Days of Our Lives Wednesday, December 18 Recap: Belle Saves Mark from EJ’s Awful Plea Deal – Abigail Time Capsule Project

Days of Our Lives Wednesday, December 18 Recap: Belle Saves Mark from EJ’s Awful Plea Deal, Abigail Time Capsule Project

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Wednesday, December 18, reveals that JJ Deveraux (Casey Moss) escorted Gabi Hernandez (Cherie Jimenez) home following all the chaos in Vancouver and couldn’t thank her enough for everything she did to help.

Although Gabi was celebrating Clyde Weston’s (James Read) outcome and wishing Catharina Greene (Susan Elena Matus) had done worse, JJ hated that they weren’t able to score the truth about Abigail DiMera’s (Marci Miller) remains first.

Gabi was sorry for being insensitive, but JJ said he’d love nothing more than to spit on Clyde’s grave if the circumstances were different.

At one point, Gabi embraced JJ and shared an intense moment with him, but they stopped short of kissing.

JJ ultimately revealed he was going to stick around Salem for a while, so Gabi accepted his offer to grab drinks or dinner sometime.

Once Gabi was alone, she found the hotel key card from Vancouver and smiled over the cozy scenes she’d shared with JJ when they woke up together.

At the Horton house on Wednesday’s Days episode, Chad DiMera (Billy Flynn) gave Jennifer Horton Deveraux (Melissa Reeves) and Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford) updates on the news about Clyde being in a coma.

Although that meant they might never get answers about Abigail’s body, Jack and Jennifer didn’t blame Chad since he’d done his best.

Jennifer also felt certain that Abigail was in heaven with all their other loved ones, so Chad admitted he wanted to believe that, too.

After Jennifer suggested putting some Abigail mementos in the time capsule, Jack offered up Abigail’s first byline clipping from Salem U.

Jennifer included a lock of hair from Abigail’s first haircut and a family pic that Abby’s kids had drawn as well.

Chad retrieved his wedding ring from a drawer and decided it felt right to put it in the time capsule box now.

Once JJ met up with Jack, Jennifer and Chad in the cemetery, he found out about their project and included a photo of himself with Abigail on Halloween as kids.

After Chad took the box and put it down by Abigail’s grave, Abby’s loved ones seemed ready to let her rest in peace.

DOOL offered a sense of closure despite the fact that Abigail’s remains were still missing.

At the Salem PD, EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) pushed Mark Greene (Jonah Robinson) to sign a plea deal that would give him 10 years at Statesville instead of 25.

Mark nearly signed it, but Belle Black (Martha Madison) came blowing in and warned him not to since she was his new lawyer.

Belle explained that Tate Black (Leo Howard) asked for her help since Aaron Greene (Louis Tomeo) was concerned about his big brother’s fate.

After Belle reminded EJ that Mark allegedly went after Chad DiMera (Billy Flynn) in Paris, she insisted EJ was out of his jurisdiction.

Belle acted like DNA tampering was nothing in Salem and refused to let EJ railroad her client into a bad plea deal.

EJ tried to knock it down to five years instead, but Belle wanted no jail time for her client. After Belle went up against EJ in court, he offered some praise for how she handled herself.

EJ also warned that Mark had better show up on time for his hearing and stick to the terms or else the deal they’d negotiated was off.

Belle eventually mentioned her divorce before sauntering out, so EJ seemed intrigued by his former flame as she went.

In the town square on Wednesday’s Days episode, Cat Greene (AnnaLynne McCord) found a lawyer who would take Catharina’s case and spoke with her over the phone.

Once Aaron appeared, Cat was honest with him about the challenges of their mom’s legal defense.

After Cat hugged Aaron and reconnected with him, Felicity Greene (Kennedy Garcia) joined them and wondered if Cat was really her sister.

Cat knew she looked different, but she assured Felicity it was really her.

Cat also apologized for claiming her name was Abigail before and reflected on the time Felicity blamed Aaron after she cut off Barbie’s hair.

Felicity ultimately realized how much Cat remembered and knew it was indeed her, so they embraced.

After Felicity got confirmation that her mom was alive on Wednesday’s Days show, she was disappointed that Catharina couldn’t come see her.

Aaron suggested a family road trip to Vancouver so that they could all go see Catharina instead.

Mark finally joined his siblings and explained that he was out on bond thanks to Belle.

It turns out Belle was able to get Mark 18 months in prison, so he was content with that since things could’ve been far worse.

For now, Mark just wanted the scoop on Catharina and to enjoy this family reunion, so he shared a group hug with Cat, Aaron and Felicity.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Cat will presumably have to step up for Aaron and Felicity once Mark’s serving prison time, so we’ll bring you more predictions on their family’s next chapter.

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