Chicago PD Premiere Recap 01/17/24: Season 11 Episode 1 “Unpacking”

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, January 17, 2024, season 11 episode 1 called, “Unpacking,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. In tonight’s Chicago PD season, 11 episode 1 called, “Unpacking,“ as per the NBC synopsis“Tasked with shadowing a crisis prevention team, Upton finds her approach to policing at odds with the team’s mental health clinician. The case brings out Upton’s personal struggles, Voight stands by her.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago PD episode, It’s Pilot Day! As part of their “New Possibilities in Policing” program, Voight and his team were going to be shadowing several initiatives to help bring down crime. They also had to fill Ruzek’s spot. Ruzek survived the shooting last season and he was struggling with requalifying. He did the rehab.

He did his usual workouts with Atwater. He simply wasn’t where he was before the shooting and so that’s why it’s taking him longer than usual to rejoin Intelligence. But it’s been six months. They couldn’t keep his spot open forever. Sergeant Platt did her best to talk Voight into choosing someone to join the unit. And he was doing his best to ignore her.

Voight didn’t even want to lend his people out for the new program. He was forced to do it because it came directly from his bosses. Hence he loaned out Detective Upton. She was supposed to be shadowing the new Crime Prevention Pilot only their methods were a little too optimistic for her.

They came across a man struggling to get into an apartment building. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. It looked like he was having a mental break. They weren’t even sure if he lived at the building and so the new doctors that belonged to the pilot program tried to deescalate.

Which Upton found too optimistic. She spotted that this man had blood on him. She approached him and tried to detain him and he pushed her into the glass doors of the apartment building.

They broke the door. Upton wasn’t worried about the scratches though. She arrested their suspect. She also spotted the blood in the hallway. She followed it to an apartment where she found two people covered in blood. The man was dead. The woman was still alive. Upton got her out of the apartment because someone rigged the apartment to explode in order to cover up the murders.

Upton arrested Cam. She was interrogating him when the doctor from the pilot program showed up. Dr. Mitchell had called a lawyer for Cam. Together they got Cam put on seventy-two hour psych hold. He couldn’t be questioned until he was of fit mind again. That doctor had completely overstepped and he was the only one that didn’t see it.

He said that too many mentally ill people die in police custody. He said he was protecting Cam from the police’s passions getting the best of them. He refused to hear that Cam was a suspect in a murder and attempted murder.

Only he wasn’t entirely wrong. Upton simply thought he was because she made assumptions. She assumed Cam attacked those two victims and she was wrong. They had continued to look for evidence that Cam did this.

They found out that the blood on him was his own. They found out that Aaron had beat up Cam the day before Aaron was killed. Aaron also uploaded the video of beating up Cam, but he took it down after thirty minutes. He must have gotten push back for beating on the mentally ill.

Upton actually got a warrant for Cam’s house because of that video. She said it was motive. She was telling everyone Cam was their guy until they met Cam’s brother, Derrick. Derrick was covered in blood.

There was also wood fragments on him. Derrick shot at the cops when they came to his door to discuss his brother and he went run not long after accidentally shooting a neighbor. It turns out Derrick was their perp all along. Derrick has been protecting Cam since they were kids. He tried to do that again with Aaron and his anger got the best of him. He went too far.

Derrick beat Aaron to death with a wooden bat. He also attempted to kill Jess because she was a witness. Cam had actually tried to stop his brother and unfortunately he missed him by a few minutes. That’s why Cam went to that building. That’s why Cam suffered a psychotic break. He thought he made his brother do something bad.

The moment he was put on meds, Cam checked himself out. He also fired his lawyer. He refused to talk to the cops and he wasn’t going to help them arrest his brother.

The cops watched Cam after he was released. They sat on him until he made a move. They knew he would lead them to his brother and he did. Cam met up with his brother at a park.

The cops saw him. They chased him. Cam put himself between them and his brother. Knowing that the cops wouldn’t shoot an unarmed man. Cam and his brother were locked into a utility closet. They were surrounded. They had to come out on their own and so Upton contacted Dr. Mitchell. Mitchell developed a bond with Cam. Upton was hoping that would be enough to get Derrick to give himself up.

The doctor was able to convince Cam to leave the closet. Only he couldn’t stop Derrick from killing himself. Cam was left devastated by his brother’s death and now he has no one.

Upton blamed herself for that. She was getting a divorce. She had downsized to a smaller apartment. She wondered if maybe her personal life did get in the way of the job. Voight had brought it up earlier after he saw the divorce papers on her desk. She had denied it at the time and now she wasn’t so sure.

Voight checked up on her after the day they had. He saw that she hasn’t unpacked at her new place after six months of living there. He was making a comment when Upton unraveled.

She was normally the calm one only now she was angry all the time. And she didn’t think she could continue being cop while being so angry.


Kristine Francis:
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