Chicago Med Recap 10/02/24: Season 10 Episode 2 “Bite Your Tongue”

Chicago Med Recap 10/02/24: Season 10 Episode 2 "Bite Your Tongue"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 2, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 10 episode 1 premiere called, “Sink Or Swim,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Dr. Lenox continues to rankle Archer as the two tackle their new roles. Ripley faces possible suspension over what really happened to Pawel, and upstairs, Goodwin is forced to make layoffs.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, there’s been quite a few layoffs at the hospital. It was getting to the point that Asher hadn’t returned home in days. She was sleeping in the on-call room and the only good thing about it was that she was nearer to Dr. Ripley. He was constantly working too.

The two of them are back together. They were finally ready to explore their relationship. Especially now that Ripley was being honest with Asher. Ripley told her that his friends beat up the man that was suing him. He tried to stop it.

He arrived too late to do so and he was seen at the crime scene. The cops claim to have a witness that spotted Ripley at the bar where Pawel was beaten up.

If Ripley was found guilty of the crime, he loses a lot. He loses his job. He loses his license. His friend Sully was trying to be a good friend and he did something stupid. He did what Ripley would have done back in the day. Ripley had anger problems growing up. He wasn’t safe at home. He made that everyone’s problem.

He had to be committed. He was heavily drugged. He managed to finally get control of his anger and now someone’s mistake could cost him everything. It wasn’t fair. It was also the worst time to be accused of retaliating against a man that sued him.

Like it was mentioned earlier, the hospital was undergoing an adjustment. They merged with another hospital called Jackson-Monroe. They got some new staff and they had to lay off some old staff to make everyone fit. Maggie was heartbroken by the whole thing. She genuinely cried when she said goodbye to people she’s been working with for years.

They were more than just coworkers. They were family at this point. Some of them were at her wedding. They even cheered her up after her divorce. Maggie hated losing her friends and readjusting to new staff wasn’t going to be easy.

Maggie helped Dr. Frost get his residency transferred to Chicago Med. He now works there. He was a cute young guy and so the nurses love him. Only Sharon had to make room for the new people.

She had to fire some of the old people. Sharon was also upset with Dr. Charles. She felt Charles should have warned her that Ripley had a violent history. She wouldn’t have hired him if she knew about it. Charles knew that and he still couldn’t tell her about it. It would have broke doctor/patient confidentiality.

Ripley now has to go before a special committee to see if he can still be a doctor. He could save himself by naming the real culprit. He could tell them it was Sully. It would save him and its not like it was a lie. Asher wanted him to tell the truth. She said Sully would come clean himself if he heard all the trouble he put Ripley through.

It was just Ripley that refused to say anything. He said Sully was going through chemotherapy and he has a new baby at home. He didn’t want to add more to Sully’s plate. Or get him arrested at this crucial time.

Asher tried going to Dr. Archer for help. He was the Chief of the ED. He should have a say on whether they fire Ripley or not and so Asher asked him to put in a good word for her boyfriend.

Archer would have liked to help, but things are little different nowadays. He wasn’t the Chief anymore. He was the Co-Chief. He has to share responsibilities with Dr. Lenox. Sharon didn’t even warn him that she was essentially demoting him. She went behind his back to hire Lenox. And Archer can’t stand Lenox.

Lenox was a bit ruthless. Which says a lot coming from Archer. Archer was former military. He kicked his own son out of the house for being a drug addict. He was very by the book. He just couldn’t stand Lenox. Lenox fired a doctor for having one bad day. She sent emails in the night when Archer was supposed to be sleeping.

She was running Student Doctor Howard into the ground with all her demands. The last one, Archer was doing as well. They were both using that student doctor to try to claim dominance over the ED.

Lenox and Archer couldn’t agree on anything. They couldn’t even agree on Frost’s patient. He has a teenage patient whose cancer came back and it was more aggressive than ever. It was now terminal. They could perform surgery on him to give him an extra few months. It simply won’t be enough to cure him. Frost told the patient’s parents this.

He was hoping for their help to break the news to the boy. What he didn’t expect was that they would lie to their own child. They made this teenager believe that he would be fully cured after surgery.

Frost tried to talk to the parents later on. They said it was their kid and they would decide what’s best for him. Frost tried talking to Lenox. She said the parents have the right to decide what was best for an underage patient. Archer disagreed with that decision. He told Frost to trust his own instincts. This annoyed Lenox.

They had agreed at the start of the day to stay in their own lane. Funnily enough, their lanes ended up crossing in spite of everything. They were each treating a patient that were sick from the same thing. They got sick from a bad batch of weed.

One was the farmer growing it. The other was a buyer that tried flush it out of her system before a drug test. The doctors were able to treat both once they realized their common cause. Frost also took Archer’s advice. He told the son about his condition. The boy’s father punched Frost. He would have gotten arrested if Frost hadn’t spoken up for him.

The family no longer wanted Frost as their doctor. Frost was willing to walk away from this one so that tempers didn’t flare up again. And Frost wasn’t the only doctor with regrets.

Ripley went before the committee. He wouldn’t say he was innocent. He wouldn’t say he was guilty. He never once brought up Sully and there was a reason for that. Sully’s cancer has been deemed terminal.

He had a few months left. Ripley didn’t want those few months to be spent in prison. He chose to protect his friend. He was even going to turn himself in for beating up Pawel. Asher found a way to stop that.

Asher meanwhile had a tricky patient. She was treating a pregnant woman that went off her schizophrenia medication. The woman was a threat to herself and her child. She almost killed them both. And now she may have brain damage, but Asher kept the patient alive and she protected Ripley when she told Sully what Ripley did to protect him.

And that’s when Sully turned himself in to the cops.