CSI: Vegas Recap 05/12/24: Season 3 Episode 9 “Heavy Metal”

CSI: Vegas Recap 05/12/24: Season 3 Episode 9 "Heavy Metal"CSI: Vegas Recap 05/12/24: Season 3 Episode 9 "Heavy Metal"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Sunday, May 5, 2024, season 3 episode 9 called, “Heavy Metal,” and we have your weekly recap below.

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 3 episode 9 as per the CBS synopsis, “The CSI team investigates the death of a local antique shop owner who died from an apparent gunshot wound that is missing one important clue – the bullet.

Also, Max makes an important breakthrough in the ongoing case with Ocho from the robotics factory.

Tonight’s season 3 episode 9 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, a man was shot. He managed to run away from the shooter. He collapsed in the street after almost getting run over. The limo driver that almost hit him was the one to call for an ambulance, but it was too late to save John Doe. He died before help could arrive. He also died before he could state his name.

The police have no idea who this man was and they don’t have a bullet either. John Doe was searched. The bullet wasn’t a through and through. It should have still been lodged in the wound. The fact it wasn’t made it a mystery. CSI was very curious about how a bullet could literally disappear.

There was no bullet. No ID. No idea where the victim was shot. There used to be a solution to getting a name. They could have ran his prints in the database.

They couldn’t do that at the moment because they were recently hacked and so they were cut off from the wider web. They have to do everything so much slower than they normally would. With the recent victim, they had to look at everything under a microscope. They found out the victim drank boba tea. He also had glass on him. The glass was special because it had lead in it.

They stopped making glass with lead years ago. It was right around the time they learned that smoking was bad for you. This also meant that not many stores would have that and so they found out who their victim was. His name was Neil. He ran an antiques store in a very old building.

The building has been in the family for years. Neil tends to mind the shop with his daughter. His daughter was out that night because she wanted to go to a party. She was kicking herself now that her father died when she wasn’t there.

The daughter doesn’t know who would hurt her dad. She checked the security cameras while CSI was there. The video cuts out right as Neil gets shot. They also noticed a few guitars had gotten stolen. Along with a wig made out of Elvis Presley’s hair. It turns out the thief was the daughter’s boyfriend, Jim.

Jim didn’t shoot Neil. He went to the store to steal when he saw Neil stumbling out and he used that opportunity. He went for the cash register first. It wouldn’t budge. He then grabs the guitar because he thought he could sell them at a pawn shop.

Jim got caught for the robbery. Although, his hands were free of gunshot residue. They knew he wasn’t involved in the murder because he left his fingerprints all over the crime scene.

Jim works at a movie theater. He left behind theater popcorn dust everywhere. Beau recognized it because he’s been trying to recreate that special popcorn magic for years. He helped Penny. Penny was given the lead on this murder. She needed all the help she could get. Chris was supposed to be helping her. They were partners after all and they managed to find a way around that.

They change their schedules so that they’re never working together. They didn’t like the partner thing. Allie was the one that assigned everybody and so she thought she failed.

She was talking to Max about it when Max told her to stop second guessing herself. Their closure rate increased by seventeen percent under Allie’s leadership. She was doing a good job. It’s just that not everyone would see that at first. Allie needed to call in Chris. Chris could help them figure out why the cameras all went out the same time as the clocks.

Chris couldn’t find images of the killer. Luckily, Penny solved the mystery of the missing bullet. She realized that Neil wasn’t shot at all. He had swallowed a magnet while he was drinking boba tea.

The balls were about the same size. Neil was in his store when someone used a powerful magnet that ripped a hole though Neil’s insides. The magnet ruined the security camera. It ruined the many clocks in the antique shop. Penny tested her theory and she proved it was possible to kill someone with a very powerful magnet.

One would think they would check who had tea with Neil to find out who killed him. Penny went a different route. She traced where the magnet was when it was used. She found tire tracks.

She also found the remains of chewing tobacco. The DNA belonged to Lou Sherman. He also went by Uncle Lou. He was the godfather of Neil’s daughter. Neil and Lou used to be in a band together. They had fame. They had fortune. Neil turned his back on all of that when he got married and started a family. And no one wanted Lou by himself.

Lou become a roadie. It was the only way he could stay near those that were still famous. Lou has also been bringing Neil boba tea for the past few weeks. He used that to hide the magnet and so they just had to find the magnet to prove Lou was guilty. They searched his car while he was being questioned.

They didn’t find anything. Lou was going to drive off when Chris saw something. Chris told them to get into the car and they followed Lou. The magnet was the car itself. Its why his break lights keep cutting out.

Chris and Penny worked together to solve the murder. They just couldn’t work together at any other time. They rub each other the wrong way. They had a fight after they solved the case and Penny didn’t want to be his partner anymore. Plus, they made a breakthrough with the robotics murder.

Max found a way to test the synthetic DNA found in Valerie Hammonds’s apartment. She learned that the robots at Truman Thomas’s company has been creating synthetic DNA for him. And that the billionaire might be connected to several murders.

Max found out that Thomas had a hidden lab. She went there with Catherine and Chris. They were just going to take photos because they didn’t have a warrant. They were caught snooping around. Chris was poisoned. Max was taken. And who knows what happened to Catherine.


Kristine Francis:
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