Chicago PD Recap 10/23/24: Season 12 Episode 5 “Water and Honey”

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, October 23, 2024, season 12 episode 5 called, “Water and Honey” and we have your Chicago PD recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago PD season, 12 episode 5 called, “Water and Honey“ as per the NBC synopsis, “In the midst of a momentous rainstorm, Intelligence lends support to Officer Cook when she and her partner disagree about an investigation.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago PD episode, Officer Cook showed up one rainy night needing help. She works the streets. She was a patrol officer. She needed help because received a distress call from someone claiming they were being followed and she looked into it. She didn’t find the woman being chased.

She did however find footprints. Only it was raining. The evidence was bound to get washed away if they didn’t take it seriously and Cooks’s boss didn’t take it seriously. He instructed the police officer to write the whole thing off. And she couldn’t do that.

Cook went looking for Ruzek at his office. She found Torres. Torres was staying late to finish paperwork and he could see that Cook was upset and so he offered to help.

The two of them went back to the scene. They followed the footprints to the water. There was a river nearby. There was also the dead body of a girl floating in it. Cook called it. Torres went into the river to retrieve the body. He got the victim out only it was too late. She was already dead. Torres also felt like someone else was out there watching them.

The rest of Torres’s unit later showed up. They cordoned off the scene. They identified the body. Her name was Lucy Talsman. She was fourteen. She hadn’t been reported missing and that last one was because her mother didn’t care. The woman truly did not give a damn. She said Lucy was ungrateful.

Lucy was always sneaking out at night. She seemed especially angry that Lucy wasn’t nice to any of the men she tried to date. The woman didn’t care about Lucy or that she was murdered. Lucy snuck out every night with friends and her mom couldn’t provide any names for these friends.

Lucy’s mom being checked out was probably the cause for why she sought approval elsewhere. Her friends were the only ones that seemed to care about her.

Voight took on this case and he allowed Cook to stay on to work it. Cook wore a bodycam that night. She reviewed the images with Torres to see if she caught the other person out there. She did. It was another teenage girl. Her name is Jess Marks. She also had a juvie record like Lucy. She ran away when the cops noticed she was there. What did she know? What did she see?

The police had several questions for her. They also looked into Jess. Jess doesn’t have a violent history. She lives with relatives because her parent chose drugs over her and the most she ever did was curfew violations. She was in juvie the same time as Lucy. It’s where they met. They’ve been friends ever since. Jess’s hair was found in Lucy’s clothes. The police believe she either shared clothes with her friend or she was their offender. Torres and Cook went to Jess’s home. They planned on questioning her uncle and they ended up finding the uncle’s body .

The uncle was waterboarded with honey. Several hands held him down until he died. They left behind fingerprints. There were small fingerprints like a barely teenage girl. The house was searched and there was no sign of Jess. The neighbors hadn’t seen her in days. Torres was going through her room with Cook when he found a note from Jess’s uncle. He called her “honey”. This could be why he was killed with that. There was no signs of abuse, but that wasn’t always the case when something happens at home.

Liam Marks was held down by at least three people to drown him in honey. Jess has pictures of her with Lucy and another girl all over her room. They were best friends. They probably helped her kill her uncle. The cops were suspecting there was a reason for murder and none of them were good. They put out a BOLO for Jess. They found her at a homeless encampment. They got Jess and her friend got away. They later asked Jess about her friend that ran off. Jess refused to say anything about her. She also claimed that she killed Liam by herself.

Jess didn’t care if she was tried as an adult. She took full blame. She wouldn’t say why. She also blamed the cops for Lucy’s death. Torres told her that he tried to save her. He said Lucy was dead when she went into the water. Jess wouldn’t believe him. She wouldn’t say anything else about her friends and so the cops went to juvie. They knew that Jess met Lucy at juvie. They wondered if she met the third girl there as well. They spoke with the night aide and she identified the third girl. Her name is Willow Hughes. She was the daughter of the warden.

Willow’s father Raymond was fired because of allegations of physical and mental abuse. It’s the one thing the girls all have in common. They were all being abused. Jess by her uncle. Lucy by her mom’s boyfriend. Willow by her dad. They planned on killing everyone that abused them. They killed Liam first. They planned on killing Raymond second when he got the upper hand. He killed Lucy. He was looking for Willow and Jess to do the same to them. The cops reminded Jess that Willow was by herself now. If Raymond could kill Lucy, he’d do the same if not worse for Willow.

Jess finally gave up Willow’s location because she was scared for her. She said Willow was waiting on the bus to California. They all planned on starting over in California. The cops went to the depo. They didn’t find Willow. What they found was Raymond’s car. He went to the depo looking for her. He chased her away from there. The cops followed him into a deserted house. Raymond didn’t care that they were cops. He tried to kill Officer Cook because she saw him attempting to kill his own daughter. And Torres came in to save them both.

Cook arrested Raymond. Torres got Willow treated for her injuries. Cook was headed back to patrol when Torres asked her what’s the deal between her and Sergeant Montgomery. Cook’s former CO bounced her back to patrol. He hated that she called him out for only taking cases he can win. And so he bounced back to patrol.

And after everything they’ve been through, Torres told her that they need to fill a spot in Intelligence and she could be the one.


Kristine Francis:
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