Days of Our Lives Thursday, June 20 Recap: Sophia’s Revenge Over Tate’s Lie – Theresa Threatens to Eject Holly from Prom

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Thursday, June 20, reveals that Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) stopped by Marlena Evans’ (Deidre Hall) office, where he talked about EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) helping him with his divorce from Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty).

Marlena wondered if that attorney arrangement was painful now that “Jude DiMera” aka Jude Brady (Oliver McLarty) was being raised by EJ and Nicole DiMera (Arianne Zucker), but Eric didn’t hold anything against them.

Eric also assured Marlena that he was fine to work with Nicole and that nothing would happen since she no longer had feelings for him.

Marlena questioned Eric about his own feelings, but he downplayed things and accepted her dinner invitation on the condition that they didn’t discuss Nicole.

Meanwhile, Nicole thanked Dr. Mark Greene (Jonah Robinson) for examining Jude and apologized for wasting his time since she overreacted to her son’s slight fever.

Mark eventually revealed that he was the older brother of Aaron Greene (Louis Tomeo), who asked Holly Jonas (Ashley Puzemis) to prom before she backed out of going with him.

Nicole admitted that was her fault, but she ultimately learned Aaron didn’t have another date yet and decided to rectify the situation.

Once Mark gave Nicole his brother’s number, she was ready to put her plan in motion.

At the pub on Thursday’s Days episode, Tate Black (Leo Howard) spoke to Holly over the phone and vowed that their parents wouldn’t ruin their perfect prom night.

The goal was for Tate to make an excuse and leave early to meet up with Holly, who’d sneak out of the DiMera mansion.

Once Tate hung up, he complained to Aaron about how he never would’ve said yes to Sophia Choi (Madelyn Kientz) if he could’ve gone to prom with Holly.

Sophia entered and eavesdropped on Tate’s rant while looking glum.

Tate also said he still find a way to see Holly later, so Sophia finished listening in and approached the table.

Although Sophia managed to act like everything was fine, she was clearly irritated over what she’d learned.

After Tate took off, Aaron tried to get Sophia talking and charm her a bit, but she wasn’t impressed.

At the Kiriakis mansion on Thursday’s Days episode, Theresa Donovan (Emily O’Brien) dreamed of confessing her love to Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) and deciding to follow her heart instead of being with Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) for his money.

Theresa woke up startled once Brady arrived, so they discussed their roles as prom chaperones.

Since Theresa caught Tate and Holly looking cozy at the Kiriakis manse recently, she gave Brady updates and worried the teens would try to see each other at the dance.

Brady didn’t think so since Nicole wasn’t letting Holly attend, but Theresa still wanted to watch Tate like a hawk tonight.

At the DiMera mansion on Thursday’s DOOL show, Stefan DiMera (Brandon Barash) warned EJ to reopen the Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) case and make sure Gabi Hernandez DiMera (last played by Camila Banus) was free by tomorrow.

If EJ didn’t come through, Stefan made it clear that he’d tell Nicole the truth about Jude’s paternity.

As Holly walked in, she initially wondered what Stefan and EJ were hiding from Nicole, but she decided she didn’t care since Nicole was so controlling.

EJ spoke to Holly alone and realized she was extra cranky since it was prom night. Holly once again griped and urged EJ to tell Nicole there was a reason her door would be closed, especially since she had a final to study for.

Nicole came home on Thursday’s Days episode and revealed her change of heart, but Holly pointed out that she didn’t have a prom dress or a date. Once Nicole suggested Holly could find something in her closet, she explained about talking to Dr. Greene and getting Aaron’s number.

That led to an awkward situation where Nicole got Aaron on the phone and listened as Holly let him know she could go to prom if he was still free.

Aaron spoke to Holly in front of Sophia, so that added to the discomfort.

Mark later brought Aaron over to the DiMera mansion for photos, which Stefan snapped of Aaron and Holly once they were all glammed up.

Stefan sent the pics to Nicole’s phone and sent EJ a message to remind him to free Gabi by tomorrow or else.

At the town house, Tate was getting ready when Holly called him to explain that Nicole changed her mind and that Aaron was her date now.

This threw off Holly and Tate’s scheme to be together later, but Tate was determined to figure something out.

Brady got the news about Nicole’s reversal, so he filled in Theresa and pushed her not to freak out about Holly being at the prom as well.

Sophia plastered on a smile for pics with Tate soon after, but then she pulled Theresa aside to admit there was something she should know.

After Sophia made her confession off-screen, she joined Tate, Holly and Aaron in the locker area at school.

Theresa appeared with Brady and urged Tate to get Sophia some punch inside the gym.

Then, Theresa warned Holly that if she didn’t keep her distance from Tate, she had the power to eject Holly from prom.

Once Holly headed in the gym with Aaron, Brady questioned if that was really necessary.

Theresa insisted that Tate and Holly were up to something as she voiced her concerns following Sophia’s apparent tipoff.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Holly and Tate’s night will continue to come with curveballs, so stick with us for more predictions on the twists and turns.

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Heather Hughes:
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