General Hospital Friday, June 21 Recap: Terrified Violet Can’t Wake Finn Up – Jason Spies on Anna & Valentin

General Hospital Friday, June 21 Recap- Terrified Violet Can’t Wake Finn Up, Jason Spies on Anna & ValentinGeneral Hospital Friday, June 21 Recap- Terrified Violet Can’t Wake Finn Up, Jason Spies on Anna & Valentin

General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Friday, June 21, reveals that Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) played the audio file of Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) showing everyone who was boss at the five families’ meeting.

Sam explained how she acquired the FBI’s leverage over Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) with Damian Spinelli’s (Bradford Anderson) – though they couldn’t delete it.

Carly was shocked over the recording and had sympathy for the situation “poor Jason” was in, but Sam insisted the real victims were Jason’s kids and everyone else who believed he was deceased.

Sam had some blame for Carly too, but Carly eventually tried to direct Sam’s anger toward John “Jagger” Cates (Adam J. Harrington).

Once Sam got fed up over Carly and Jason always defending each other, she stomped out of Carly’s office.

At the coffee warehouse, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) pushed Jason to have a little more patience while she got the evidence during her date with Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart).

Once Jason was alone, John showed up and demanded to know what that conversation with Anna was about.

Since Jason didn’t record anything or score any Pikeman-related proof, John got riled up.

Jason tried to convince John that he was barking up the wrong tree with his suspicions regarding Anna.

Nevertheless, John once again threatened to arrest Carly if Jason didn’t come through on the evidence he was demanding.

Back in Carly’s office, John brought a bottle of something fancy to thank her for saving him after she found him beaten.

John also thanked Carly for not telling anyone and admitted he’d miss her once he left PC since his mission was wrapping up.

After John hinted about going after one more bad guy, he mentioned something about “this person” and left Carly wondering if it was actually a woman.

John teased Carly about trying to score information as she drank with him and hid her disdain.

At Valentin’s house, Anna searched his office while he was down in the wine cellar.

When Anna came up empty, she rummaged around the living room shelves next.

Valentin came back and asked if Anna found what she was looking for, but she just acted like she was admiring his collection of books.

Anna tried to get Valentin talking about Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure), but he wasn’t interested and wanted to focus on their dinner together.

After Anna and Valentin ate on the patio, she quizzed him about his business trips since he’d seemingly been traveling a lot.

Valentin acted like he didn’t want to get into boring ELQ details when they could talk about Anna’s fascinating PCPD cases instead, but she pointed out those were classified.

Anna started to leave since she had a big day tomorrow, but Valentin declared that he still loved her despite the broken trust between them.

Valentin acted like that love would never fade, so Anna confessed that she was still drawn to him.

Since Valentin didn’t want their evening together to end, Anna suggested maybe it didn’t have to. Valentin kissed Anna passionately as Jason watched them from outside the window.

At drunk Hamilton Finn’s (Michael Easton) apartment, he woke up disoriented and saw that he’d cut himself on some broken glass, which he pulled out of his hand. Finn downed more alcohol and poured some on his wound before passing out on the floor.

Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) insisted on going home instead of sleeping over with her friends since Finn needed her, so Maxie dropped her off.

Once Maxie returned home to Spinelli, she expressed concern over Violet feeling so responsible for Finn.

After the doorman brought her up on Friday’s GH episode, Violet entered the apartment and panicked when she couldn’t awaken Finn, especially since she saw blood.

Violet noticed there were some missed calls from Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) on Finn’s phone, so she called Tracy for help and feared her daddy was dead.

Tracy came over and got the paramedics to come over as well, but it was obvious to them that Finn was just passed out drunk.

Violet was confused and upset, but Tracy acted like Finn just needed some rest.

Since Violet didn’t need to be around Finn like this, Tracy took her over to Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) and Harrison Chase’s (Josh Swickard) place.

Tracy gave Chase updates on the latest Finn news while Violet was out of the room with Brook Lynn, so Chase wanted to go help her handle his brother.

However, Tracy pushed Chase to take Violet to the Quartermaine mansion instead and focus on being there for his niece.

There were things that Tracy needed to say that Chase couldn’t, so she felt she was the best person to deal with Finn.

At Finn’s apartment again, Traci snapped photos of him conked out in the chair with his hand bandaged up.

Traci also got pics of the booze bottle, broken glass and smeared blood before she used smelling salts on Finn.

Finn jolted awake and asked where Violet was, but Tracy said she wasn’t there and that she wasn’t coming back.

Meanwhile, Violet asked Chase to help her learn how to cook since maybe Finn would be less tired and sad if she helped out more.

Chase started to tell Violet that wasn’t her responsibility, but Brook Lynn stopped him.

Instead, Chase acted like he’d be happy to teach Violet to make something special and played up how he’d make French toast in the morning.

While Violet was out of the room, Brook Lynn reassured Chase about lying to Violet since they were really protecting her.

Moments later, Brook Lynn fibbed about getting Finn’s permission so that Violet would come stay at the Quartermaine mansion.

Over with Sam, she spoke to Spinelli alone about confronting Carly, who clearly had no idea that the incriminating recording existed until now.

Spinelli seemed worried about the possibility of Carly going to prison, but Sam acted like that’d never happen since Jason put her first.

General Hospital spoilers say Jason has some other tight spots ahead of him, so we’ll bring you predictions on all the dramatic dilemmas!

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Heather Hughes:
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