FBI Finale Recap 05/21/24: Season 6 Episode 13 “Ring of Fire”

Tonight on CBS FBI  airs with an all-new Tuesday, May 21, 2024 season 6 episode 13, “Ring of Fire,” and we have your FBI recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 6 episode 13 called, “Ring of Fire,” as per the CBS synopsis,

“The Somalian terrorist group behind the death of Agent Hobbs resurfaces, sending the team on a chase to take them down for good, on the sixth season finale of the CBS Original series FBI.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI episode, Jess’s brother was in town. Jess was a federal agent that died. She was also Maggie’s close friend. She left her only child to Maggie after she died and Maggie was doing her best to fill the gap that Jess left behind. She was bonding with Jess’s daughter Ella.

Ella was worried at first that something might happen to Maggie. She would constantly call Maggie in the middle of the day and she wouldn’t rest until Maggie reassured her that she was safe. Things were better now. Ella was becoming more secure in her life with Maggie. Maggie had also taken time off work to be there for her. And now Maggie was reaching out to Jess’s family so that Ella would get to know them.

Jess and her brother weren’t close. Jess told Maggie before she died that her family didn’t approve of her becoming a single mother. They were against the idea.

According to Jess’s brother, the two were never close. Jess lived in New York City. She had an important job. He was the one left behind at home. He’s the one that took care of their mother when she got sick and sadly Jess died before they ever reconnected. The brother now wants to be a part of Ella’s life. He has a daughter of his own around the same age. And Ella loved playing with her cousin.

Things were going so well with the brother that Maggie left Ella with him when she went to work. Maggie and OA were called to the scene of a murder.

The victim was Luke Chandler. Or at least that’s what they thought his name was because that’s the name he’s been living under. Luke was an alias. He went AWOL during his finished tour overseas. He was listed as dead. His real name was Nick Ward. The feds were only looking into his most recent death because he worked for a federal NGO. And he was found dead in the street.

It turns out that Nick was never AWOL. The CIA faked his death when he joined up with them. The feds figured that out after a second CIA Officer was killed. The second officer was Christine Collins.

Her handler was Jack Wagner. They found Jack. He explained the rest. Jack said that Christine Collins picked up some thermobaric grenades. She gave them to Nick.

Nick was supposed to deliver them to someone who would take it out of the country. Probably to Europe or Africa. Jack doesn’t have the complete picture because the CIA likes to compartmentalize everything.

That way no one knows everything. They also couldn’t be tortured into revealing everything. Someone knew those grenades were on Nick’s truck. They killed him to steal the items.

He then used one of them to kill Christine. She was killed in her car. The feds didn’t know how these people learned about the grenades, but Elise suggested starting with the weakest link. She thought someone that arranged for the grenades might have talked. They managed to track down the woman responsible. They found her dead in her shower.

The third victim’s name was Nicole Allen. She designed the grenades. She also became dissatisfied with her job. She didn’t like she was helping destabilize other governments.

She hated that became a part of American imperialism. She started making posts online. Secretly. She met someone there. She told them about the grenades and the route they would be taking. She was then killed once she served her purpose. The feds searched cameras outside of her apartment. They found out that Hakim Siran killed her.

Hakim was a wanted man. He was wanted for the murder of FBI Special Hobbs. Tiffany fell apart after that murder because she blamed herself for Hobbs dying and then she put him on a pedestal.

Tiffany knew Hobbs for a single day when he died. She soon forgot that part. She said he was a good friend. She basically pushed her way into the lives of Hobbs’s loved ones. They wanted to move on. Which they couldn’t do if Tiffany kept bringing up their loss. She went to therapy once the family threatened to take a restraining order out against her.

Tiffany was doing better now only that might change once she knew Hakim was back in the game. With Hakim being involved, they also knew the rest of the terrorist organization known as al-Shabaab was involved as well. They followed Hakim from Nicole’s apartment. They saw him get in the car with Abdi Bashir.

He was also Somalian. He came to the United States two years ago. He joined Hakim in terrorism and they’ve stolen some very interesting weapons. And that was besides the grenades.

The two men were able to shoot their way out of being detained by the feds. They escaped to a second location. The feds thought they followed them to a warehouse.

There was just one problem with going inside. They were worried it was boobytrapped like the last place. Maggie also decided to bench Tiffany. Tiffany was waiting outside when the feds breached the building. They killed one. They arrested a second person. Neither was Hakim or Bashir. Their sole prisoner also wasn’t giving up his friends. He said he wasn’t going to risk Hakim’s great work.

The missing men had left clues behind at the warehouse. They realized the men planned on targeting a political event. They were too late to stop the terrorist attack, but the feds caught up to Bashir and Hakim.

Tiffany had Hakim in her sight. He was unarmed. He raised his hands and they were empty when Tiffany killed him. She later claimed that Hakim had a gun. It was a lie that Maggie helped her with. Maggie later claimed she didn’t see the shooting when she did. And she saw him raise his hands.

Hakim had another gun in his waistband. They used that as justification for a good shoot. Tiffany was cleared of any wrongdoing and she later informed Hobbs’s family that the killer was dead. And they thanked her for breaking the news.


Kristine Francis:
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