CSI: Vegas Recap 04/28/24: Season 3 Episode 7 “Coinkydink”

CSI: Vegas Recap 04/28/24: Season 3 Episode 7 "Coinkydink"CSI: Vegas Recap 04/28/24: Season 3 Episode 7 "Coinkydink"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Sunday, March 24, 2024, season 3 episode 7 called, “Coinkydink and we have your weekly recap below.

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 3 episode 7 as per the CBS synopsis, “When a fitness guru is found dead in a gym sauna and his soon to be son-in-law is found dead from an apparent hunting accident.

The CSI team investigates to see if these deaths are unrelated tragic accidents or if they’re connected. 

Tonight’s season 3 episode 7 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, CSI found the mystery woman in the Robert Cuevas murder case. Unfortunately, she’s using a fake ID. She refuses to give up her real information and they don’t have enough to get a warrant for her DNA. There’s no telling who this woman is. It’s known that she was at the MKD office building.

She was there sometime around the murder of Robert Cuevas by Cliff Roland. Roland was also later murdered. It was odd that this woman never came forward in spite of all the press. She either has something to hide or she took part in the murders. CSI didn’t have enough to hold her. They were forced to let her go and they even took on new cases.

The two new cases were connected. One was the death of Dirk Canter. He died at a fitness spa. He was found dead in the steam room and there’s a chance he might have had a heart attack after overexertion.

He did take a fitness class earlier. He was really struggling. His death could be a simple accident. Only it doesn’t explain the second accident that happened. Dirk was married to Libby. He was the stepfather of Ella. Ella’s fiancé Warren Lopez was supposed to go hunting with Dirk. Dirk never made the trip. And Warren seems to have been accidentally killed as well.

Warren was shot. He was hunting at night and he didn’t have on his reflective jacket. It was a big coincidence that both men died within hours of each other. Beau doesn’t believe in coincidences.

He and Catherine started asking around at the gym. Both Dirk and Warren were villains. Dirk technically owed the gym with his wife. He made sure to give her the popular class. He was also cheating on her with another instructor. This same instructor said that Warren borrowed money from her to start a business he said only for him to actually spend the money on Ella.

Catherine and Beau were still at the gym when someone started a fire. The fire happened at the reception desk and it could have set the whole place on fire if Beau hadn’t quickly put it out. And that’s when Ella became worried. Ella said that Dirk borrowed a lot of money. She found out about it through her fiancé.

He once said that Dirk borrowed money from shady people and now Ella believes these people mean them harm in order to collect. Beau and Catherine told her that they’d get police protection for her and they were talking to the other team that covered Warren’s death because they thought they were connected.

The thought barely lasted an hour because Warren’s killer was found. This woman claims she was hunting when she accidentally shot someone and she also brought in the gun. She killed Warren.

She wasn’t supposed to be hunting at night. She was because she was following the lead for a great buck. She was going to bring him down when he moved out of the light of sight. She shot into the trees. She ended up killing someone. She came clean because she felt she owed that to his family. And the fire might be accidental as well.

There was no signs of a Molotov cocktail. The windows weren’t broken. Neither was the door. The fire seemed to have happened at the reception desk. The computer spontaneously combusted. They just don’t know what would cause it do that. Maybe it’s the same thing that trapped Dirk in that steam room.

Dirk tried to escape. He couldn’t. He was banging on the door and no one heard him because it wasn’t after hours. Beau figured how he was killed. Beau realized that someone used the gym’s complimentary hard taffy to trap the door to the steam room. Meaning Dirk was murdered.

Well, Josh and Allie found out what happened to the computer. Someone spilled kombucha on it. It was one of the trainers. He wrote a blackmail letter to Dirk about his affair with Kendall. He wanted his old time slot back. He got it and he was trying to remove evidence of that now that Dirck is dead.

Dirk also broke up with Kendall. Kendall was his wife’s best friend. Dirk was also best friends with Kendall’s husband. It was all very incestuous. CSI also learned something else. They learned that the poor woman that confessed hadn’t killed Warren. Warren was killed by Dirk’s gun.

There was also a confession note in the steam room that said Dirk killed Warren. He must have gotten framed because it doesn’t explain who killed Dirk. The full CSI team looked at both murder scenes.

They found evidence that Libby killed Warren. She was trying to stop him from encouraging her daughter to go to college. Only Libby was sloppy. Her daughter figured out what she did and she tried to cover for her. She blamed it all on Dirk and she killed Dirk. Now both women will be serving time for murder.

Serena also got close to the mystery woman with a fake name. Valerie Hammond revealed to Serena that she got set up with Cliff Roland. They weren’t dating. The fake Valerie said she would tell her the rest if she comes by her apartment.

Serena showed up, but Valerie or whatever her name is was gone. She’s been abducted. Her apartment is a crime scene. Serena called it in. The whole of Las Vegas was going to be looking for Valerie.


Kristine Francis:
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