CSI: Vegas Recap 03/24/24: Season 3 Episode 5 “It Was Automation”

CSI: Vegas Recap 03/24/24: Season 3 Episode 5 "It Was Automation"CSI: Vegas Recap 03/24/24: Season 3 Episode 5 "It Was Automation"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Sunday, March 24, 2024, season 3 episode 5 called, “It Was Automation”and we have your weekly recap below.

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 3 episode 5 as per the CBS synopsis, “When a mechanic is found murdered in a dark factory, the CSI team investigates whether the perpetrator was human or a humanoid robot with an AI operating system. 

Tonight’s season 3 episode 5 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

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In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, Automation was the way of the future. It will unfortunately put many people out of work, but that doesn’t matter to the scientist or artificial intelligence creators. They still want to push boundaries. Someone might even have pushed a little too hard. There was a murder at a mostly automative factory.

The victim was human only he was technically the only person there. He was surrounded by robots at his time of death. There were humanoid robots. There were robotic dogs. The robots were put in charge at night to keep the factory running and the humans come in the next morning to take over. And so Robert Cuevas really was “alone” during the overnight shift.

The staff found his body the next morning. Robert lay dying while the robots continued to work around him. It was very dehumanizing to think about and so CSI tried to follow the blood.

There was a blood trail from the victim leading to a closet. The CSI team found a humanoid robot inside of that closet. The robot’s hand was covered in blood. They now have to investigate if that robot was used in the death of the victim. They had to take him out of the factory and the staff didn’t really like that. They said he was proprietary technology.

Which doesn’t matter in a murder investigation. The robot was taken. It went down to their office. They quickly identified the robot as the murder weapon because it had a manufacturer’s fault.

The fault was on its hand and that same fault was found in Robert’s skull. The robot repeatedly beat him to death with its hand. Forcing CSI to determine if someone programmed the robot to do that or if it decided to do that on its own. The people that made the robot said that technically anyone in the department could mess with its coding.

Detective Serena Chavez took Catherine back to the factory. They found themselves stonewalled by the owner’s assistant and so they worked around her. Sabrina was claiming that Robert didn’t have a problem with anyone on staff.

Robert’s son was saying differently. Robert was usually well-liked and it seemed odd that there was woman named Eve that hated him. They work together. The two had fought over a patent. Robert didn’t go to college or any secondary schooling. He was just instinctually good at putting things together. And that bugged Eve.

Sabrina claimed that there was no Eve on staff. Catherine and Serena later found Eve demonstrating another humanoid robot’s killing technique. They tried to talk to Eve about the murder or her demonstration. She shut both conversations down. She refused to explain why she had the demonstration. She also said they don’t have enough evidence to arrest her or to force her to talk to them. Her little demonstration was for the owner of the company. And while she wasn’t ready to talk, Truman Thomas loved to hear himself speak.

Thomas wanted to be the man that ushered in artificial intelligence. He won’t trust it if someone else does it. This why he has to be the first. Serena read the egomaniac vibe coming off of him. She told him that an official investigation could help sell his robots. They could prove that the robots was capable of murder. They would form an alliance and so Thomas stopped stonewalling CSI. He allowed them to see everything about the robots. Max and Josh would try to test the robot by getting it to hit a dummy.

The robot was too slow to cause the blood splatter they found at the crime scene. The robot was also thinking for itself. It was programed to learn and so CSI had to figure out how to test spite and anger. There was a power surge not long after that. CSI lost all of its power for about fifteen minutes. It happened right as the robot’s eyes went red. Max was worried that the robot caused the surge to hide something. The lights came back on, but Max said there was a power surge right before Robert’s murder as well at the factory. It was supposedly fixed the next morning. Eve had been put in charge of checking the system and she said the system was fine.

Thomas sadly lost interest in helping the police. He had his people run tests. The tests all show that the robot wasn’t capable of it and so he gave up being the first to make a killer robot. CSI meanwhile figured out how the robot’s arm was used in the murder. The robot wasn’t the killer. Just the arm. The killer took the arm off the robot and then beat Robert to death with it. They planned on framing the robot for the murder. They didn’t notice that their contact lens came off when they were doing that and that it was attached to the robot’s arm.

They have the killer’s DNA. Serena’s secret was also out. Penny now knows that Serena spied on them and she felt betrayed because she thought they were friends before this. But the DNA on the contact lens belonged to Cliff. The same Cliff that has been assisting CSI with this case. He worked with Robert. He was taking photos of the robots hoping to lure in sellers off the books and Robert found him. Robert was going to report him. Cliff killed Rober to protect his secret. And he later died in a car accident.

Max came to suspect that AI had caused the car accident only no one cared about that rabbit hole. They all wanted to stay far away from it. They caught the killer. They found out that Robert had helped build the robots and so his son was given a patent lawyer’s information. This lawyer could help him get paid for his father’s work. And have his father go down in history books as an engineer.


Kristine Francis:
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