CSI: Vegas Recap 02/25/24: Season 3 Episode 2 “Scar Tissue”

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Sunday, February 25, 2024, season 3 episode 2 called, “Scar Tissue” and we have your weekly recap below.

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 3 episode 2 as per the CBS synopsis, “With a new piece of evidence at play, Catherine Willows reopens an investigation from her past that never got solved after a violent attack left her hospitalized. Internal affairs begins questioning Folsom 

Tonight’s season 3 episode 2 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

Josh Folsom still broke several rules. He has to deal with the repercussions of that before he could be allowed to return to his old job. If ever does get it back. There’s a chance he’ll be let go. Josh has to be investigated by Internal Affairs. He will be questioned. His friends will be questioned. He should have been preparing for that and instead he was spending what little time he had with Serena. Serena who wasn’t just any Serena. She was a detective. She shouldn’t be attached to someone who might go to prison for abducting a man. And so someone in the relationship has to start thinking wisely about their future before Josh’s circumstances sinks the both of them.

Only Josh’s case against Raphael Tarquenio caught Catherine Willow’s attention. She knows Tarquenio. She knows him well. She suspected him of being involved in a murder five years ago. She had the evidence in her hand at one point when someone drove into her as well as police officer. Officer Hernandez died instantly. Catherine almost died herself. She woke up in a hospital the next day. There was no more evidence. Everything she collected was gone. The place had been wiped clean and Tarquenio got away with murder.

Tarquenio was doing so again with the man that killed Josh’s mother. Tarquenio had his nephew kill the guy. He probably also had the original guy kill Josh’s mom and so he needs to be stopped. The cycle of violence needed to be stopped. Catherine knew about one case that must have scared him if he was willing to kill a cop to cover it. She thought back to the old crime scene. She also went over it again present day. This time she brought Beau with her. They found a prosthetic leg in the water. It was plastic and so it didn’t get destroyed right away when the rest of the body was “dissolved”.

Catherine had found a cooler in that area years ago. The cooler looked like it had blood in it. It could have been whoever owns that fake leg. Catherine brought the leg back to the lab. They found out who it belonged to. Her name was Nora Cross. She supposedly died in a scuba diving accident in Mexico. Which was odd because her estranged daughter said her mother would have mentioned that. They may not have been talking to each other, but her mother would tell her if she’s going out of the country. She would especially say so if she’s headed to Mexico.

There’s no actual proof that Nora ever made it to Mexico. Her car was found outside of the Scuba place. There’s no witnesses or anyone claiming to have talked to Nora about said trip. It just happened out of the blue. It also happened after Nora who was the dean of a prestigious school tried to kick out Tarquenio’s daughter. His daughter was a problem child. She was super athletic and she thought that her father buying a new school gym was enough for her to be a jerk to everyone.
Sidenote: Jerks never win in the end.

Like what is she going to do after her father goes to prison. It’s bound to happen one day and Catherine will see to it that someone eventually gets it done. The girl has no way of dealing with real life without her father’s money or influence. Something he could easily lose if his whole business gets taken down. It was also odd that Tarquenio seems to be an overly involved father. He constantly donates money to the school to stop his daughter from getting kicked out. And his involvement doesn’t end there because a day after they started asking questions at the school – the new dean got killed.

He was killed in a kiln. Beau had been sucking up to him in the hopes of getting his daughter into the prestigious school. Only now he thinks too many people are dying there. Beau and Catherine had toured the campus to see if any chemicals on site were used to dissolve Nora. They couldn’t find anything there. They were told to look towards construction sites. Tarquenio was in construction. It was his company that did all the world on the school. Catherine tried to get a chemical sample for their work materials and Tarquenio shut it down. He demanded a warrant if they wanted anything.

Still, he must have gotten spooked because the second dean was killed on campus. They were only able to identify him by the watch he was still wearing. The watch wasn’t dissolved in the kiln. The CSI team searched that crime scene for any bit of evidence. They tried to find as much as they could. It just kept coming out wrong. The evidence was saying that the Dean Canto didn’t die. Someone smaller than him went into that kiln and died. They might have had Canto’s watch because Paul Canto tossed it in there to hide the fact he’s still alive.

If Canto was still alive, there’s a chance he’s more involved with Tarquenio than they suspected. Canto did get the job after Nora was killed. He did have Tarquenio continue to build on school campus. He was later found alive albeit beaten up. Canto was taken to a hospital. His sepsis was treated. He fessed up to everything. He helped Tarquenio kill Nora. He made the liquid to dissolve her body. Canto did that because he knew that Tarquenio wanted to clean his drug money by using the school’s donations that secretly went back to him.

Canto was willing to talk in return for a plea agreement. He gave them enough to get a warrant for Tarquenio. When he was dissolving Nora’s body, a piece of her got trapped in his lesion. It got taken out and tested tonight. They now have credible proof against Tarquenio for murder. And CSI realized that Serena has been placed closet to the lab in order to spy on them.

Serena and Josh might have broken up because of this little truth. He said he needed time to think. The truth is he no longer trusts her and he wanted a break. Whether it’s a permanent or a temporary one depended on Josh’s mood at the time.


Kristine Francis:
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