FBI Premiere Recap 02/13/24: Season 6 Episode 1 “All the Rage”

FBI Premiere Recap 02/13/23: Season 6 Episode 1 "All the Rage"FBI Premiere Recap 02/13/23: Season 6 Episode 1 "All the Rage"

Tonight on CBS FBI  airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 13, 2024 season 6 episode 1, “All the Rage,” and we have your FBI recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 6 episode 1 called, “All the Rage,” as per the CBS synopsis,

“When a bus explosion kills several innocent people, the team jumps into action to take down the responsible terrorist organization. Meanwhile, Scola tries to balance fatherhood with the job, on the sixth season premiere.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI episode, a homeless man spotted an unattended bag on the floor. It was left on the ground at the bus station. This poor man was panhandling and down on his luck. He thought someone leaving a bag there was a sign he could take it, but all he did was bring a bomb onto the next bus.

The bomb went off less than a minute after this unnamed man grabbed it. Only bombs going off in New York City was an instant call to the FBI. Jubal was leading his team on this one. He had Maggie, OA, Tiffany and Scola go out to the scene. They canvased for witnesses. There was no survivors from the people on the bus. There were just people that got off the bus in time to be spared.

One woman claimed she saw a Middle Eastern man drop off a bag at the stop. She didn’t get a good look at his face. He was wearing a hoodie. She didn’t feel comfortable with explaining why she thought this man was Middle Eastern. Or at least not to OA. She just said which direction she saw him go in. The FBI checked surveillance cameras.

They saw a man wearing a hoodie leave in the direction the witness saw and it turns out to be a black man. Not Middle Eastern. The feds identified him with facial recognition. They got a warrant for his place and they went there to arrest him.

Whoever this man wasn’t innocent. He shot at the feds when they came to his place. He fled on foot and he even took a hostage. Maggie wanted to deescalate the situation.

She put away her own weapon down. She tried to talk their gunman down and Scola could see he wasn’t budging. His first concern was the hostage. He shot the suspect thereby killing him. It was a good shooting only they were left with no idea on what motivated Balin into leaving a bomb at a bus stop. They searched the house to see if there were any clues there. And they found a flag.

The flag was for a terror group known as Al-Shabaab. It was a group out of Somalia. Mostly comprised of Somalian Muslims. Balin was radicalized after his father died in the war over there and then the rest of his family were killed by Americans.

The Americans bombed a community center over there that they thought held terrorists. They instead killed thirty-six women and children. Balin became really bitter after that according to his wife. His wife also claimed that she noticed a shift in her husband once he started visiting a Somalian restaurant.

The FBI needed eyes in that restaurant. They couldn’t send the whole team because they would stick out. They sent Tiffany and they included Special Agent Hobbs. Hobbs was a little rusty with being in the field. Jubal tried to warn Tiffany about him, but it’s not like she could take her usual partner Scola into that scene. Scola waited outside in the listening van with Maggie and OA. They were all listening in when Hobbs went to the bathroom. Hobbs started up a conversation with a stranger. Just some friendly chit chat.

Then this stranger started questioning Hobbs. He grabbed Hobbs when Hobbs was walking away. This man saw that Hobbs had a gun on him. He quickly figured out that Hobbs was a cop. He shot Hobbs and Tiffany went in too late to catch the perp before he made a run for it. The man escaped through a window. Tiffany stayed with Hobbs until Hobbs died in her arms. Jubal warned her that Hobbs was rusty. She just didn’t think he was that rusty or else she would have kept a closer eye on him.

Tiffany blamed herself for what happened to Hobbs. She was out for blood. She wasn’t looking for the shooter to get intel on the terrorist attack. She was looking for him because she was hoping to kill him for what he did to Hobbs. Something she let slip to one of the waitresses she was questioning. She told this woman that this man deserved to die. She said it right in front of Scola and Scola didn’t call her out for it. He was too busy focusing on the manhunt. They identified their shooter as Hakim. No one knew him well at that restaurant.

The waitress claimed Hakim was a loudmouth. She said he was always bragging about the people he killed in the Somalian army. Other than that the waitress claimed not to know him well. This turned out to be a lie. They tracked Hakim’s movements from the restaurant. They pinged his phone to get them a location. They later found the phone had been tossed in the garbage and that Hakim was on the run. They used nearby cameras to find out that Hakim had gotten a ride from that location. He got a ride from the very same waitress that claimed not to know him well.

The same one that Tiffany said Hakim deserved to die to. Maybe if she hadn’t been so focused on revenge then she could have seen that statement spooked this woman. It spooked her into helping Hakim evade the FBI. Jubal and Isobel questioned their FBI liaison on Somalian affairs. They learned that the terrorist organization was against the Somalian government. They’ve been killing Somalian civilians to raise awareness for their cause. They’ve now begun killing Americans to highlight American involvement with the Somalian government.

The feds tracked the car. The car’s GPS was manually turned off. Someone turned it back on again. They followed the signal till they found the waitress and she refused to talk. Tiffany was going to beat the information out of her when her team pulled her away. They warned her to get her head right. They then tried questioning Cumar themselves. The right way. Only Cumar refused to talk. She said innocent people have been dying everyday because of American involvement overseas. She didn’t think it mattered if it was American blood now being spilled.

Cumar didn’t want to tell the feds anything, but they still realized something from her statement. They realized this terror group wasn’t done with setting bombs. They did their best to check high value targets and they found Hakim. He dropped the bomb trying to make a run for it. Scola and OA stayed with the bomb and the bomb task force. Tiffany as well as Maggie went after Hakim. They followed him into a fashion event. They couldn’t shoot because of all the people around. Not that Hakim let that stop him.

Hakim started shooting. He grabbed a hostage. He went up with the hostage and they were cornered in a room. The women were guns trained outside. They called in SWAT. They soon made entry only to find Hakim was no longer there. He used a back door to escape. Tiffany followed him. She got hit by a van. She got back up and continued chasing Hakim. And she unfortunately lost him in the crowd.

Tiffany wasn’t taking the news well. She blamed herself for Hobbs’s death. She blamed herself for Hakim getting away. She wasn’t doing well and Jubal wanted her to take a break. And Tiffany made sure to go to Hobbs’s impromptu memorial before she went home.


Kristine Francis:
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