CSI: Vegas Recap 05/05/24: Season 3 Episode 8 “The Artist Is Present”

CSI: Vegas Recap 05/05/24: Season 3 Episode 8 "The Artist Is Present"CSI: Vegas Recap 05/05/24: Season 3 Episode 8 "The Artist Is Present"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Sunday, May 5, 2024, season 3 episode 8 called, “The Artist Is Present,” and we have your weekly recap below.

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 3 episode 8 as per the CBS synopsis, “The CSI team investigates when a plastinated nervous system is found hanging above a local car dealership. Also, Chavez and Max search for a missing source in their ongoing investigation of the robotics factory.

Tonight’s season 3 episode 8 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, Detective Serena Chavez reported Valerie’s abduction. Valerie was taken from her home. Her abductor had broken into her apartment earlier that day and they waited until she made herself comfortable before making a move.

He or she grabbed her. They fought. Valerie was drugged and she was taken out of there against her will. She was supposed to meet Serena that night. Serena came to her apartment. She found the door ajar. She found the scene. She called it in the second she could and unfortunately that’s when the feds took over.

The feds took Valerie’s case. She’s been abducted. She’s been possibly carried across state lines and all of this after she helped commit two murders. LVPD wasn’t equipped to handle this.

The feds were. The FBI were in charge of finding Valerie as well as identifying Valerie. Everyone knew Valerie wasn’t her real name. They found an ID stating it was Kristen Baird. Only that too was an alias. This woman was a ghost. She has no real name or background. She could be anyone and involved in everything as far as Serena knows.

With LVPD getting benched, she became someone else’s problem. They had other cases to work. The CSI department was alerted when someone put a human nervous system above the entrance to a car dealership. It was really human. They tested it. It was made of human blood. It was also painted white for some reason.

Chris thought it looked like art. Someone went to great deal to preserve it like it was art. They plastinated it. They infused silicone into a deboned nervous system and plastic was great for picking up fingerprints.

The was a fingerprint left behind on the brain. Everyone from the car dealership was fingerprinted. They weren’t a match for the fingerprint and so it wasn’t an inside job. It does take a lot to fillet a man. The boss at least doesn’t have to worry about a killer in her mist. Only they did get a match for the fingerprint.

It belonged to Jesse Moore. They got a warrant for his arrest. CSI was sent in to search his home when the man wasn’t found and Chris once again proved helpful when he realized Jesse wasn’t the killer. He was the victim.

The victim had bell palsy according to Dr. Hutchinson. Well, Jesse had that. His killer literally put his own fingerprint on his head. They wanted to lead everyone to finding out he was the victim. Jesse was an artist. He was big into the scene. His killer turning him into art could just be a tribute. That is if he was murdered.

He might have died of natural causes for all they know. It just wouldn’t explain the deboning. They also couldn’t really detect much with all the silicone. And so Max thought she found a suspect when Jesse proved to be connected to a mechanic at the dealership.

Kenneth Miller the mechanic was Jesse’s brother. They didn’t know it at first because Jesse changed his last name. He changed it after his mom died and he devoted himself completely to art. He made a name for himself. He became wealthy. Still, he never contacted his brother or his dad to help with any of the bills.

He instead looked down on them for being blue collar. He also looked down on his brother for being a mechanic. He said his work was soulless. Jesse never got Kenneth. Kenneth never got Jesse. It’s odd that Jesse’s nervous system would be left at Kenneth’s place of work.

They haven’t spoken in years. They didn’t even know where the other lived. Whoever did this had done their research. They looked into Jesse’s life. They found out about his estranged brother and they tried to include the brother in the art. It had to be a superfan. Or a stalker. Jesse’s nervous system was even framed like one of his sculptures.

The plastination also needed experience. There was just one plastination site in Las Vegas. Dr. Amato was the expert. She used plastination for med schools and museums. Her assistant was on the creepy side. He said asphyxiation was best for preserving the body.

As luck would have it, Jesse was suffocated. They have the second part of his nervous system. The killer left it hanging up in a pose from another sculpture and at another business. The killer cut the cameras during botched robberies twice at both of these businesses. Both nervous systems were spray printed car paint.

High end car paint. This led right back to the mechanic brother. They went to see Kenneth when they spotted a fake mask of Jesse’s. It was Jesse’s face inside of the mask. Serena was with Chris and they called for backup.

They continued to look around while they waited for backup. They found a skin suit of Jesse. It was inflated like those crazy ones outside of a car dealership. Serena ultimately arrested its creator.

She arrested Eric. The other mechanic. Eric recently lost his girlfriend. He said his world lost color and so he turned to creating art. Kenneth told him that he has an artist brother. Eric reached out to Jesse. He showed Jesse his sculpture of his dead fiancé and Kenneth said it was soulless. It was like he didn’t even know the woman.

Eric got offended. Jesse called his work plastic and so he made Jesse plastic. He confessed to everything to Serena and he was more unstable than they knew. There was never a fiancé.

Eric had been cyberstalking a woman named Amanda on social media. She went by Mandy. Eric fell in love. He faked a relationship between them and he even faked Mandy’s death. He was deranged. He really did not know that woman and that’s why his art work lacked human touches. All he ever has of this woman was photos.

And sadly CSI’s offices were hacked in the final moments of tonight’s episode. They were testing the blood found in Valerie’s apartment on the side and just as they were getting close they get hacked.


Kristine Francis:
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