and she hadn’t eaten all day because she was constantly on her feet. Charles ordered her some orange juice to keep her going.

Her day was far from over. Sharon had been called back to the transplant council. There was another doctor itching to give away Colin’s new liver and Marcel had to call it.

He let the new liver go to someone else. Colin’s fever was still too high. He wouldn’t survive surgery if they rushed him through the transplant. They couldn’t let the liver go to waste. Not when it could save someone else. Colin was back on the waiting list and hopefully he’ll get a liver soon. And Sharon had to go off to help Bert because he got confused again.

Bert forgot why he was at the hospital. They were moving him to a different room when he tried to fight off the nurses. Sharon had to go in and she had to calm him. Meanwhile Sully and Lynne were back at the hospital. Sully began chemotherapy. Lynne ended up going into labor during his chemotherapy.

Their son was born early only he was breathing and that was hope for the future. Both Lynne and Sully also told Dr. Ripley to take his shot with Dr. Asher while he still can. And so Ripley followed their advice by telling Asher about his past before they ultimately shared a moment.

Bert was going to come live with Sharon. She was going to hire a daytime nurse for him. She was tasking on the extra responsibility because she didn’t think her kids could handle it. And so Charles asked her to treat herself as kindly as she does Bert.


Kristine Francis:
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