Chicago PD Recap 04/03/24: Season 11 Episode 9 “Somos Unos”

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, April 3, 2024, season 11 episode 9 called, “Somos Unos” and we have your Chicago PD recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago PD season, 11 episode 9 called, “Somos Unos“ as per the NBC synopsis“Torres’s personal involvement with an informant jeopardizes his safety and threatens to expose an undercover operation.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago PD episode, Officer Dante Torres was undercover in a drug ring. The drug ring was being run by Perez. Perez was married to Gloria and Gloria was getting older. She was still a beautiful woman, but Perez was getting tired of her. He wouldn’t even let her help in his business anymore.

He’s ousting her. It’s happening slowly because Gloria knows too much. Perez doesn’t want to rock the boat at this time. Only that will all change if he finds out she’s been flipped. Gloria has agreed to turn against her husband. She was willing to blow his whole operation and she was betraying him in another sense.

Gloria was sleeping with Dante. Her husband will kill them both if he ever figures it out. It doesn’t matter that he cheats on her right in her face. He will still kill her on principle if he finds out she’s been disloyal. He’d kill Torres too. Torres was undercover as a mechanic.

He wasn’t trusted with drug runs. Perez has closed ranks after he was almost caught and the only person he trusts is his cousin. His cousin, Matias. Matias knew everything. Perez felt Matias would never betray him and he’s the one that Perez seemed the most loyal to him.

Perez had gotten wind of a raid the last time he left Gloria in charge. He told his cousin to back off. He never did that with Gloria. He was willing to let her get arrested for his drug run and so the marriage was over. Only Perez thinks he can use Torres.

He finally agreed to let Torres make a run for him. Torres got held up at gunpoint not long after this run and a good Samaritan got shot trying to protect him. The cop couldn’t break cover. He had to call for an ambulance with his fake name. He also had to show up at Perez’s business without the bag of cash.

Perez was upset. Matias blamed Torres for what happened. The money was to pay off a cartel. They needed it back and so Torres was put in charge of getting the money back. He has to find out who robbed him. He has the cops assisting him. They were looking into who found out about the money.

They knew Perez has lots of enemies. They were following up the angle while Burgess looked into anyone following Torres. She spotted Gloria’s car in his neighborhood several times. She realized the two were sleeping together and she privately told Torres to end it.

This affair couldn’t get out because it could cost him job as well as his life. He could go to prison for sleeping with his criminal informant. Burgess told him to end things and he appeared as if he understood.

Torres later called Gloria. He told her that he had to end things. She took it in. She also mentioned she was getting tired of being with Perez and that she wanted out of her marriage. She couldn’t keep waiting for him to be arrested. She’s been skimming money off his business. She has enough to hide out for a couple of months. She wants to go now.

Torres talked her out of it. He begged her to have faith in him. He said he’d bring down Perez. With Perez in prison, they could move on. They could start over. Torres went looking into the men that ripped him off. He found their tossed guns in the alley near where they robbed him. Torres handed the police the guns. They ran it for prints. It came back as a match for Miguel Lazaro. His father Joaquin Lazaro was murdered by Perez not that long ago. Miguel and his brother Tommy ripped off Torres to get revenge against Perez.

The cops went to Lazaro’s home. They found both sons were murdered. They checked their phone records and they were in contact with Gloria. Gloria did tell Torres that she’s building a nest egg. She’s been skimming. She probably used the men to rob Torres because she heard about the run from Torres. They were in bed together when Torres agreed the text from her husband.

Burgess told Torres about the phone calls. He tried calling Gloria and he kept getting her answering machine. She missed their check-in. And then Matias showed up to bring Torres to a secret meeting with Perez.

Gloria was also at this meeting. Perez thought they were sleeping together. He said either they were either betraying him or Torres helped the Lazaro brothers steal from him. Perez had Gloria burn Torres until he talked. Torres confessed to taking the money. He thought he was protecting Gloria. Perez had been the one to kill the brothers. He did that because they said they didn’t know where the money was. Someone else had the money. Torres pretended to be that someone else. He gave them a made-up location. Perez figured that out the hard way. And he was about to kill Torres when Torres escaped his restraints.

Gloria had secretly given him a knife. She also told him that she didn’t work with the Lazaro brothers to steal. She was checking in on them because they were family friends before Perez got trigger happy. Torres believed her. He cut through his restraints. He killed Matias. He was going to arrest Perez for murder when Gloria killed Perez. Torres understood why she did it. He covered for her. He later told his cop buddies that he had to kill both in self-defense. And so Gloria later decided not to leave Chicago.

She doesn’t care about the cartel or what they’ll do. She was staying in Chicago to be with Torres. They were finally free to be together without having to worry about Perez or the job.


Kristine Francis:
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