Days of Our Lives Friday, December 20 Recap: Tate & Sophia’s Out-of-State Abortion Trip, Holly in the Dark on Plan

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Friday, December 20, reveals that Tate Black (Leo Howard) asked if Sophia Choi (Madelyn Kientz) was sure that she was pregnant, so she confirmed that she took three positive pregnancy tests. Sophia reminded Tate that condoms weren’t always 100 percent effective and snapped that the point was sperm met egg!

Now Sophia was sick with worry over her parents’ reaction, but Tate pointed out that she had options.

Sophia argued that she needed parental consent for an abortion in their state, which would never happen since her mom and dad believed abortion was a sin.

Tate offered to drive Sophia out of state and pay for an abortion without anyone else knowing about it.

Sophia worried about their ability to pull that off, but Tate said they were in this together and made reassuring predictions.

Since Tate didn’t want Holly Jonas (Ashley Puzemis) to find out, Sophia got a little miffed over him making this about her.

However, Sophia assured Tate that she wouldn’t say anything since she clearly wanted to keep this news under wraps, too.

Tate promised to do some research and get back to Sophia, who headed out.

In the town square on Friday’s Days episode, Holly admitted to Maggie Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers) that Leo Stark (Greg Rikaart) got inside her head earlier.

Holly worried that things could unexpectedly go wrong with Tate, but Maggie didn’t think she should get stuck on what might happen.

Maggie also offered to take Holly to the OB-GYN for birth control, but Holly insisted she hadn’t taken the next step with Tate yet.

Holly just wished that Tate’s first time wasn’t with Sophia and ranted about everything her ex-best friend had done.

Maggie suggested it wasn’t a competition and said Holly shouldn’t pressure herself to do anything before she was ready.

When Sophia popped up, Holly greeted her and awkwardly introduced her to Maggie.

Sophia claimed she hoped Holly and Tate had the best Christmas ever, but Holly privately told Maggie that Sophia didn’t mean it.

Next on Friday’s Days episode, Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) showed up at Ava Vitali’s (Tamara Braun) door to pick her up for their date to “The Nutcracker.”

When Brady realized the tickets were missing, Ava suggested maybe Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) stole them.

Brady looked online for more tickets, but the ballet was completely sold out.

Ava suggested Kristen might’ve been behind that too, but she was mostly joking at that point.

Brady still wanted to enjoy the evening with Ava, so they wound up eating takeout and watching Christmas programs on TV – at least until the Wi-Fi went out.

Ava once again cracked a joke about Kristen being to blame and assured Brady that they’d have a date do-over.

After Brady kissed Ava’s cheek and left, Ava got a text from an unknown number asking how her date was.

At the Salem Inn on Friday’s Days episode, Doug Williams III (Peyton Meyer) admitted a little birdie told him that Leo was the go-to guy for jobs like this.

Leo said jewelry fencing was outside his jurisdiction now, but Doug was persistent.

Since Leo insisted on knowing who he was, Doug revealed his name and connection to Doug Williams (Bill Hayes).

Although Doug hated stealing the necklace, he confessed that he owed someone a lot of money and was desperate.

The guilt was eating Doug up since everyone was being so nice to him at the Horton house.

Doug even thought about leaving the necklace somewhere for them to find, but he didn’t want to raise suspicions – not to mention he still needed the hefty payday.

Leo decided he might know some people who could help with the sale, so he pushed Doug to leave the necklace with him.

Doug wondered how he knew he could trust Leo, who pointed out that Doug didn’t have much of a choice.

At the Horton house on Friday’s DOOL show, Jennifer Horton Deveraux (Melissa Reeves) quizzed Julie Williams (Susan Seaforth Hayes) about how long Doug would be staying, so Julie said as long as he liked.

Julie wondered if Jennifer had a problem with Doug staying there, so Jennifer admitted Hope Brady (Kristian Alfonso) didn’t trust him.

As a result, Jennifer had agreed to keep an eye on Doug III.

Julie asked if this was because of Doug’s time in prison, so a stunned Jennifer said she didn’t even know about that.

Although Julie downplayed the trouble Doug got into on the way to Salem, she admitted she didn’t ask what he got locked up for.

Jennifer thought that considering Doug’s criminal past, he might’ve been the one who stole the necklace.

Julie shut down that idea since she assumed Doug didn’t show up until after the necklace was already gone.

Once Doug returned home with red velvet cookies from Sweet Bits, Julie gushed over those being her husband’s favorite.

Doug said they were his favorite too, so Julie said it must be in the genes.

Although Julie remained delighted that Doug was there, Jennifer glared at him and obviously still had some trust issues.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Doug has some tight spots ahead of him, so stay tuned for updates on the problems he’ll face.

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Heather Hughes:
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