CSI: Vegas Series Finale Recap 05/19/24: Season 3 Episode 10 “Tunnel Vision”

CSI: Vegas Series Finale Recap 05/19/24: Season 3 Episode 10 "Tunnel Vision"CSI: Vegas Series Finale Recap 05/19/24: Season 3 Episode 10 "Tunnel Vision"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Sunday, May 19, 2024, season 3 episode 10 series finale called, “Tunnel Vision,” and we have your weekly recap below.

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 3 episode 9 as per the CBS synopsis, “After an explosion in a bio lab, the CSI team races to determine which nerve agent left one of their own unconscious.

While the others explore a dangerous underground tunnel to find another CSI who got kidnapped during the blast, on the third series finale of the CBS Original series CSI: Vegas

Tonight’s season 3 episode 10 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, Max found out that Truman Thomas has a secret subterranean lab. She visited it with Chris and Catherine. They were just supposed to look around. They didn’t have a warrant to do any of that. They were looking for evidence to help get them an official warrant.

However, they weren’t alone in that lab. There was other people down there with them. There was an explosion. These people used the explosion to get into the lab where they drugged Chris. They drugged him with a nerve agent. Max inhaled some of that as well. She still managed to call out for help before she was dragged out that room and Chris was left to die.

Max was abducted from that room. Chris was seizing on the ground. Catherine was the only one left standing. She called in for backup. The rest of the CSI team came running to the rescue.

The police also became involved because they all needed to find Max. They don’t know if she inhaled the same substance that Chris did. Chris wasn’t doing so well either. He was put in a medically induced coma. Penny stayed at his bedside. She regretted what she said the last time they spoke. Chris called her engagement fake. And Penny basically called him pathetic.

Penny regrets that now. She stayed at Chris’s bedside because she was hoping to apologize. The rest of CSI was still at the lab. Beau was the first to figure out it was a nerve agent that took Chris down. He also said the scene was safe now. He gave everyone a pair of gloves that would protect them from the nerve agent.

There was also air moving throughout that lab. Josh found out where the air was coming from. There was a hidden exit to the lab. Thomas must have included one in case he needed an exit plan.

Or at least that’s what everyone thought because they thought Thomas was in charge. There were wrong about that. There was a second door behind the secret door. Someone blew through it with a bomb. It was the explosion they all heard. Thomas would have no reason to break into his own lab.

The people that blew their way into that lab weren’t being led by Thomas. They also left a bomb behind the door to stop anyone else from following them. Thomas wouldn’t have needed to do that. Any of that. He literally had a key to the whole thing to the vault door.

Thomas wasn’t in charge.

The rest of CSI was coming to the same conclusions as Max was. Thomas was a mere patsy. He built a lab hoping to be on the cutting edge of new technology and someone else used that to create fake DNA.

They probably wanted to sell that to the scariest terrorists around the world. People that were willing to spend top dollar to access those services. Max was able to buy herself some more time with the people that grabbed her. She said she found the lab because they made mistakes. Mistakes she could help them correct.

Max was given the antidote to the nerve agent. She dropped one because she wanted the men walk on the broken pieces of it. Max was hoping to create a trail to their location.

The trail worked. Josh and Allie followed it. They found Thomas’s remains. He had been murdered. They also found another hidden lab within the hidden lab. Max was there at one point in time. They were too late to rescue her. Max had already been moved to a car and she has no idea where she’s going next. And the people that took her weren’t clean with the crime scene.

They found a gum wrapper in Arabic. They found hair follicles that indicated this person was from Saudi Arabia. It seems Thomas was a mere front. He was the public face of a company while the Saudi Intelligence were really running things. They even killed Thomas when he no longer proved useful.

Foreign intelligence officers have sneakily found their way into American cops in the hopes of stealing their technology. They did that with Thomas’s company. The Saudis got Valerie Hammond to date Cliff Roland. Roland helped her and her people to hack the robots.

The same robot that Max put in her room. Cliff was forced to kill Robert Cuevas to hide the fact that he put listening devices into the robots. He was then killed when someone hacked his car.

Valerie was abducted. She was probably dead too. Max knew her days were numbered when she helped them perfect their synthetic DNA. They realized they could use her overseas. They just didn’t want to take the risks of doing so. They were going to kill her when she said she spelled their names in DNA code. She also included where they came from.

Max injected that false DNA into her arm. It didn’t matter if they killed her. She would have identified them and they would be taken down. Luckily, Josh found Max before she could be killed. He diverted attention. Serena used that to kill the man in charge. They rescued Max. There was a bit of good news for everyone. Chris came out of his coma. Penny decided to finally set a date for her future wedding. And Josh was promoted back to Level 3.


Kristine Francis:
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