Days of Our Lives Friday, December 13 Recap: Xander’s Sabotage and Kristen’s Question for Stefano

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Friday, December 13, reveals that Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) showed up at Philip Kiriakis’ (John-Paul Lavoisier) hotel room for a meeting and was surprised to find him wearing only a towel. Philip apologized since he thought he had time to get in a quick workout before Stephanie arrived.

Once Philip put some clothes on, Stephanie handed over some info and explained the PR work she’d been doing to help his case.

Philip was still worried about his chances in court, but Stephanie played up how much weight Victor Kiriakis’ (John Aniston) letter would have.

Philip ultimately decided he should be honest about the letter, but then he chickened out and just acted like it might not be enough.

Stephanie thought the case Philip’s attorney would present was the most important thing.

Philip bragged about having Ned Dickerson for a lawyer and claimed he was the best.

Unfortunately, Ned called moments later and quit since he supposedly remembered he worked for Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) at Titan.

It was a conflict of interest, so Ned was backing out the night before the trial.

Philip fumed and suspected Xander was behind this since it was awfully convenient!

At the pub on Friday’s Days episode, Shawn Brady (Brandon Beemer) had Justin Kiriakis (Wally Kurth) look over his divorce papers and got his approval.

Justin also asked Shawn to give a deposition on Xander’s behalf, but Shawn couldn’t do that since he was rooting for Philip.

After Justin left, Jada Hunter (Elia Cantu) arrived and extended her condolences to Shawn over Doug Williams’ (Bill Hayes) passing.

Shawn admitted he was sober now and wanted to make amends, so he apologized for any harm he did to Jada, Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) and Talia Hunter (Aketra Sevillian) during his rough patch.

Jada had compassion over the whole thing and asked Shawn if he’d be willing to come back to the Salem PD.

Shawn seemed hesitant at first, but he ultimately decided it was time for a new chapter and accepted his old job back.

Once Jada was gone on Friday’s Days episode, Shawn signed the divorce papers and took off his wedding ring.

At the townhouse, Belle Black (Martha Madison) caught up with Brady Black (Eric Martsolf), so she told him about her divorce and got updates on his upcoming date with Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun).

Belle brought up Ava’s shady history, but Brady defended her a bit.

Although Brady knew Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) wasn’t going to like this, he felt like Ava could hold her own.

Brady also mentioned his return to Basic Black, which Xander allowed since he felt guilty for blaming Brady for Sarah Kiriakis’ (Linsey Godfrey) paralysis.

Belle was horrified as Brady explained how Xander had tried to paralyze him on one occasion and take him out permanently on another.

In the town square on Friday’s DOOL show, Ava scolded Kristen for talking Brady out of going to The Nutcracker with Rachel Black (Finley Rose Slater).

However, Ava said Brady asked her to go with him instead, so she guessed she had Kristen to thank for that.

Kristen ended up slapping Ava, who slapped her back and warned it’d take more than a “love tap” to scare her.

Although Kristen mentioned sending Sarah to the DiMera island and how she came home batty, Ava wasn’t afraid and urged Kristen not to mess with her.

At the DiMera mansion on Friday’s Days episode, Kristen ranted about how she could have Ava thrown in jail or buried with a phone call.

After Kristen turned to Stefano DiMera’s (Joseph Mascolo) portrait, she asked if he had any ideas on how to get Ava out of her way.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Sarah found Xander working out, but he claimed he was preparing for battle and played up the mind-body connection going into the courtroom.

Justin returned with bad news since Shawn wasn’t willing to support Xander, but Xander said he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Since Justin thought it was better if he stayed in the dark, he took off.

Sarah insisted on knowing the truth about the setback Xander caused for Philip.

Xander explained that he incentivized Philip’s lawyer to quit and doubted anyone else would want to take the case the night before the trial.

Back at the townhouse, Belle removed her wedding ring set before Philip showed up.

Since Philip’s other lawyer quit right before he was supposed to go to court, he asked Belle if she’d be his new one.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Belle’s going to take the case soon enough, so we’ll bring you more predictions on Philip’s fight for control of Titan.

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Heather Hughes:
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