Chicago Med Recap 10/09/24: Season 10 Episode 3 “Trust Fall”

Chicago Med Recap 10/09/24: Season 10 Episode 3 "Trust Fall"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 9, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 10 episode 3 called, “Trust Fall,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Hannah treats a woman whose undiagnosed condition threatens the lives of both her and her unborn child. Goodwin receives a chilling message while battling the hospital higher-ups.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Dr. Hannah Asher has done plenty of things she regrets. She’s a recovering drug addict. There’s been plenty of times where that addiction has played a part in her career and so the one thing she hasn’t done before was betray a friend. She knew that Ripley was going to take the fall for Pawel’s assault. He told her as much.

He said his friend, who actually assaulted Pawel, was dying from cancer. He was going to take the fall so that his friend didn’t die behind bars. It was noble if not stupid. Asher tried to talk Ripley out of it. She saw that she couldn’t and so she went to Sully. She told him that Ripley was going to take the fall for him if he didn’t come clean.

Sully later turned himself in. He didn’t forewarn Ripley about it. He knew Ripley would’ve tried to stop him and so he did it behind Ripley’s back. Now, Ripley wasn’t sure who he was angrier with. Sully or Asher.

Sully was his childhood friend. He was dating Asher. They both betrayed him. Asher was by far the guiltier one because Ripley never even told Sully that a witness came forward saying they saw Ripley at the scene. He had just heard that Sully’s cancer was terminal. He didn’t want to add to his friend’s troubles. And instead Asher got Sully to own up to his crimes.

Pawel was a despicable human being. He deserved to get beaten up. It just shouldn’t have been Sully that did it. Ripley saw Sully get arrested and he went over to Asher’s immediately afterwards. He wanted to confront her. He told her she made a mistake. He said she cost Sully’s final moments with his son.

Asher refused to apologize for doing the right thing and now her relationship with Ripley is over. They’ve been through various stages of romance. This time though things were different. Ripley said Asher proved to be a person he couldn’t trust with his secrets.

They were over. Ripley wouldn’t even acknowledge when they were both working at the hospital. Asher chose to focus on her patients. She had a young woman come in complaining of pain.

Her name is Elise. Elise was in the final stages of pregnancy. She’s had other odd things that have happened. She was always told to just drink more water and she felt she was being dismissed.

She still felt that way with Asher. Asher couldn’t automatically see anything wrong with mother and baby. She ordered additional tests to make sure. And that was it for her.

For a new mom, it sounded like Asher was telling her that it was all in her head. Asher was off seeing to other patients when a hospital got a first. Sharon Goodwin received a threatening letter.

It looked like it was written in blood. It basically threatened to kill her for all the people she fired. The hospital got bought by new people and those new people demanded she “trim the fat”. Sharon didn’t want to fire anyone. She was forced to do so. The hospital was merging with a new hospital. Sharon let some people go and she reported the threat as well.

Sharon was advised to work from home. She refused the offer. She didn’t want to leave at a crucial time when the staff was merging. She also couldn’t leave because the ED still hasn’t settled.

There were two chiefs in the ED. One was Dr. Archer. The other was Dr. Lenox. Both of them butt heads with Ripley tonight. He came in with a chip on his shoulder and he made that everyone else’s problem. His tone with both chiefs was out of line. He’s lucky he didn’t get fired. Its just no one wanted to work with him right now. He got sent home.

Asher ended up returning to Elise’s side because she found something. The additional tests that she ordered showed Elise has pre-eclampsia. It was very dangerous for mom and baby.

Asher told Elise that they would have to induce her that same day. She was about two weeks away from her due date. Her husband was serving overseas. He’s not due to return to Chicago until two days before the due date. Meaning he’s going to miss the labor if she’s induced today. Asher also suggested a c-section so that they could deliver the baby quickly and that’s where Elise became annoyed.

Elise was a black woman. Asher was a white woman. Elise claimed that Asher only suggested a c-section because she earns more money that way and so Asher was defending herself when Maggie came in. Maggie helped put Elise at ease. She also reassured her that Asher was thinking of her best interests. The c-section was merely an option.

Asher suggested it because pre-eclampsia stops being a problem the second Elise gives birth. Elise didn’t see that Asher wanted the best for her. She just thought Asher was dismissing her because navigating the medical world as a black woman was an uphill battle.

Only Asher ordered the additional tests. She spotted the deadly condition. She also proved to be right about the c-section. Elise wanted a natural birth because she wasn’t sure if she could have additional children.

Its why she wanted to have the full experience with this baby. Asher heard her. She tried to let nature take its course by inducing Elise and then the baby’s heartbeat dropped. Asher had to rush Elise into he hybrid OR to deliver the baby. Asher delivered the little girl. She was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck.

They had to give the baby oxygen. They revived her. She had to stay in the NICU for a while. Asher believes the new baby was going to be fine and they eventually took her off oxygen thereby proving Asher right again. The new parents named the baby Ruby. Elise’s husband got special leave to get on the next flight out of Turkey.

The family was going to be reunited soon. Elise also got Asher thinking. Asher realized for the first time that she wanted a baby one day. She never once said that out loud before.

Earlier that same day, Asher spoke with Lenox. Lenox didn’t think there was a need for an OBGYN in the ED. She said most women get moved to that department upstairs anyways. Asher had to compile a record of all the patients she treats. She had to prove that her job was a necessity. Lenox was the first to think differently.

Ripley meanwhile returned to the hospital. He visited Sully in prison. They had an honest conversation about fault. Ripley promised to look after Sully’s son. He also finally saw that Asher didn’t do anything wrong.

Ripley returned to the hospital hoping to apologize to everyone. Asher unfortunately got called away before she could get that apology. Elise began to hemorrhage. She had to be rushed back into surgery.

Everyone else was watching a video from an old kids’ show. It turns out Dr. Frost was a child star. He acted as kid in this cute show and everyone found out about when a young woman recognized him. She told Dr. Johnson to give Frost her phone number. She also said she was a huge fan. Johnson then googled Frost’s name and found out about the kids show.

Elise sadly later died during surgery. She got to see her daughter before her surgery and so she at least died happy. Her death took a toll on Asher. Asher had missed a few signs. Elise told her that she was shaking earlier. She even said she cold. Asher didn’t take that seriously and now its going to haunt her for the rest of her life.